Vipersfang's page

63 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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A major for Ash oracle states that you and nearby creatures collapse into dust when they get to 0 hit points.

My player asked does this apply to allies and they wouldn't get a death saving throw... I said no because it says creatures.

But then he pointed out most area affect spells says creatures which also includes heal..

So using the same definition of creatures other players can't be Healed because it says creatures...

I'm running a huge campaign that should take players are already level 10.

Is there any alternative rules in place what happens after a character reaches 20?

Any advice? How can players still advance at level 20? Any form of prestige levels?

my players are trekking up a mountain i need scenario ideas.. conflicts? dangers? or anything else that might harm, injure or otherwise make it a dangerous or interesting... anything you can add?

I'm at work so i don't have access to my books but can you tell me the creature that deals with correcting the timeliness...

I'm planning my adventure ( I know I should be working )

All I remember is it was silver..

This magical device costs one action to swap positions with someone wearing another herd mask. It says once per day activation.but are sold in multiple masks...

My question is .... is it one activation per mask so with two masks it can be done twice.⁰

Which AP's have the best or at least most interesting skill challenges?

My players are asking for a four week mini campaign. So tasks/adventures utilising various skills and scenarios. To be clear its a competition mini campaign they want.

Any short or long lasting puzzles or ideas welcome. Thank-you in advance.

The skill in question is tremor. The spell tremor says 2d8 or 2d10. It says "or" so which one is it or both??

Speaking of Pathbuilder... I looked for the settings but couldn't find do you turn off automatic updates?

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With the remaster imminent...whats the chance of free PDF update so we don't have to double dip to buy a new rule book.

If a Eidolon dies does the summoner lose HP?

I have a spark of a idea for a adventure... the players get hired to be adventurers but the hirer needs to test if they are ingenious enough to be a adventurer so he appears to be murdered but its a ploy to test their investigating skills

so my question is this is there a spell/potion in the books that give the appearance of death or poison?

also any other ideas you the community can come up with to help with spark of a idea?

Does ghis apply to the swarm creatures like The Swarm

can you verify something to make sure i got it right?

if a single attack is aimed at a swarm it is immune to that attack?

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has anyone got access to a homebrewed calender... yes i can try to make one my self of the days and months but if someone knows of a resource for me just to print it wouold be easier.

I`m about to start my first campaign and the pilot of the group wants to be in debt for his ship. is there a easy way to work out prices? the rulebook doesn`t have any or i can`t find them.

and yes i know you can build one but thats not the way he wants to go!

Thanks for all the input. The only reason i asked is because the Pathbuilder app sllows it. Initially i would of said no because he's undead....but i really like the idea of the soul...

If a skeleton player wants to become a Lich at level 12 can he? The Lich dedication says he has to a living creature but skeleton by definition is undead.

I`m getting a urge to write a underwater adventure but i need some advice.

1. what unique creatures would you recommend for 4 level 6 characters?

2. what plot could i use?

I have a player who is fleshwarped so he as tentacles for arms...

he wants to use Automatic writing but use mage hand to hold a pencil because he has no hands to hold it...

would this work with RAW?

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I`m planning ( hopefully ) of doing a Cthulhu inspired storyline...

1. any thoughts on plots/monsters

2. any help with sanity rules

3. how to give the players of feeling of dread!

I`m planning ( hopefully ) of doing a Cthulhu inspired storyline...

1. any thoughts on plots/monsters

2. any help with sanity rules

3. how to give the players of feeling of dread!

One of my players has asked if this is a thing?

is it? he wants it like assassins creeds writs blade!

Thanks. It's gave me a lot to mull over...

In my campaign its leading to a huge fight with the PC's in a castle. I need advice how to run a seige in a castle environment. I want it to run over a few adventures. Each last 4 hours.

Can demesne in layman's terms explain how good damage and evel damage works?

In my campaign I have a eclipse that lasts 3 days... but I need creatures that are susceptible to daylight... I have Vampires for 1 day but I need some different night creatures...ideas?

What it was my players came across a Hippogruff egg. They want to hatch it to try to ride.

One of my players has the spell Curse Of Lost Time to try to speed the hatchingnup. But if its a object ( which I said it might be for rules interaction ) it takes damage.

Does a Hippogruff count has a object or Living creature? For the purpose of a spell...

Does a Hippogruff count has a object or Living creature? For the purpose of a spell...

To be clear my player is level 8. And the statblock for Hippogriffs say they can be rode ( im at work so can't check fully ) but it's by a certain army I believe.

1. A player has a drake famiar. How do you deal with micromanaging it. Like feeding or more importantly lack of feedingnit?

2. A different player wants a Hippogruff mount.
Would you allow it? What restrictions or prerequisits would you apply?

Yeah it's earthfall.. my mistake.

What's the ruling on runes? Are you only allowed them at your level or can you get a higher level runes?

Has anyone set a game during starfall , whether it's through time travel or another way?

How did you portray it? Or how would you portray it ?

I'm running a game for 4 6 level players. I'm looking for monsters with unique abilities or unique monsters...

If you use a improvised weapon to pick up a stool in a fight. Does it use a interact action?

Bane and reach are the ones I'm thinking of...

If you use meta magic with a sustained spell..does the sustained spell keeps the meta magic ability?

When this is cast as a reaction it says "dispersed into air until end of current turn" - does this mean after a round or after a enemy triggered the reaction?

Any idea how magic weapon spell on a sling would interact with magic stones spell....

Thanks...oh and I never thought of quicksand..I've been wanting to use when I thought my players were going through The Sodden Lands but they chose a different path.

Thanks. What book and page is the wellspring archetype page is on?

My player are passing through this region...any idea how to portray it?

Thankyou. This has gave me loads to mull over and incorporate into my adventure.

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Also the players know its a battle they can't win.

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The cities guards and army are vastly outnumbered.

Any sort of incidents and mini senerios are welcome.

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I'm planning on running a city under seige adventure. Any ideas or tips?

There is a sewer they could escape. But one of my players is a champion. He may want to save as many people as possible
Any ideas welcome.

The Anadi arnt flat footed when climbing.. but they don't have a climb speed?? A spider that can't climb? Is that right?

I'm planning this weeks adventure and I'm using Urdefhan.bestiary 2 page 272. And they have weakness 5. I know what that does but in the stat block it doesn't have what it's a weakness to.