
Vindex Craxos's page

151 posts. Organized Play character for 7thGate.

Full Name

Vindex Craxos


Male | Human (Chelaxian) | Fighter 1/ URogue (Thug) 1 | HP 17/17 | Movement: 20 ft | AC 18, FF 16, T 12 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | Init +4 | F +4, R +5, W +2

Strength 18
Dexterity 15
Constitution 12
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 12
Charisma 7

About Vindex Craxos

Character Sheet
Inventory Tracking Sheet

Vindex was the great-grandson of a Chelaxian nobleman who fled the country during the Chelaxian civil war. His great-grandfather fled as far as he could go, taking work as a caravan guard and eventually ending up in the Tien city of Goka, where Vindex's grandfather, father and then Vindex grew up.

Vindex had a hard childhood, with his father and his grandfather dying when he was young. He had some trouble fitting in, with his distinctively foreign Chelaxian features, and had few friends as a boy, frequently suffering from the bullying of his peers. He pushed himself, training with his Grandfather's Naginata, working odd jobs to stay alive while he dreamed of no longer being at the bottom of society. Eventually, one of his odd jobs caught the attention of a member of the Pathfinder Society, and he was admitted on a field commission.

Vindex is a bit of a taciturn loner. He joined the Pathfinder Society to improve his own wealth and give him access to the tutors and opportunities necessary to advance his personal power. While he is willing to uphold the ideals of the society and work with his fellow pathfinders, his focus on excellence drives more from the rewards associated with success and a burning desire for perfection in all endeavors than a true love of scholarship and historical treasures.

Vindex is tall and strong, well muscled and clean shaven with closely cropped black hair. He is not terribly handsome, with his face most often bent into a gloomy frown as his piercing blue eyes stare with uncomfortable intensity at anyone talking to him.

Bot Me!:
Vindex will try to trip any small or medium sized biped who provokes an attack of opportunity from him. Otherwise, he will power attack something with his Naginata.

Trip (If Vindex power attacked last round):
[dice=Trip, Power Attack]1d20+8-1[/dice]


Attack, Power Attack
[dice=Attack, Power Attack]1d20+6-1[/dice]