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like... using summon monster 1 to summon a cat so that i can shave it for its "pinch of cat fur" to cast cats grace
or summoning demons and then slaying them for their blood, hearts, claws, etc ![]()
Bloodmage Initiate
Prerequisite: Spell Focus (any school). Benefit: You learn the basics of the ancient art of hemotheurgy. Pick one school of magic in which you possess the Spell Focus feat—you cast spells from this school of magic at +1 caster level. This bonus stacks with the bonus from Spell Focus. Unfortunately, the side effects cause you to be constantly under the effects of a medium load—your maximum bonus to AC from Dexterity is +3, you gain an armor check penalty of –3, and your speed decreases as appropriate (generally from 30 feet to 20 feet for a Medium creature). -------------------------------------------
The penalty for being encumbered has NOTHING to do with wearing armor so the 2 things are unrelated. As the charisma bonus thing ONLY applies to armor and not encumbrance and the dex penalty to encumbrance has nothing to do with my ARMOR's max dex bonus.
I understand that Paizo cant plan for every possible contingency where minmaxing is concerned but I dont imagine this was intended. Or maybe they do intend that when there are serious penalties involved that they leave a way to mitigate some of them with a little work? (like the wanderlust trait mitigating the lame curse) <shrug> either way- its what i love about this game. there is always a way out (or is there?) ![]()
There is a barbarian rogue in PFS who has questioned several GMs in Society and has gotten mixed answers about this. The rules don't say he can't. Some GMs say yes, others say No. The argument against is that it requires clarity of thought to perform precision damage.
The following is copied from the "Rage" section on the Barbarian page on Paizo's PRD:
While in rage, a barbarian gains a +4 morale bonus to her Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase to Constitution grants the barbarian 2 hit points per Hit Dice, but these disappear when the rage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. While in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration. A barbarian can end her rage as a free action and is fatigued after rage for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the rage. A barbarian cannot enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter rage multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If a barbarian falls unconscious, her rage immediately ends, placing her in peril of death." --- The following is copied from the "Sneak Attack" section on the Rogue page on Paizo's PRD:
The rogue's attack deals extra damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every two rogue levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap, whip, or an unarmed strike), a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty. The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment. ![]()
Somewhere I remember (at least in 3.x) that there were rules for making alignment "checks" when a character performed either a majorly evil act or enough small infractions to sufficiently annoy the GM. I think it was a will save or something? Or in some cases- the character's deity visiting them in a dream and "testing them". And each time you were asked to roll for alignment check, you were given and ever increasing penalty until you failed. Can anyone tell me where I can find the rules for "alignment checks"? I've googled around for about an hour and all I can find is the stupid trivia quiz. ![]()
So, it would seem that Paizo has not bothered to convert/reprint anything along the lines of the Necromancer prestige class. (On that note, they didnt reprint very much of anything outside the prestige classes in the 3.5 DMG) I had hoped to find the old "True Necromancer" somewhere among Paizo content, without having to convert something from 3.5 (or worse, from 3.0)
I want to play a wizard that can replace all energy-based spells with either positive or negative energy. Ye olde popular examples: Holy fireball, or Black Magic missile ![]()
Ok, I was reading the Gamemastery guide and I found the section about Drugs and addictions...- so before anyone jumps down my throat about "no crafting" in organized play, I just want people to remember Alchemists and Gunslingers.
So my question becomes- Are drugs an "always available" item?
Can we have access to discounted drugs with a successful craft alchemy check? Is there some type of archetype or class, or feat maybe that would allow such a thing? Can I have Profession: drug dealer?
Is there a list somewhere about what ingredients are needed for a given drug? (I remember when poisons and potions had an ingredient list- so that when you killed certain creatures or explored dangerous regions you could gather rare ingredients) ![]()
I'm sure most of you havent heard of the "Pathfinder Conflict" rulebook, so after you look it up- I would like for the gamer community to consider the following. I would to see something like this- maybe starting off casual but working up to big events with prizes and such. They published a really cool idea and gave it little to no "fanfare". Since its not pfs legal and it has no place in a campaign setting- they practically doomed it to fail right out the gate. So, I'm thinking that in an effort to breathe some life into it and give it some relevance, (also giving anyone who purchased it, a chance to USE it)- We should hold some friendly tournaments, with special character building rules that would be designed to keep things fair and ensure that the PVP battles are relatively quick. (depending on the format used...) You know the standards- 2v2, 3v3, 5v5- Capture the <item>, Sabotage the other group's <something or other>, Control the base(s), incapacitate the other team, etc... And instead of gaining xp the PFS method (3xp= level)- You would gain XP the normal way (on the normal xp track) except- the way its awarded would be handled slightly differently. It would be objective based- like each player would get XP based on their personal performance, as well as a Team Bonus if they won the match with all players standing. Maybe the Team Bonus would vary based on coop performance- like if someone got incapped, and later revived or if a player sacrificed themselves to ensure the rest of their team to victory... Or if the team worked so well together that they earned a flawless victory?
