
Victor Rivilon's page

300 posts. Alias of Wolfgang Rolf.


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That works for me. We could have Victor disappear mysteriously and then have it explained through a letter left at where the party at Zellara's home...would be fitting in a way, since he ran from the last group of people who knew him as well.

Just tell me when it is ok to jump in with Landis.

Changes made as discussed.

I see your points and I am fine with giving up on the items you mentioned.

Not too attached to Detect Magic, and I see how other cantrips would be more useful, I'll probably go with Light.

I'll add the deflection bonus to CMD, thanks for reminding me.

Speaking of items is it ok if I buy a cure light Wounds wand? I had planned on getting it but it slipped my mind.

Studied Spell: This seems useful to me at least, but to beat that check you'd best be playing a wizard or an arcanist.

Stylized Spell: Nah, better stuff out there. I guess a DM good pick it up for an enemy spell caster if he wants to mess with the party mages, lol.

Tolenn wrote:
Victor Rivilon wrote:

Finally, I am done. Apologies for the delay, here is a link to the complete profile if anyone is interested.

If it's okay with everyone, I can pull off the switch right now.

On an unrelated topic, I finally got my copy of Ultimate Intrigue. I didn't have the time to look through it in detail but a couple of things caught my eye as I was skimming through it.

Oh and is it just me or do a lot of the feats in that book only tailored to extremely specific purposes or just flat out bad?! Again, this might be the result of me skimming through the book, but the few feats I did notice seemed pretty damn useless.

Look good to me.

You forgot theives tools though.

Dm have fun!

Thanks, I didn't put in thieves tools or take the disable device skill since Amira seems to have a handle on it, also the Rake archetype replaces trapfinding with a nifty free intimidate with every sneak attack ability, so Landis wouldn't be that great at it anyway. I'll just be there being a neutral lying snake ;D

Acrobatic Spellcaster: This is a useful feat, I usually like to have acrobatics on most my characters anyway so I'd probably pick this up for my spell casters.

Cat's Fall: I don't know, maybe it's just me but I wouldn't take it.

City Sprinttet: This one in my opinion is worse than Cat's Fall...I mean how often do we have to fight in places with crowds? And the +2 to very specific acrobatic's checks too just hurts. The only character I can see making use of this is a brawler or any other archetype with access to martial flexibility, cause if they find themselves in that situation they could use martial flexibility to gain an advantage.

In other news the Shadow Caller archetype for the Spiritualist has convinced me to play the class at some point in the future.

Finally, I am done. Apologies for the delay, here is a link to the complete profile if anyone is interested.

If it's okay with everyone, I can pull off the switch right now.

On an unrelated topic, I finally got my copy of Ultimate Intrigue. I didn't have the time to look through it in detail but a couple of things caught my eye as I was skimming through it.

Oh and is it just me or do a lot of the feats in that book only tailored to extremely specific purposes or just flat out bad?! Again, this might be the result of me skimming through the book, but the few feats I did notice seemed pretty damn useless.

Assuming there are no objections to the character, how much gold should I be looking to spend GM? I think the amount presented in the book would allow my character to have way too much magical items when compared to the rest of the party.

Wednesday Daud wrote:
Haven't had a chance to read it yet, some jackass distracted me ;p

Whistles innocently.

Also the Vigilante class is one of the few classes I started hating but ended up loving in the end.

@Amira Former law breaker, and why so serious?

So based on the backstory version 2.0 are there any objections? Doubts? Anything at all?

If everyone is okay with the character I'll start filling in the crunch and writing both his personality and appearance sections.

That moniker is by far the most cursed thing in comics, makes me wonder why the second robin went with it, probably has a death wish...which is ironic since he did come back from the dead.

Lol, yep.

How many times did Batman bust the Red Hood?

Landis Ryne Take Two!:
The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability. A truth the fifteen year old Landis Ryne took for granted. How could he foresee that his days of fooling around the Korvosan Academea would come to an end in such a manner? In fact, he never understood why he was sent there to begin with…it isn’t that he lacked the smarts, but he knew that in the end he would inherit his father’s shop, since his more serious and dutiful brother was too involved and obsessed with his work as a member of Sable Company. Still that mystery would escape him for now, as he was expelled without any coherent reason on a beautiful spring afternoon.

Landis returned to his home, both confused and shocked at this turn of events. He expected to leave the Academea one day, but not in such a strange and abrupt manner. That surprise paled in comparison to the one that would jolt him upon his return, as he saw his home and father’s shop being scavenged by several men in full plate armor, of a distinctive design, a motif that only the Hellknights used. His father was on his knees, his mother’s arms around him, and they were both bathed in the shadow of the person who led this unit; asking questions that related to betrayal, uprisings and riots.

The gutting of their home came to an end after more than an hour, but it felt like an entire day. Both his father and mother were mostly unharmed, but their souls were broken. The young Varisian still could not comprehend what has happened, or why? And as much as he wanted to scream out these questions, he felt that doing so would only add salt to the clear emotional wounds of his parents.

Answers were not something hard to come by in Korvosa, you simply had to know who to ask, how to ask and most importantly when to shut up and listen. Things that Landis even at that age understood very well. He ventured into the streets, listening for rumors, inquiring after any latest events that could have led to this tragedy and more importantly he cut his way to the local Sable Company headquarters to question his brother. If anyone knew anything about the details of such matters and would be willing to share these details it would be him; especially since all that Landis learned so far lead him to an incident involving Shoanti Tribesmen, Sable Company rangers and the Hellknights .

Another blow was waiting for Landis when he arrived and met his brother’s captain, his dear loyal and morally upstanding brother was dead; for when asked by Hellknights that have arrived at the scene to spill the blood of the Shoanti who had not attacked or made sign of doing so he refused, and was swiftly painted as a traitor and collaborator. Words soon turned to blows and his brother died because of wounds he sustained in the incident.

