
Vlorn's page

21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Thank you for the reply.

I am assuming that because the spell has "Death" in the spell sub-type it is considered a "Death Effect"?

Also, if you could oblige - is the damage untyped, sonic, or sonic/death for the purposes of Resist/protection?

Thank you for your response!

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I need help finding the correct ruling on the following.

A BBEG casts Wail of the Banshee on a group of adventurers. One of the adventurers has sonic resist 30 and a Scarab of Protection. The spell does 200 points of damage.

Assuming the character fails the save, what would be the outcome?

1. The player does not even have to make a save because the Scarab of Protection would absorb the death spell and it would lose a charge.
2. The player would take 200 points of damage but then resist 30 because the spell is a sonic spell therefore the damage is sonic.
3. The player takes 200 points of damage because the Scarab would not protect them and the spell does not state the damage is specifically sonic.

Please let me know your logical thought process and the SRD text to back it up if possible.

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Apologies for anyone offended by the 'entitled'. I actually didn't intend at all for that to be likened to casual gamers. I was speaking more to the difficulty for difficulty's sake vs difficulty = rewarding more than anything.

Rather than the casual vs. hardcore axis I was speaking to the responses of gamers to MMOs. If you look at any MMO forum there are the entitled posters and the posters who want to achieve a competitive game without throwing away the challenge or balance. You can see this at many PnP games as well.

I actually think you can be a casual gamer and be competitive or hardcore and feel entitled. They are not mutually exclusive in any sort of stereotypical manner.

As for the integration of the game to support casual and hardcore gamers, I fully agree with Scott Betts that the success of PFO will somewhat lie in it's strategy in how it intends and is capable of catering to both.

In reality PFO will play the PnP role of DM/GM and have the responsibility of providing an entertaining experience for the players across varying customer segments, time availability, skill sets, and backgrounds. They cannot possibly cater to the Hello Kitty MMO crowd and the original EQ/UO pvp loot dead gear off players crowd with equal fanfare - but there is a healthy middle in between. Like Berik said - you can bring something to the table for a wide group of people. I know as my wife and I had children our time schedules and obligations changed our playing habits - the games that were able to be flexible and provide fun across the hardcore/casual axis are still in our arsenal.

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Anything you have to earn is generally more valuable to you once you overcome/achieve.

This is true of PnP, RL, and MMOs. The challenge with theme parks are that once you taken the ride, eaten your cotten candy, and sipped the cool aid, there is naught to challenge you until the next expansion.

Environments more dynamic and persistent create greater challenges, unknowns, and consequences/rewards for actions. In that regard I look forward to the sandbox.

@night in PFO - If you can create the fear that running through Kithicor at night was in EQ - you got my vote!

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So if a Gargantuan Silver Dragon uses their change shape ability and takes the form (via change shape~polymorph~alter self) of a medium humanoid - how does it affect their natural armor class? ability scores? etc?

I can see there being changes due to the size in CMD/CMB and some natural armor, etc - but can a medium humanoid shape retain the majority of the statistics and natural armor?

Thanks in advance for your insight.


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The time to upgrade would still need to be done over the course of one day per $1,000 Gold Pieces in the base price of the upgrade - but would not have to include the base price of the item before the upgrade.