Vika's page

No posts. Organized Play character for User69.

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I would like to cancel my Subscription to Pathfinder Adventure Path.

Thank you

In the Major Staff of Transmutation statistics on page 595, the 5th level spell Humanoid Transformation is mentioned but this spell is not present in the Core Rulebook. Could it be Elemental Form or what?


could you change my sidecart by deleting the last volume of Tyrant's Grasp and start my subscription with the first volume of Age of Ashes?
It seems that something has gone wrong while filling the order.

Thank you

Page 60.
The bard House of Imaginary Walls 10th level feat has no traits, is it correct or at least it has the bard trait?

After shipping the order number 4215844, I would like to cancel my Adventure Path subscription.

Thank you

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It appears that on the map there is a planet whose shape looks like that of Star Trek Attack Wing.

as per your request I proceeded to change the method of payment, but the order is still in pending status.
Can you verify the situation please?

please cancel my Adventure Path subscription.

Time to move on Italian language

Thank you