Landis felt numb, like everything in the world lost any significant, everything appeared colorless and cold. Words that he was listening to before were rebuffed, any movement that he may have took notice of became meaningless in his vision, it was strange…he thought he would feel beside himself with was true that he and his brother didn’t see eye to eye on many things but he had loved him and respected his motivation. Then it came, rising up his throat like something vile he had no business ingesting; it was not sadness though, it was rage and malice, unlike any he’s ever been stricken with before. The former Academea student wished that everything would burn; The Hellknights, Sable Company, and Korvosa…but amidst this wall of dark thoughts came despair, snaking its way to him and coiling itself around him, making every breath a labor. His brother was dead, his parents were devastated and he could do nothing; not matter how much he cursed and screamed, the world would not change just because he was unhappy.

Time passed without the bereaved teenager noticing, he was at his ravaged home once more without even realizing that he made the trek there. His father and mother took him in there arms, and a small bit of warmth entered his now freezing heart, still he knew from their movements and tone of voice that they were deeper in the pit of despair than he was; not only was one of their sons dead but they had no way to support themselves or the other after what happened to their business. Who would even deal with them? As far as their community was concerned they could be traitors to the crown or at least related to one.

Landis’ hatred abated and his anger cooled after a week or so, his more rational way of thinking started reasserting itself once more. He and his parents would not survive as they are now, they needed to find a way to earn a living once more, or at least he did; his father was still in utter shock and his mother had her hands full handling him. Why would anyone hire him though? The presumed traitor’s brother. How did he hope to convince anyone to give him a job? No, he had to look somewhere in the depths of Korvosa’s underbelly if he wished to have a chance to get his family back on their feet. Maybe at some point in his life he wouldn’t have considered such an action, but what did the law of Korvosa do to protect him and his family? The people who claimed to protect this city seemed eager to shape him into a viper like the many that prowled and slithered under the eyes of the law, so who was he to disappoint them?

Once more Landis took to the streets, he knew of the hazards that awaited him on this path, but he was also filled with a strange confidence, it was somewhere in between an arrogant assurance in his skills and the feeling that he had nothing left to lose.

This particular search took the docks of Old Korvosa and into the web of the King of Spiders; Devargo Barvasi. Gaining entry into Eel’s End was difficult but after he annoyed the guards for long enough they dragged him in. Barvasi sat on his throne, in a manner that made it appear that he truly believed he was some kind of monarch, however Landis was far too wise and scared to dare and mock him about that, instead in the smoothest and most convincing tone he could muster asked the Spider to join his organization; all the while smiling and brimming with the same peculiar confidence that took hold of him.

Devargo’s men were not amused but the Spider himself seemed interested only because he sensed a way for this silly meeting to become far more enjoyable. He told Landis that he would give him work if he played Knivsies with one of his men and win, and to his surprise the fifteen year old agreed with a smile that did not belong on the face of someone in his current position, so a table was pushed before the King of Spiders, two individuals climbed up and a deadly dance he knew well and never grew sick of began.

The match was not going in Landis’ favor; the man he faced was bigger, stronger and had a longer reach. The only thing Landis had an advantage in was his speed and wits, but they were not enough to save him from the aching caused by some of the blows that landed on his body and face. His opponent was growing restless though, he expected Landis to fall after the first blow, so in a move made by over confidence and impatience he reached for the knife, not expecting the boy to retaliate…he was right, Landis did not take the chance to freely strike him, because he was preoccupied by swiping the knife before his bigger opponent’s hand could wrap around its hilt.

It was at this moment that the thug hesitated, and Landis played on the fear he saw in the man’s eyes, with both words and swings of the weapon. The panic of the man did not follow through with the scenario Landis expected; instead of becoming more defensive, he became more reckless and grabbed the hand that held the knife. Amidst the grapple and the contest of controlling the only weapon between them, the tip of the blade dug into the flesh just above Landis’ lip and ran all the way till it reached his right eyebrow. This kind of pain was foreign to him and so was the feeling of his vision being marred by blood, but still he was surprised how he was still focused; it seemed like everything moved in slow motion as the thug pushed him, the shove destroyed what balance he had left, but the knife was still in his hand, so in a desperate move he pulled the arm that was bound to his opponent, and got just close enough to make one last jab with that knife.

Landis’ feet were on the floor, he had lost, but in his mind he was still better off than the man who was drowning in his blood as he grasped at the knife that was lodged in his throat. In all his years he didn’t remember taking the life of any kind of creature, and this new sensation along with the blinding pain in his face made him want to wail and cry, but before that emotion could materialize on his face, his bloody vision fell on Barvasi and the cruel, large smile that was spread on his face…so he ignored the flood of emotion that crashed against his soul and returned that smile. Devargo was amused, so amused in fact that he agreed to give Landis work as he was one man short now.

That night Landis remembered walking into his home and seeing the mask of despair on his parent’s face crack slightly as they saw the state he was in. They looked panicked, frightened and worried. A multitude of questions came at him, which when he was younger he would have been considerd an annoyance, but on this day they were the sweetest words he had heard since their lives changed.

Years went by quickly as Landis rose from lowly errand boy to a full-fledged thug. He learned what he could from the men around him, sharpened his senses, made his lies appear more plausible and went from the awkward boy that had several bruises on his body on that table to a decent fighter with the short sword; his style was mostly a patchwork of moves and techniques he had witnessed, his stance constantly shifting but mostly returning to a position he felt he could immediately roll or jump away from, most importantly he focused on returning his opponents assault with speed, precision and utter cruelty. The most important thing he learned though, was honor was for those who could afford personal guards, there was no such thing as a dirty or underhanded tactic, there was survive to get paid or die and be forgotten.