I really wanna see this take off and I would like a reason to buy this product. At the very least it would be nice to start a club that meets every week (or even once a month) just to beat the snot out of each other and test out our bad-ashery. ![]()
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advanced/spells/weaponOfAwe.html#_weapon -of-awe Specifically this: "You can't cast this spell on a natural weapon, but you can cast it on an unarmed strike." By definition, your fists are a natural weapon. (There are various places in the book that specifically say this) So- its like they are saying you can't cast it on you fists but you can cast it on any attack roll you make- which makes this all very nebulous. I know they were trying very hard to go out of their way to exclude things like claws and bites and so on.... but in trying to do so- they succesfully created a paradox in which the spell's rules text contradicts itself. They didnt want to allow non-druids the use of "magic fang"- but SERIOUSLY PAIZO? Just remove the ability to use this with unarmed attacks and/or make a level 3 version of this spell which DOES allow natural attacks. -or change it to a range of personal and allow natural weapons. ![]()
Looking at the formulae its still overly confusing to try to figure out how much something will cost. I want to make something like an amulet of darkness. I have darkvision and I'm not a spellcaster but I want to be able to make it dark at will so that I can get the jump on people. So Either cast darkness/permanency on something or get a "use activated" object.
What gives? Hasn't someone developed a program for auto-calculating magic item costs? (at least for the spell-trigger ones) BTW- how much would it cost for an item that gives me the ability to make darkness anytime anywhere? Not a wand or any other charged item please, I plan to use it ALOT. Altho, I probly could step it down to
"1.Only items, feats, boons, or abilities found on the Chronicle sheet are legal for play.
Question 1) Do you get PP and XP on these chronicles? Do you get gold?
Question 2) According to item 4 at the top- Do you really apply the PF Tales chronicle to ALL your characters? Including any xp, pp, or gold that you might earn? (See previous question) Question 3) If you are bringing in a Physical Book, what's to stop someone from going down to the local library, checking it out and bringing it to game? Or several players each buying a different Tale and then trading books each session until they all have a chronicle for all the books bought? Even tho the PDFs have to have your name in the watermark, players arent required to have proof of purchase for the physical books.
As a matter of fact, If you do decide to go in with your friends to split the cost of buying books, I would recommend buying the books used to begin with if your local library doesnt have them. I also recommend donating them to your local library once you are done with them so that other people can enjoy them. ![]()
Since I wasnt able to put my 2 cents in to that other thread-(before it was locked due to a few bad apples spoiling it for everyone else)
1) Playing your character as normal, you gain player credit as normal. 2) Playing a pregen to make a legal table; when your presence would bring the table to 4 players (or 3 with GM pregen). You may apply this credit to a new level 1 character. I understand the need to create GM incentive, (you have the GM star program thing as well) but there also needs to be incentive for players who would be otherwise wasting their time, to help the other pathfinders fill a table.
What's worse is when you actually have NOT played the scenario but you're FORCED to take the credit anyway.
