
Vernus Fulman's page

4 posts. Organized Play character for BlackPhx.


Shadow Lodge

Check I will keep an eye out and status of this. Previous experience is these lineups are mercurial as water on teflon.

Shadow Lodge

Looking to join as well. PFS#60838

Brand new to Pathfinder society with a brand new PFS charcter. But, would like to play.

The character is a Monk of the Four Winds more at home in the wilderness then in the city.

Shadow Lodge

Friendship is like echos on the wind as two ships sail. If they sail to the same port the communication is strong and they can defend each other easily. If they sail to different ports then the echos get lost the farther away they sail and the effort is wasted. As much as we would wish it so it is not always the case those that fly the same flag sail the same course. We must choose wisely those that choose a similar destination as ours.

Shadow Lodge

I am as you say newly recruited. I would find great honor in assisting you and my brethren in the task of restoring balance and harmony from with in. As well as ceasing those who would sow the seeds of our destruction and chaos from without. Though I am as subtle as a thunderstorm, I am sure you can steer me where to strike most effectively and assign me to "enhance" your emissaries where needed.