Vex_Helmgar's page

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Lich is going to be my go to for achieving undead. Of course im going through all the hoops to trying to make that possible and earn the right from my GM. As far as the comment for undead not being dead. Very much debatable. Although they are walking around and such, with my comment earlier, life sense would not pick them up. Therefore they are by definition dead even within the real worlds definition of undead. The only thing that can completely change my perspective on that is paizo's ruling on their own definition on that matter. Unfortunately I fail to find one. I completely understand how repair undead specifically targets undead, which comes really close to changing my perspective there but again that is just another more narrowed down target requirement for that spell alone. But this conversation has help me with finding an answer to this and I'm understanding paizo a bit with their blanks they leave us at. It just has to come down to GM's discretion, considering the game is his world. Thanks for your guy's thought's and opinions, it does help.

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See, and that's what I've been trying to look for is that distinction. I couldn't really find anything specific on a line of difference from them. Which brought about this questions. Also from past research in other topics, what I have noticed is that this game is very bold on what is not allowed. So I've come across the assumption is that if the game doesn't state that you can't do it, then that brings opportunity for creativity and ingenuity.

Now I get what you are coming from with the other two spells but from reading the spells the only comparison you have is the Target requirements. Which is "one dead creature." Also from reading the spell Speak with Dead it specifically states it can't be used on a corpse that has been turned into an undead creature. Same with Raise Undead, it also states that it can't be used on a creature that has been turned into an undead creature. Sculpt corpse only states that spells or effects that target the corpse under the influence of this spell treats it as if it still had its original appearance. So it never really says it can't be used on an undead creature like the other two spells it gives as example to it's statement.

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Hello, so I'm playing a sorc necromancer and had an idea pop-up from reviewing my list of spells. If I could managed to make my character undead. Does anyone see it to be impossible to use sculpt corpse as a substitute for alter self through the rules and all? From what I understand of the spell the Target is "one dead creature touched." By technical standards undead is considered a dead creature, corpse, and/or dead body with the primal instincts to feed on all that is living unless controlled. Also for argument sake, if there is one, if something had life sense the undead would not pop-up on that radar. I also looked googled the definition for undead to get the raw understanding of the word and it also tells me "technically dead but still animate."

Been doing a lot of research for my character as you can see and just wanted to get a more experienced players opinion on the topic.