A lot of things bothered Landis about his work though, but chief among them was having to deal with Barvasi’s dealing in Shiver, despite all of the other wrong doings and illegal actions he has committed under the Spider, dealing in Shiver had to be among the jobs he hated the most from a moral standpoint, and even from a purely pragmatic view, Landis never understood why his boss would sell something that won’t bring any customers back after a while…for they would be either dead or in no shape to buy more, but he knew better than to question the King of Spiders.

After a while he knew he had both the skills and knowledge to strike out on his own, maybe he wouldn’t make a fraction of what he was earning working under Devargo, however not having to deal with his Shiver trade was definitely a huge advantage. Landis understood though that leaving was not that simple, the process had to be careful and well planned; most importantly he had to make it look that Barvasi would really be better off without him around.

At first Landis started making small slip ups, then when he was sure his boss noticed he began to occasionally make even bigger mistakes, not enough to warrant his full wrath, but enough to annoy him. After close to two months of this he asked Barvasi to allow him to leave; that he did not know what was wrong with him, and he was truly be afraid that he might make an even bigger blunder which could lead to receiving the Spider’s unabated anger.

The negotiation with the crime boss didn’t seem to be going well, but in the end Devargo agreed to let him go if he underwent his “initiation” once more. Landis happily agreed, but he knew that winning was not the issue here; when Barvasi asked for a game of Knivsies he was really asking for a show, a bloody entertaining one and if he wanted to escape the spider’s web he had to give it to him, even if it meant getting cut up here and there.

His opponent this time was far more menacing than the thug he faced as fifteen year old. Landis was sure he could beat him though, but the challenge here was making the whole thing appear dramatic, exciting and with as much splashes of crimson as possible.

The match began and immediately Landis began bluffing his lack of ability, taking punches he could have dodged, faking almost falling and to top it all off he didn’t succeed in grabbing the knife…that last part wasn’t part of his plan. The thug slashed at him, with some strikes finding their mark and others nothing but empty air. It was at that point in the fight that Landis let a few coins fall from his pocket, making his opponent think that he had been collecting coins the whole time. This was enough to sap the energy out of the man’s offense as he was plagued by the indecision of whether to focus on attacking or consider another strategy. When Landis saw this opportunity he quickly knocked the knife out of the thug’s hand, grabbed it and gave him another mouth, but this one spewed blood instead of words.

Barvasi was impressed, and Landis breathed a hidden sigh of relief when the King of Spiders allowed him to go, but of course came the warning that if he joined with a rival gang or tried to cut into his profits that he would feed him to his spiders. Of course if Landis played his cards right he may never had to look at any of his former boss’ spiders again.

Another small benefit to leaving Devargo’s gang was that the questioning of his father became less frequent. His mother never questioned him though, Landis had a feeling she knew what he was up to, but he didn’t really want to confirm his suspicions and decided for things to remain as they were, for now he would run small time jobs, at least until the Spider completely forgot about him, then he’d go on to something bigger.

Landis’ plan came to a surprising but pleasant halt when his father announced his desire to reopen the shop, and his son was more than happy to help, but their small moments of hope were quickly dashed away, for it seemed the people around them had good memories, and no matter how hard his father tried, the shadow of the accusation his late son received would still reign over them. Landis felt anger begin trickling into his heart once more, he denied it before because they had needed to survive far more than he needed to indulge his dark thoughts and emotions, but now they had survived, but not truly living. It made him wonder…Was this it? Was this all there would be for them? Him scraping by as nothing but a scoundrel and his parents being treated like criminals and never having to get over the death of their eldest son? No, he refused to believe that this was all they would attain, that they were supposed to remain beaten dogs forever and simply accept that things won’t improve.

With these feelings and thoughts possessing him once Landis began scouring information and secrets about the Order of the Nail; any chink in the armor of fear they had long presented to the public. What he found instead…was unexpected, he uncovered news of heroes, just like the silly stories he had been told as a child, and they were actually acting against the corruption of the queen. They almost seemed too good to be true, but they were still his best chance. It is true he had no real personal reason to hate the queen besides that she was corrupt and manipulative, but so was Devargo and he had worked for him for years. If they wanted her gone so badly he would be pleased to help, as he was sure that along the way chances would present themselves to grab hold of his own goals.

Alone he knew he had no hope of making those responsible pay for his brother’s murder and the suffering of his parents, nor did he stand a chance at obtaining a better life for them and himself, but this no longer had to be the case. Yes he was a pawn in this grand game, but a pawn could join others, make alliances, cut past opponents too drunk on their power to notice his lowly presence, and should he succeed and reach the end of the board he would not be a pawn anymore.

The major change in his backstory was the one GM Bill suggested. Our boy Landis has a serious bone to pick with the Hellknights, sees Sable Company as bastards who could not protect his brother, the Korvosan Guards on the other hand he sees as just an annoyance from his days as criminal and generally is not expecting much from them.

That would work great, thanks GM.

I called Devargo the King of Old Korvosa cause he was called the King of Spiders and was operating from Old Korvosa, also I didn't know that the moniker belonged to another character. My noobness in Golarion lore strikes again.

Wednesday Daud wrote:
Because she wasn't even here years ago XD

Lol, even though I whined about that doesn't bother me as much as how freaking quick she is at setting things up. I mean damn girl I know you are the queen and all but no way anyone could mess up Korvosa in such record time.

I think I know how to fix his backstory without changing it completely. His hatred will be shifted towards another target but he'll still want to bring Illeosa down, since that would be the catalyst to obtaining his goals and ruining the lives of those he despises.

EDIT: @Amira I guess that makes some sense. Shows how damn good she is at this.

For some reason I thought that she was in power for much longer, I mean damn, she came into power for less then a year and everything went to s#!@ at break neck speed?...Wow, she works fast. Anyway, I can change those parts with something else. I'll still keep the confusing version of the backstory here so you can all get an idea of what I am going for.

