
Very Metal's page

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Parvati, female valenar elven bard. Former "comfort-lady" at Diamond Lake's Midnight Salute. Parvati, with her unparalleled knowledge of the locales & denizens of DL, was probably the most instrumental in gathering together the party. Early on was much smoother due to her remarkable information gathering skills which got the adventurers through the Whispering Cairn & into the Dourstone Mine to the Citadel of the Mockery. It was at this point, after a thourough search of the citadel, that the party was ambushed in the Dark Cathedral by Kendra, Garras, Theldrick, & his summoned fiendish dire ape, who clawed & rended Parvati mercilessly. Ironforge, beloved wolf animal companion to Silvanestri, also perished in the battle.

Hojas wrote:
woohoo! The mailman just dropped off the 1st issue of my new sub :) I can't wait to read the last installment! This is so much better than painfully waiting for the mag to show up at my FLGS. I really like the shop though, so I will continue to buy Dragon at the full cover price from the fine folks at Game Depot in AZ.

Hmm, I subscribe to both Dungeon & Dragon, & I still find ways to spend at Game Depot. I never walk outta there without at least some new dice.

I just began AoW a month ago, but am already excited about the new AP. BTW all of the adventures in the new ish are great...gotta snag some of these NPCs...

Parvati-female valenar elf bard.
Silvanesti-female half-elf druid.
Ironforge-male wolf animal companion.
Nakai-male elf soulblade.
Rose & Thorn-female dvati rogues.

All are 2nd level.

A player in my Eberronian AoW is playing a Dvati (Dragon Compendium) rogue. Two bodies, one soul. So far, it's been great fun.

I am 34. I started playing in 1981 with the Red box. Played from then 'til 1989, then started back again Febuary of last year...

Yeah, I like the Q'Barra idea...it's kinda a frontier region, & many of its residents were against the war & didn't participate, They consider themselves different from the rest of Khorvaire, which may help explain the higher NPC levels & isolation.