I petition Paizo staff to allow GMs some latitude when it comes to NPC TACTICS in PFS Scenarios. Many of them are poorly written and far too deadly for Tier 1-2. I have suggested to GMs that they could simply "choose not to use their abilities" and they replied that, "they would like to- but they cant". So, after doing some research, I present the following arguments.- The Guide to Organized Play reads as follows: "As a Pathfinder Society GM, you have the right and responsibility to make whatever calls you feel are necessary at your table to ensure that everyone has a fair and fun experience. This does not mean you can contradict rules or restrictions outlined in this document, a published Pathfinder Roleplaying Game source, errata document, or official FAQ on paizo.com, but only you can judge what is right at your table for cases not covered in these sources. Scenarios are to be run as written, with no addition or subtraction to number of monsters, or changes to stats, feats, spells, skills or any other mechanics of the scenario. GMs may use other Pathfinder RPG sources to add flavor to the scenario, but may not change the mechanics of encounters. " This statement: "As a Pathfinder Society GM, you have the right and responsibility to make whatever calls you feel are necessary at your table to ensure that everyone has a fair and fun experience." Conflicts with this statement: "Scenarios are to be run as written, with no addition or subtraction to number of monsters, or changes to stats, feats, spells, skills or any other mechanics of the scenario. GMs may use other Pathfinder RPG sources to add flavor to the scenario, but may not change the mechanics of encounters." The above statement also conflicts with this statement: "While we do not advocate fudging die rolls, consider the experience of the player when deciding whether to use especially lethal tactics or if a character is in extreme danger of death, especially when such a player is new to the game." My primary argument is; If a GM feels it is necessary to change an NPC's tactics to avoid TPK, shouldn't he have the RIGHT to do so? You'd think so, but currently, he must play it as written. However, some GMs are doing it anyway- going off script because a player was really creative and got amazing rolls. My personal examples:
I have seen way too often, players die to poorly written scenarios with incredibly deadly tactics at Tier 1. Like for example:
I petition that all future scenarios be written with no tactics or if NPC tactics are to be provided, that they are listed as "Suggested, or Recommended" Tactics. And that the "Guide to Organized Play" be rewritten or errata'ed to CLEARLY state that "In potentially dire situations, the GM may choose to disregard the "Tactics" section of a combat encounter." This does not change the creature's stats, mechanics, or abilities in any way. This simply allows the GM to decide that the NPC chooses not to use them. Alternately, a GM can justify not using a given tactic by saying, "The NPC has already used their spells or class powers earlier that day." By not providing an allowance for GMs to adjust scenarios, you practically ARE advocating die fudging, because thats all they're left with. Furthermore, I'm not convinced that not all of the published scenarios have been play-tested. I believe that Paizo leaves the responsibility of play-testing, to the people who wrote and submitted them. The editors can only guess at an encounter's power level and set the CR based on numbers and his own assumptions. I dont think Paizo staff play test any of the user submitted stuff, and I dont think they have time too. Therefore, I also petition that there be a peer review of user submitted scenarios BEFORE they are published and become legal. And offer a reward for doing so.
I wanna start by saying- please dont ask about the campaign or why I'm taking monster feats; Because its a long story and its complicated. I dont wanna go into it and its really besides the point. First- Multiattack Prerequisite: Three or more natural attacks.
I'm playing a quadruped with a whip-tail, and a horn. I could theoretically have a bite attack as well (i have a mouth with teeth)
[Example 1] If my BaB is +1, can I claw/claw/bite/tail slap? Or do I only pick 2? If I choose claw/claw- since both are primary attacks, do both get full attack bonus? Or is every attack after the first one considered a secondary no matter what? [Example 2] If my BaB is +6/+1 and I have multiattack... does my full attack look more like... +6/+4/+2 ? Finally- Since I'm a quadruped with a horn...how do I gain "Powerful Charge [ex]"? (yes its based on a unicorn- but stated differently) Do I simply throw myself on the mercy of the GM? I guess there isnt really a formula from Paizo for homebrew creatures that I could reference... ![]()
Is it possible? If you gain a bonded mount as a class feature, if it says that a small character may have a wolf at 1st lvl (dangerous animal, wild and harder to train than a dog in my opinion) Might a small character instead have a lion or tiger? There are people that rear such creatures to be domesticated... Even if I have to start with levels in druid just for the purpose of having a tiger as my animal companion at first level- I can train it to bear a rider cant i? So, it stands to reason I can have it as a bonded mount. As they say- I need a "blue" to answer this. Can I have a tiger mount? ![]()
It doesnt say in the description of the spell storing ability that "it must be a melee weapon" but spell storing doesnt appear in the list of abilities for ranged weapons (table 15-10).
Pvp or not pvp- that is the question... On the subject of Rod of Wonder... I know that pvp isnt allowed (and I wouldnt want to hurt my comrades) but- it IS a RANDOM effect, and SOMETIMES the effect is beneficial...soooo,
+2 belt of str (or dex or con) 4k
if I'm gonna pay the extra cash on putting multiple stats in one item, id rather be able to choose from all of them-
Also, is there like, a hat that does the same thing for social stats?
In organized play, say you buy a rod of wonder and your roll gets the "shoots forth many gems 1gp each" or you have a robe of useful items and you pull out a masterwork dagger or something... Do you add the money from the gems to your chonicle? do you add the dagger to your equipment? Technically- these things were already earned/paid for by virtue of the items expense... Or does the number of patches on your robe get replenished (i.e. the dagger "turns back into a patch" at the end of the scenario) and...well, in the case of the gems from your rod- you can used them to pay for things until the end of the scenario? (bribes, temple donations, Ale and Wenches...etc) -BTW, Should I assume that GMs arent allowed to use the "fun" random "Rod of Wonder" charts? (dangerous derv and so on...) Or does Organized Play offer a little flexibility in the "Wild Magic"/Random Effect dept? :P ![]()
I'm gonna start by posting this as a reminder that the only automatic hit is a natural 20.