Apologies for my utter newbness when it comes to Golarion lore. Damn it Illeosa why couldn't you have grasped power years ago? LOL.

As promised here is my potential new character's backstory. I apologize for taking so long.

Landis Ryne:
The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability. A truth the fifteen year old Landis Ryne took for granted. How could he foresee that his days of fooling around the Korvosan Academea would come to an end in such a manner? In fact, he never understood why he was sent there to begin with…it isn’t that he lacked the smarts, but he knew that in the end he would inherit his father’s shop, since his more serious and dutiful brother was too involved and obsessed with his work as a member of Sable Company. Still that mystery would escape him for now, as he was expelled without any coherent reason on a beautiful spring afternoon.

Landis returned to his home, both confused and shocked at this turn of events. He expected to leave the Academea one day, but not in such a strange and abrupt manner. That surprise paled in comparison to the one that would jolt him upon his return, as he saw his home and father’s shop being scavenged by several women in full plate armor. His father was on his knees, his mother’s arms around him, they were both bathed in the shadow of one of the warrior women; asking questions that related to betrayal, uprisings and riots.

The gutting of their home came to an end after more than an hour, but it felt like an entire day. Both his father and mother were mostly unharmed, but their souls were broken. The young Varisian still could not comprehend what has happened, or why? And as much as he wanted to scream these questions, he felt that doing so would only add salt to the clear emotional wounds of his parents.

Answers were not something hard to come by in Korvosa, you simply had to know who to ask, how to ask and most importantly when to shut up and listen. Things that Landis even at that age understood very well. He ventured into the streets, listening for rumors, inquiring after any latest events that could have led to this tragedy and more importantly he cut his way to the local Sable Company headquarters to question his brother. If anyone knew anything about the details of such matters and would be willing to share these details it would be him; especially since all that Landis learned so far lead him to an incident involving rioters and Sable Company that happened only a day ago.

Another blow was waiting for Landis when he arrived and met his brother’s captain, his dear loyal and morally upstanding brother was dead; for when asked by Grey Maidens that have arrived at the scene to spill the blood of the rioters he refused, and was swiftly painted as a traitor and collaborator. Words soon turned to blows and his brother died because of wounds he sustained in the incident.

Landis felt numb, like everything in the world lost any significant, everything appeared colorless and cold. Words that he was listening to before were rebuffed, any movement that he may have took notice of became meaningless in his vision, it was strange…he thought he would feel beside himself with was true that he and his brother didn’t see eye to eye on many things but he had loved him and respected his motivation. Then it came, rising up his throat like something vile he had no business ingesting; it was not sadness though, it was rage and malice, unlike any he’s ever been stricken with before. The former Academea student wished that everything would burn; The Grey Maidens, Sable Company, the queen and Korvosa…but amidst this wall of dark thoughts came despair, snaking its way to him and coiling itself around him, making every breath a labor. His brother was dead, his parents were devastated and he could do nothing; not matter how much he cursed and screamed, the world would not change just because he was unhappy.

Time passed without the bereaved teenager noticing, he was at his ravaged home once more without even realizing that he made the trek there. His father and mother took him in there arms, and a small bit of warmth entered his now freezing heart, still he knew from their movements and tone of voice that they were deeper in the pit of despair than he was; not only was one of their sons dead but they had no way to support themselves or the other after what happened to their business. Who would even deal with them? As far as their community was concerned they could be traitors to the crown or at least related to one.

Landis’ hatred abated and his anger cooled after a week or so, his more rational way of thinking started reasserting itself once more. He and his parents would not survive as they are now, they needed to find a way to earn a living once more, or at least he did; his father was still in utter shock and his mother had her hands full handling him. Why would anyone hire him though? The presumed traitor’s brother. How did he hope to convince anyone to give him a job? No, he had to look somewhere in the depths of Korvosa’s underbelly if he wished to have a chance to get his family back on their feet. Maybe at some point in his life he wouldn’t have considered such an action, but what did the law of Korvosa do to protect him and his family? The people who governed this city seemed eager to shape him into a viper like the many that prowled and slithered under the eyes of the law, so who was he to disappoint them?

Once more Landis took to the streets, he knew of the hazards that awaited him on this path, but he was also felt a strange confidence, it was somewhere in between an arrogant assurance in his skills and the feeling that he had nothing left to lose.

This particular search took the docks of Old Korvosa and into the web of the King of Spiders; Devargo Barvasi. Gaining entry into Eel’s End was difficult but after he annoyed the guards for long enough they dragged him in. Barvasi sat on his throne, in a manner that made it appear that he truly believed he was some kind of monarch, however Landis was far too wise and scared to dare and mock him about that, instead in the smoothest and most convincing tone he could muster asked the Spider of Old Korvosa to join his organization; all the while smiling and brimming with the same peculiar confidence that took hold of him.

Devargo’s men were not amused but the Spider himself seemed interested only because he sensed a way for this silly meeting to become far more enjoyable. He told Landis that he would give him work if he played Knivsies with one of his men and win, and to his surprise the fifteen year old agreed with a smile that did not belong on the face of someone in his current position, so a table was pushed before the King of Old Korvosa, two individuals climbed up and a deadly dance he knew well and never grew sick of began.

The match was not going in Landis’ favor; the man he faced was bigger, stronger and had a longer reach. The only thing Landis had an advantage in was his speed and wits, but they were not enough to save him from the aching caused by some of the blows that landed on his body and face. His opponent was growing restless though, he expected Landis to fall after the first blow, so in a move made by over confidence and impatience he reached for the knife, not expecting the boy to retaliate…he was right, Landis did not take the chance to freely strike him, because he was preoccupied by swiping the knife before his bigger opponent’s hand could wrap around its hilt.

