
Vlorn's page

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I need help finding the correct ruling on the following.

A BBEG casts Wail of the Banshee on a group of adventurers. One of the adventurers has sonic resist 30 and a Scarab of Protection. The spell does 200 points of damage.

Assuming the character fails the save, what would be the outcome?

1. The player does not even have to make a save because the Scarab of Protection would absorb the death spell and it would lose a charge.
2. The player would take 200 points of damage but then resist 30 because the spell is a sonic spell therefore the damage is sonic.
3. The player takes 200 points of damage because the Scarab would not protect them and the spell does not state the damage is specifically sonic.

Please let me know your logical thought process and the SRD text to back it up if possible.

In Ultimate Combat, page 248 - the spell Walk Through Space has no casting time. It does reference the move action needed subsequently to engage the spell. Does this mean it is a move action to cast?

It appears that the RAW for pathfinder leaves a hole in the determination of exact price for magic items with multiple abilities when the item is a body slot item.

Example: If someone was making a ring that possessed invisibility, featherfall, and mind shield, what would be the cost?

Option 1: Featherfall X 100% + Invisibility X 150% + Mind Shield X 150%
Option 2: Invisibility X 100% + Featherfall X 150% + Mind Shield X 150%
Option 3: Mind Shield X 100% + Featherfall X 150% + Invisibility X 150%

This assumes all the pre-reqs are present.

The challenge I come across is that RAW makes it appear that the chronilogical order of how abilities were added are the adjudication for cost/price.

In theory this means that you could have three of the same item sitting side by side and the cost/price for all three would be different.

Has everyone been playing with the chronological pricing or has anyone found support for instituting a value based heiracrchy such as exists when crafting staves?


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So if a Gargantuan Silver Dragon uses their change shape ability and takes the form (via change shape~polymorph~alter self) of a medium humanoid - how does it affect their natural armor class? ability scores? etc?

I can see there being changes due to the size in CMD/CMB and some natural armor, etc - but can a medium humanoid shape retain the majority of the statistics and natural armor?

Thanks in advance for your insight.


Apparently Gygax was big on allowing his players to run solo adventures and still run with the group even though the levels were not close due to this. Have any of you out there done solo and group? How did you handle the level desparity? Any thoughts on implementing it?


Death in Pathfinder is going to happen at some point. How does your group handle it? Is there a penalty when someone dies (i.e. coming back with a new character a few levels lower)?

As a piggy-back question - how do you handle when a character is tired of their character and wants to try out another toon? How do allow for flexibility yet not have a revolving door of characters in your game/story?

Thank you in advance for your thoughts...


A player in our game last night utilized the Acrobatics skill to avoid an attack of opportunity by tumbling through threatedned squares and then made the arguement that it could be done as part of a run full round action - counting the tubling squares only as two squares of movement.

There were no other circumstances that would have prevented the full round Run action, excepting this.

Can anyone weigh in with your thoughts on both the RAW and the spirit of the rules?