Someone rolled a Nat 19 on the die and thought that a crit threat would hit despite the fact that the person they were attacking had an AC of 25; (their total to hit was a 22) So, they were pretty upset when I explained to them that they still had to HIT FIRST in order to be a threat. I then explained that the only way they could hit (since their bonus wasnt high enough)was with a natural 20.
I just didnt make a big deal out it at the time because I didnt want to hold up the game because the chances of him rolling a 20 to confirm crit was negligible. (btw he didnt roll a 20) I didnt know if it was in the book anywhere that I could show him, "hey thats not how it works" So, I would appreciate it if I could get some people (hopefully a mod) to verify this for me? So we can avoid confusion next time. Thanks ![]()
Kensai a magus archetype from ultimate combat, multiclassed with a monk so that I can add my INT to AC as well as dex+wis. What do you think? It should be legal for PFS Organized Play...right?
I can be the untouchable combat god of touch spells! ![]()
Are we not allowed to use the Diplomacy skill to get partial payment up front? Or at least convince the NPCs to loan us mundane things like climbing gear, or horses? Or even to pay for food and lodging while we are in town. I can understand that for balance reasons, that we cant use diplomacy to increase the max amount of gold allowed per the adventure- but sometimes, especially when you only have 4 people at a table meant for 6, that extra healing potion at the beginning of an adventure can mean the difference between life and character death! So, we negotiate for a small advance to buy that healing potion. Or, say you pool all the resources of the entire party and are still 20gold shy of affording that +1 sword for your fighter. In cases like this- a little diplomacy can make a big difference. So for RULES reasons, you cant get the shopkeep to give you a discount, BUT you COULD get him to agree to let you borrow the sword and leaving the gold as a deposit? (redistributing the gold back to the players at the end of the adventure) Just thinking/ hoping we could get some leniency on this? I'm kinda tempted to cross-post this to the suggestions board... ![]()
I would really appreciate some form of authority to clarify this for me, so that I have something to point to in the future when this comes up again. At a Pathfinder Society Game I was in not to long ago, one of my fellow players interrupted my turn with a (unwarranted and unwanted) question that held up the game for more than half hour. If you are performing the Spellstrike ability in melee- Does it provoke an attack of opportunity?
Since (A) punching someone (without the "improve unarmed" feat) DOES provoke an attack of opportunity. (Just as touching would-) And(B) Weapon attacks do NOT provoke A.O.O. Thus by the wording of the Spellstrike ability- you replace the free melee touch attack (A) with a free weapon attack (B) to deliver the spell. This other player who chimed in with this conundrum- claims that because you still have to actually cast the spell- that it SHOULD be subject to an attack of opportunity. While I disagree because the "casting" is more of a channeling really...and it is being incorporated into your attack action- so unless the swinging of your sword somehow provokes an A.O.O.....
Thankyou for any relevant input I can get on this. ![]()
Ok, as we all know there are tons of spells out there that target good/evil or law/chaos.
Doesnt there exist any spells that are specifically directed at the Neutral axis? Like the with (x) effect (whether bad or good) to creatures with Neutral on either side of the axis (Neutral/% or %/Neutral) and double effect on Neutral/Neutral creatures. With no effect on LG,CG, LE, or CE creatures. I can see farmers contracting casters to design such spells (like protection from Neutral) with the original intent being to keep out predators and vermin. (since all animals are N/N by default) With other applications of keeping away lesser undead and such. Or hunting traps (smite neutral?) to catch a bear or something and you dont wanna risk kids playing in the woods and being injured on a traditional bear trap. Or even like those magic weapons with alignment enchants...
How about a Neutral aligned magic weapon? Bestowing 1 negative level for NG, NE, LN, CN, and 3 neg levels for characters with no Neutral axis. ![]()
I dont know if there is a suggestion forum on here, so I'm sorry in advance. I notice alot of people don't put an email address (or any contact info) on their profiles on here. I can understand the reasons- which is why I vote that Paizo's web devs implement a PM(private message) system- so that we can contact other players without giving away sensitive info. Many other sites (with message boards and the like) have this ability- and it is incredibly useful. That way I dont have to reply to a board with off-topic comments in an attempt to get in touch with other local users. Everybody please sign my petition if you agree.
About Crushna ChandimuttheeFeat: Weapon Finesse Infusion: Kinetic Blade (1 Burn) Combat:
Equipment: Kineticist kit, ioun torch Traits:
Chandimutthee = Silver Fist |