It was at this moment that the thug hesitated, and Landis played on the fear he saw in the man’s eyes, with both words and swings of the weapon. The panic of the man did not follow through with the scenario Landis expected; instead of becoming more defensive, he became more reckless and grabbed the hand that held the knife. Amidst the grapple and the contest of controlling the only weapon between them, the tip of the blade dug into the flesh just above Landis’ lip and ran all the way till it reached his right eyebrow. This kind of pain was foreign to him and so was the feeling of his vision being marred by blood, but still he was surprised how he was still focused; it seemed like everything moved in slow motion as the thug pushed him, the shove destroyed what balance he had left, but the knife was still in his hand, so in a desperate move he pulled the arm that was bound to his opponent, and got just close enough to make one last jab with that knife.

Landis’ feet were on the floor, he had lost, but in his mind he was still better off than the man who was drowning in his blood as he grasped at the knife that was lodged in his throat. In all his years he didn’t remember taking the life of any kind of creature, and this new sensation along with the blinding pain in his face made him want to wail and cry, but before that emotion could materialize on his face, his bloody vision fell on Barvasi and the cruel, large smile that was spread on his face…so he ignored the flood of emotion that crashed against his soul and returned that smile. Devargo was amused, so amused in fact that he agreed to give Landis work as he was one man short now.

That night Landis remembered walking into his home and seeing the mask of despair on his parent’s face crack slightly as they saw the state he was in. They looked panicked, frightened and worried. A multitude of questions came at him, which when he was younger he would have been considerd an annoyance, but on this day they were the sweetest words he had heard since their lives changed.

Years went by quickly as Landis rose from lowly errand boy to a full-fledged thug. He learned what he could from the men around him, sharpened his senses, made his lies appear more plausible and went from the awkward boy that had several bruises on his body on that table to a decent fighter with the short sword; his style was mostly a patchwork of moves and techniques he had witnessed, his stance constantly shifting but mostly returning to a position he felt he could immediately roll or jump away from, most importantly he focused on returning his opponents assault with speed, precision and utter cruelty. The most important thing he learned though, was honor was for those who could afford personal guards, there was no such thing as a dirty or underhanded tactic, there was survive to get paid or die and be forgotten.

A lot of things bothered Landis about his work though, but chief among them was having to deal with Barvasi’s dealing in Shiver, despite all of the other wrong doings and illegal actions he has committed under the Spider, dealing in Shiver had to be among the jobs he hated the most from a moral standpoint, and even from a purely pragmatic view, Landis never understood why his boss would sell something that won’t bring any customers back after a while…for they would be either dead or in no shape to buy more, but he knew better than to question the King of Spiders.

After a while he knew he had both the skills and knowledge to strike out on his own, maybe he wouldn’t make a fraction of what he was earning working under Devargo, however not having to deal with his Shiver trade was definitely a huge advantage. Landis understood though that leaving was not that simple, the process had to be careful and well planned; most importantly he had to make it look that Barvasi would really be better off without him around.

At first Landis started making small slip ups, then when he was sure his boss noticed he began to occasionally make even bigger mistakes, not enough to warrant his full wrath, but enough to annoy him. After close to two months of this he asked Barvasi to allow him to leave; that he did not know what was wrong with him, and he was truly be afraid that he might make an even bigger blunder which could lead to receiving the Spider’s unabated anger.

The negotiation with the crime boss didn’t seem to be going well, but in the end Devargo agreed to let him go if he underwent his “initiation” once more. Landis happily agreed, but he knew that winning was not the issue here; when Barvasi asked for a game of Knivsies he was really asking for a show, a bloody entertaining one and if he wanted to escape the spider’s web he had to give it to him, even if it meant getting cut up here and there.

His opponent this time was far more menacing than the thug he faced as fifteen year old. Landis was sure he could beat him though, but the challenge here was making the whole thing appear dramatic, exciting and with as much splashes of crimson as possible.

The match began and immediately Landis began bluffing his lack of ability, taking punches he could have dodged, faking almost falling and to top it all off he didn’t succeed in grabbing the knife…that last part wasn’t part of his plan. The thug slashed at him, with some strikes finding their mark and others nothing but empty air. It was at that point in the fight that Landis let a few coins fall from his pocket, making his opponent think that he had been collecting coins the whole time. This was enough to sap the energy out of the man’s offense as he was plagued by the indecision of whether to focus on attacking or consider another strategy. When Landis saw this opportunity he quickly knocked the knife out of the thug’s hand, grabbed it and gave him another mouth, but this one spewed blood instead of words.

Barvasi was impressed, and Landis breathed a hidden sigh of relief when the King of Old Korvosa allowed him to go, but of course came the warning that if he joined with a rival gang or tried to cut into his profits that he would feed him to his spiders. Of course if Landis played his cards right he may never had to look at any of his former boss’ spiders again.

Another small benefit to leaving Devargo’s gang was that the questioning of his father became less frequent. His mother never questioned him though, Landis had a feeling she knew what he was up to, but he didn’t really want to confirm his suspicions and decided for things to remain as they were, for now he would run small time jobs, at least until the Spider completely forgot about him, then he’d go on to something bigger.

Landis’ plan came to a surprising but pleasant halt when his father announced his desire to reopen the shop, and his son was more than happy to help, but their small moments of hope were quickly dashed away, for it seemed the people around them had good memories, and no matter how hard his father tried, the shadow of the accusation his late son received would still reign over them. Landis felt anger begin trickling into his heart once more, he denied it before because they had needed to survive far more than he needed to indulge his dark thoughts and emotions, but now they had survived, but not really living. It made him wonder…Was this it? Was this all there would be for them? Him scraping by as nothing but a scoundrel and his parents being treated like criminals and never having to get over the death of their eldest son? No, he refused to believe that this was all they would attain, that they were supposed to remain beaten dogs and simply accept that things won’t improve.

