Ok, I have been reading in developers blog and the play area of the Crusader Road is an area of 133 square miles an area 11 miles by 12 miles (an area that can be walked in a days time.) This area is broken down into 256 hexes each roughly about .75 miles across (3960 feet or 1320 yards) with 18 hexes being river we have 238 habitable hexes.
Now in the developers blog they mention that 10 people can sign a charter to establish a settlement in a hex.
Now the kickstarter at the time of this post has 6,749 backers and could easily go over 7,000 backers. Only 10 people are needed to create a settlement and the size of the hexes are way too small to handle much more then one settlement per hex. It is highly probable settlements will be stacked right next to each other and all the available space will be taken up by settlement very early in the beta.
It does make me wonder once in the second month of the beta all of the land space is taken up with farms, mines, settlements, and roads where they are going to squeeze the dungeons.