
VictorCrackus's page

202 posts. No reviews. No lists. 6 wishlists.

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Klaus van der Kroft wrote:
VictorCrackus wrote:
Klaus van der Kroft wrote:

That is horrific. That sounds like a sort of game I run every once in awhile called a Random campaign. But its not meant to be serious.. At all. Or have any continuation. Its just meant to fill a space, and be stupidly funny.

In fact.

Your story gives me an idea for a random campaign.

Are you telling me that, due to me posting that, another group somewhere in the world is going to have to fight wild giant anemones in a forest?

You do know this means I will accumulate so much bad karma that I will reincarnate as a buttscratcher, right?

Oh. NO. Worse things have happened in the infamous random campaign in my group.

Imagine if you will.

You are an orc barbarian. YOu have just experienced the most insane past 3 hours of your life. The last of which, being a duck, that refused to die. And refused to stop quacking. And.. Refused to stop staring at you. Only after finally scoring a critical hit, did its reign of terrible.

The orc sat down on a nearby decaying log. His axe at his side, buried in the mud. He took his head in his hands, groaning with utter frustration at how things could work this way.

At which point a tarrasque walks up. Sits down beside the orc. Crushing that part of the log, then in a typical sad panda voice says.

"Whats wrong buuuuddddy?"

The random campaign is not meant to be serious.

By the way. That orc just sorta went insane after that.

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Aazen wrote:
Because fighter alone cant do it. How can I get a monk to fight like one using feats. I don't care about the Force aspect (I can multi-class for that). I'm just interested in the melee aspect. Thanks.

The best Jedi I was able to pull off was in a level 20 one shot game where we said screw originality.

So I made yoda.

Goblin. 550 years old. Lawful good. His Deity was The Force.

That was in 3.5

He was a Swordsage 7, Psion 6, Duelist 7.

Used a little bastard sword. DM decided to give me a +5 brilliant energy that affected everything. Lots of diamond mind, with some Shadow Hand.

Had Intuitive Attack.

The hilarious thing was, he actually never got in a fight. He just thought his way through the quest, got the item. Walked out without a mark.

But, he was supremely optimized too. If something was stupid enough to attack him. They'd have to get through his 54 ac. Which increased by 2 everytime they missed due to Pearl of black doubt.

Seriously ONE of the most hilarious builds I've ever gotten to actually play. XD