With these feelings and thoughts possessing him once Landis began scouring information for riots, rebels and any kind of movements against the queen. What he found…was unexpected, he uncovered news of heroes, just like the silly stories he had been told as a child, and they were actually acting against the corruption of the queen. They almost seemed too good to be true, but they were still his best chance.

Alone he knew he had no hope of making those responsible pay for his brother’s murder and the suffering of his parents, nor did he stand a chance at obtaining a better life for himself and his parents, but this no longer had to be the case. Yes he was a pawn in this grand game, but a pawn could join others, make alliances, cut past opponents too drunk on their power to notice his lowly presence, and should he succeed and reach the end of the board he would not be a pawn anymore.

If the character is to your liking, I'll finish him by tomorrow and bring him in to meet the rest of team.

I can see your concern, and it is as valid as they get, however I believe that with the right motivation even an evil character could work in Curse of the Crimson Throne.

Rest assured my character is not evil, but his motivation is self serving; he is a former, minor noble and sees the changing of power in Korvosa as a chance to have his house return to its former glory after the queen's fall or better yet become more than just minor nobles.

I had planned to post his backstory here as soon as I was done to see if you would all be OK with him. I still plan to do this, of course.

If after reading his backstory and personality, there is still some doubt to him being able to work with such a campaign I'll happily draw up another character

My new character would morally look like Sauron if he was compared to Tolenn, despite being neutral.

Funny enough Sauron was a pretty sneaky guy before the whole "Smash you with a big mace while wearing my fave ring" phase.

@Amira Much thanks, that's a fine way of designing characters.

@Terri That's an interesting character concept, and would most likely be fun to roleplay, but my heart is a little set in the direction of playing a smug snake sort of rogue, who would also be a great liar. More dexterous than strong though.

@Tolenn Yeah, not having much fun with Victor.

@Friday: Yeah, I really feel I'll be happier with a different character...and Terri will most likely be sad, another tragic scene in the party's log shall be entered, and not long since their last one.

@Cassandra: It is hard to top Cassandra, Victor probably has nightmares about being constantly outdone by her ;D

@GM Bill: Thanks, I am hovering around the idea of making an Unchained Rogue, maybe the Rake archetype. At first I thought I'd go with a bard but having never played one before I didn't want to start one at level seven when I am not very familiar with the class.

While I am mostly thinking of going with an Unchained Rogue, everyone please feel free to give suggestions; other classes, other archetypes, whatever is on your mind I would really like to hear it.

Alright, it looks like we are going to embark on a little sewer adventure...So I might as well bring this up now.

I am really not enjoying Victor as much as I used to. I guess it has more to do with his personality and what I really hoped for the character or lack there off. Funny enough Victor is lacking exactly what I told Wednesday about a week or so ago; there is no real grand plan I had for him in mind despite him having a pretty long and detailed backstory...I don't really know where to take him from here and honestly the more I think about that the more I realize I'd be happier with another character entirely. So if it is alright with you GM and alright with everyone else I'd like to make a new character before we go any further and let Victor disappear into the night...or daytime.

Victor stood back and said nothing. If opening up to them would help Wednesday be rid of some the venom and bitterness that at times ruled his mood; then he would gladly listen to him vent...of course that didn't mean he was any less upset with the man, those feelings would take time to change.

Welcome back Cass.

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The sight of the petite blond seemed to melt some of the bitterness that Victor was freely expressing; no longer was he showing a deep frown, his lips opting for a more casual and neutral straight line. He walked away from where he stood and made his way to Terri, his hands tucked away in his pockets.

"Would ya believe that we went from ghosts, to rats, to sewers?" The mage stood closer to the cleric than he would any other member of their group.

Following his question was an explanation of what they went through while she was away and whatever answers their current host gave them till this moment.

Welcome back, I am sure Terri can catch up to the group...and still lose her temper with Wednesday when she hears about what happened ;)

"How many days ago did this start? And do you have any regulars that changed habits right before this started? Or maybe new customers started showing up after this started?" Asked Victor in rapid succession as he looked around the cellar. The sorcerer walked to the nearest shadow and began manipulating it slightly as he gave the matter some thought.

Victor cast Prestidigitation.

"I can't sense anything magical" The mage ran his hand through his short hair "Nice place, quiet...can't get much of that these days" He added as he followed after their host.

Seeing that Wednesday had the owner's attention, Victor stepped away from the group and walked to the middle of the shop. The smell of old books and ink a welcome change to the smells of the streets.

The sorcerer spread out his arcane energies in all directions, causing his shadow to pulse multiple times as it spread to the edges of its owner's range of magical detection.

Victor cast Detect Magic.

@Amira Hey! I resent that! Also the ninja druid ninjaed me XD

@Wedneday Your new character doesn't have to be a hero. Could be a merc that's looking to make a profit and saw the chaos as an opportunity, could be an alchemist who's left his shop to clean up his town cause he just doesn't trust the guards to do it anymore, maybe even an opportunistic scoundrel who could see fortune shifting his way should the queen fall. I am a lover of neutral characters myself, Victor is one of the few good characters I made!

EDIT: I'll admit man you've done a pretty decent job for a character without an original plan or advancement theme, usually best to have one but so far so good.

Anyway if you do decide to go with a new character be sure to have a motivation and a plan for his personal and character advancement.

All this talk of new characters has honestly made me want to roll one myself, not in this game, but if you guys ever get sick of having two full arcane caster I can happily make a new character to better compliment the team. Well enough getting off subject, Wednesday as I said before I suggest you give the whole matter some thought, there is real no situation where you can lose here and no one will begrudge for whatever decision you end up making.

I say give the matter some thought, go back and read your older posts, and think what you intended originally for Wednesday. Try to think of a way to get him back to your original plan.

I think that Bill and Amira have given you some ideas to work with and even if you don't think those ideas work for Wednesday they still help in get the ball rolling on your brainstorming session.

If all that fails, and you honestly see no way for the character to work then begin considering whether you have to make a new character, and whether that would be a more enjoyable experience for you.

