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Hope it's OK to post this here, but as I felt that the adventure was a bit thin (two nearly back-to-back fights with little to flesh it out), I added a couple of elements. If anyone is interested I'll put them below (contains spoilers).

A - Intro - I opened the adventure with a blurb about a druid, living in the Verduran forest, who finds her pumpkin patch overrun by otherworldly flora, as one of the first witnesses to the effects of the portal. I also had the players write a little blurb about where in the world they were when getting Stella's message (I figured she'd reach them out in the world).

B - Band of botanists - The adventure tells of a campsite abandoned by botanists after the jinkin invasion, never to be heard from again. Of course, if the jinkins are trackable, so are they. I enabled my players to find this band of botanists, interact with them, and get their notes and a device pointing out the direction of the portal. If they hadn't tracked them, they could have emerged, wandering, from the brush if D had proven to difficult. The botanists have to be calmed and persuaded, but eventually just want to get home and ask directions from the Leshies.

C - Druid from the intro - After the first fight, making their way to the portal, they reach the druid from the intro's little shack with its garden patch, bordering on a swamp. Looking out over the swamp, the PCs can see magically dancing fireflies that try to Fascinate them and lure them into the swamp. The druid asks for help fixing her garden (Popcorn can win a HP by finding edibles).

D - Overgrown ruins - The portal is found in the middle of an overgrown settlement. The overgrowth is old, but now also interspersed with otherworldly flora. There's a couple of harmless plants, but there's ferns the react to sound, shooting out spores that confuse, and prickly brambles that grow back two strands when cut (fire solves this). They can find hints on how to deal with this in the notes they get from B.

So, some more play, interaction, checks, and puzzle solving is required. In total this brought the adventure up to about the same playtime as the first part. Feel free to use any of these ideas.

Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Vincent,

Charles is correct. The Pawn Boxes include bases, but the smaller pawn sets are just the pawns and do not include bases.

However Rise of the Runelords is not a Pawn Box it is a smaller set.


I was considering getting a base set, but I'm prepping my third session at the moment and neither Daktani, the nor Freedom Town Assassins nor the Gelatinous Cube are in the set. I'm both frustrated and dissappointed right now.

Since I'm a casual/beginning player I don't have stores of pawnbases lying around and when I purchase my first "pawn collection" I expect to receive actual pawns.
I still need to know whether a single pawn-base-set will suffice for my campaign or whether I'll need multiple sets, in which case I'd consider returning the whole lot.


Me and some friends started the adventure path Giantslayers some weeks ago. We're using mainly PDFs but since we're having fun I wanted something tangible and decided to purchase the Giantslayer Pawn Collection. It arrived a couple of days ago but when I opened up the package I find that what I ordered weren't so much pawns as cardboard-cut-outs-with-which-one-could-potentially-make pawns - but for now I've purchased something I can't properly use.
I'm mildly upset to find out that the bases have to be bought seperately - which is going to amount to twice the shipping costs to the Netherlands, too. Moreover, the standard set on offer is one of 17 bases, but no specifications on whether these will sufice for my campaign - I don't yet know if I'll ever need 3 huge bases, or 10+ small ones in a combat. Additionally, I suppose I'll have to keep taking "pawns" in and out of the bases. Will they be damaged or can I switch and swap easily without marring the cardboard?
I'm looking for answers to these queries so I can make an informed decision about my next purchase.
Thank you,