Vlorn |
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I need help finding the correct ruling on the following.
A BBEG casts Wail of the Banshee on a group of adventurers. One of the adventurers has sonic resist 30 and a Scarab of Protection. The spell does 200 points of damage.
Assuming the character fails the save, what would be the outcome?
1. The player does not even have to make a save because the Scarab of Protection would absorb the death spell and it would lose a charge.
2. The player would take 200 points of damage but then resist 30 because the spell is a sonic spell therefore the damage is sonic.
3. The player takes 200 points of damage because the Scarab would not protect them and the spell does not state the damage is specifically sonic.
Please let me know your logical thought process and the SRD text to back it up if possible.