Some people have trouble switching characters, others not so much. I am of the latter category, it isn't that I don't get invested in characters, it's just that I wouldn't say no to a chance to get invested in another...of course barring character death it is best to switch characters out before getting to the final stages of a campaign so in my opinion you are still in the safe zone if you decide to make the switch.

We won't complain about whatever you choose.

As for Kroft maybe Wednesday should not meet her. Whenever the party gets to get a debriefing he excuses himself and goes elsewhere. In time and when he's ready he could talk it out with her and decide on where they both stand.

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As I've said before the matter is entirely up to you.

But if you feel you'd enjoy yourself more with another character, then ask the GM and should he give the ok start filling up a new character sheet.

Oh and that does come as a surprise. I mean sure Friday isn't as gloomy as Wednesday, just quiet...very quiet. Actually Friday reminds me of Vampire Hunter D.

Hmmm depends on what you want really. Do you feel you'd be having more fun with another character? Do you think another character would better fit an image or idea you had in mind when you decided to play this campaign?

My own opinion on the matter? Play what you want to play, if you feel the need to switch to a new character you won't hear any complaints from me, and if you feel that you want to stick to Wednesday you won't hear any complaints either.

I won't lie the idea of rolling up new characters always gets me all excited and curious, so if you'll indulge me let us assume you decided to go with the change. What would the new character be like? What would their class be? You have a build in mind? Sorry, like I said I get over excited at the prospect of new characters.

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They are better at ninjaing than actual ninjas from what I heard.

Aberration humpers? Ewwww...

A drop of shadow fell upwards as if pulled by an invisible force and latched on to Victor's right arm, morphing into the morbid gauntlet that usually appeared when he conjured up his spells. The sorcerer partially knelt to the stones below them put his now taloned finger tips on the floor and clenched them into a fist slowly, dragging the claw like protrusions across the stone and giving rise to a loud screech.

Victor cast Ghost Sound, the screech has a volume level comparable to the roar of a lion.

The sound echoed about them for a few moments before halting suddenly "Ya know? I am tempted to make several copies of Amira that mimic her every move and word just so she could drown out yer voice. Why? Cause I like listening to sense and listening to yer nonsense wants to make me bloody murder something" Victor stood up, the gauntlet falling to tatters as he rose from his spot.

"So why are ya here? Ya keep saying ya don't care about this city, no that ya will be happy if it all burns, so why are ya with us? So if we failed ya can say 'hey, I told ya it would come to this'" Victor exhaled loudly, not bothering to hide his discontent or anger.

"Cause if that is the reason, then ya are by far the pettiest and saddest man I've seen to date, and I've seen some sad sights let me tell ya" Victor walked away from the group for a few steps then turned towards them "But I don't think that's it, ya don't look stupid. Which is too bad that would have answered a whole lot of questions" Victor put both his hands in his pockets once more and took a deep breath.

"And while ya tease yer brain with that one, here is another one for the road...Ya have issues with Kroft, right? She made a bad call got a friend convicted, right? Yeh I'd be bloody livid if that happened to me" Victor puts his right hand to his forehead "But what was she supposed to do, let yer friend go and take the axe for her? Why?" The hand that was on his forehead rose up to his hair.

"Its bloody amazing, ya make my whining about her sound like bloody compliments. No, congratulations! Ya actually made me feel for the first time in my life that a guard has the right of it, and I may forgive ya for a lot of things Wednesday, even the bloody things ya say about this cesspool! Cause its my cesspool thank ya very much! But I won't forgive that ya made me feel that a guard was in the right! Bloody never!"

"Look ya want to help us follow along, ya don't want to, its a big city, yer a big boy and I am sure ya can amuse yerself" Victor turned to walk but then turned around as if he remembered something "Oh and one more thing...I am Chelish" A strand of darkness rose from his silhouette and almost instantly covered his face, till there was no features to be seen, except for two rows of bluish teeth that hung out on a face that appeared to have no cheeks or lips.

"So if ya don't like seeing us, bugger off to Ustalav and go hump one of the corpses ya all love to keep around yer homes. Maybe one of yer local necromancers can even make her moan for ya"

Victor cast Prestidigitation

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Amira wrote:
"The parts of your body that fight disease and keep you you not care for them Victor? Her concern is sincere. We are the only thing that has kept this plague from being far worse so far. Anyone with true concern for this city shares a concern for the others trying to keep her alive."

Victor never hated sense or logic, on the contrary he was fond of both...but on the occasions where they set him up to appear foolish he flirted with the idea of breaking ties with them, just like he flirted with the idea of turning invisible so he can avoid answering Amira's logical rebuttal, but he knew better than to waste his power on such trivial things and settled on a grumbling surrender.

Oh he wished he could tell her that Kroft did not fit her example, but she had been not only kinder but more sensible than all the authority figures he met to date... And he hated that fact, he wanted to point at something to show her that the Marshal was no different from the other guardsmen he dealt with but he always came up empty and at such times the only thing he could do was object as silently as possible in an effort to ward off looking like a fool.

Wednesday wrote:

"And here this whole time I thought you were smart. This piece of s&~! doesn't give a damn about us or the city. The only thing she cares about is waiting for the next chance for the queen to ask her to bend forward and spread her cheeks."

"And to answer your analogy, no, otherwise I wouldn't drink."

On this day though he would probably not get any further attention. Thanks to a man who was all too willing to get himself killed verbally and physically. Victor wondered at times if Wednesday had any survival instincts If he did they probably moved to greener pastures He did not know what life held for this man or how he was still alive for that matter, but one thing he did know, if he ever got the chance to raise children he would use Wednesday as an example of things you should not say lest you found yourself flogged or with a noose around your neck.

"I'll be sure to disappear on my own if it comes to that" Victor hid both his hands in his pockets "And stop sounding so sincere when your warning us. I might end up believing ya gave a damn if something happened to me"

With a flick of the wrist and a simple point in the Field Marshal's direction, Victor's shadow lurched towards hers and began whispering in her shadows ear as Victor began speaking under his breath...what is even stranger is she could hear the voice in her ears.

Victor cast Message on Kroft.

"I don't know who this Marcus is, so I am giving ya the details this way...Vendra mentioned that she was being supported by the Arkonas and Lord Glorio, the same Arkonas that originally owned the Hospice, makes ya think doesn't it?"

The smell of burning bodies only served to fuel Victor's foul mood, and to think he was having such a great day before this recovering the cure business came about.

Another unknown factor thar could turn out to be annoying was the person standing next Kroft. The sorcerer knew better than to immediately judge people but it was hard when these people were friends withe guard commander.

"We got your order" He replied simply doing his very best to keep any venom or sarcastic jabs to himself.

I must say the blood of shadows book was worth the wait. Some really interesting options in there, can't wait to see what they do with the armor master handbook...I am hoping it will be better than the weapon master handbook, don't get me wrong it isn't bad, it's just that some of the weapon styles, well some of the weapon styles are really, really weak. The blade style was by far the most disappointing.

Victor moved to where he could see Tolenn and Wednesday. Once more he moved carefully and slowly, almost as if he wasn't invisible to most naked eyes.

Stealth: 1d20 + 15 + 20 ⇒ (12) + 15 + 20 = 47

"I have the cure she's selling. Don't know if it is real or not, she said she made it herself, also she said the Arkonas and a Lord Glorio are supporting her" He whispered to his two armored fellows "Do ya want me to head on to Kroft and give her the cure?"

Wednesday Daud wrote:
Victor Rivilon wrote:
Victor will attempt to exit the shop without drawing any attention to himself.

Well alright, this may have been a poor choice of words...considering the previous situation.

After placing the dose in his pack, a grim and somberly designed gauntlet of darkness materialized around Victor's right hand. When the veiled fingers snapped together a lightless black pillar engulfed the mage.

After but a few seconds the pillar dissipated into thin air, with no sign of the threatening sorcerer to be seen. The fearful expressions of the people's faces within the shop were all the evidence that he had been here at all.

Stealth: 1d20 + 20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 20 + 15 = 39

Victor cast Invisibility on himself.

Victor will attempt to exit the shop without drawing any attention to himself.

"I can see that ya are allergic to money and ambition, that is fine" Victor swung his hand upwards without warning and a shadowy creature with no facial features rose from his silhouette. It's body appeared to be mostly amorphous, nothing save for its clawed hands and lanky arms appeared to hold a solid structure.

Moments of silence passed before the creature "stood" up straight, its height brought it's head closer to the ceiling than any of the people within the shop. A line moved across the lower part of it's facade and ended at it's other side, the line grew in width revealing a horrendous set of bluish teeth within and a sound of soft breathing that was anything but natural.

"Ya see I can't really be held responsible if yer short sighted, so this is how we are going to play this game from now on. Ya will put a dose of the cure on the table, ya will tell me where ya are getting from. I'll pay whatever the sods that were lined up at yer store were paying for it and I'll leave with it in hand and leave ya to yer business...or I can let smiley here bite off yer head and the head of anyone else who works here and look for the cure myself" The teeth of the tall shadowy creature parted revealing no tongue withing, nothing but a black void that seemed endless and frightening.

Intimidate: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Major Image, same DC as before.

Intelligence: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 I guess Victor can't recall anything lol.

Now I am really starting to think that the virtual dice hate's us.

Arkonas eh? They are slowly becoming my favorite nobles Victor let his sarcasm stew inside instead of airing it out and turned towards the shopkeeper, his small smile unaltered by her words.

"My employers don't pay me to announce their names in the streets" His vision went from the angry woman to the different items she had in her shop "What they do pay me to do is solve any problems they have, and ya aren't one of them yet, in fact didn't ya here me when I said they could make ya rich?"

"Before we discuss how much every dose will cost I need to know where ya got it from and if it really works"

Bluff: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (6) + 18 = 24 Oh come on virtual dice you aren't being cooperative at all!

Don't hate me over this Victor risked a very brief glance towards his fellows before he went on inside.

"I represent the interests of some very important people, who if the circumstances work in yer favor could make ya rich" The sorcerer pulled on the hems of his leather vest "Very rich" He let out a subtle snort.

"Ya see they want to buy some of this cure ya have been selling, but...don't look at me that way ya know there is always a 'but' when dealing with people of status, they'd like to know where ya got this cure from, and more importantly if it is a true cure" Grey eyes lazily looked about the shop, as a casual smile appeared on the face they were a part of "Don't worry they have no interest in competing with ya" Victor put his hand to his head and then nodded as if he just remembered something.

"And please save us all the time of thinking ya have some kind of bargaining power here, in short if we don't get the cure some of my employers might die...but their relatives, their much more merciless and soon to be angry relatives will be very much alive and desiring to lash out at something"

Bluff: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (5) + 18 = 23

"I feel we are not communicating well here...this is what I need" Victor looked the man over as if he was judging a piece of produce than his smile disappeared "I am going to pay ya yer fifty, but I need to talk to the person in charge because being an errand boy of a noble means that I should at least discuss this with someone who bloody knows what they are doing and should ya fail to do that" The sorcerer makes a few gestures with his hand causing his shadow to elongate in a zigzagging manner, climb up a near by building.

From the shadow appeared an archer clothed in all black with his bow and arrow trained on the guard "I'll have my friend here run ya through with enough arrows to make this whole thing unnecessary" Victor pointed towards his shadowy ally, the illusion pulled the string of it's bow a little further back in response "We clear on that lad?"

Intimidate: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Victor cast Major Image, DC: 19 Will Save.

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