Female Human

Verelle's page

15 posts. Organized Play character for Marthian.


Dark Archive

Oh wow. I screwed up somewhere. It's just me? Ooooooo I am so screwed.~ *flies away* MINIONNSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Maybe I should consider retiring... Where did I go wrong in my life

Considering she's a "pacifist" Witch, who tries to deal no damage (outside psychological damage). Her alone is screwed, she needs... The adventure party she turned into the BBEG with. Because seriously: If she changed, why didn't they? That must be some cool artifact if she were to do a face-heel-turn.

Dark Archive

Woargh... Have you guys actually gone to Cheliax? Infernal healing? What kind of crazy lyrics is that?

Then again, I haven't either. I fell for false advertising. Here's the previous thread on it by the way: Theme Music for Cheliax?

Dark Archive

Witches suck? Pffft HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Oh I've had so much fun ruining everything. I've prevented fatal blows and have allowed for my allies to provide fatal blows in return.

Also, one of the GM's in society has a death wish on my witch. Because Alchemists aren't any more ridiculous.

Dark Archive

1. Why are you a Pathfinder?
I was curious as to how much shenanigans I can get away with here. Doing pranks in villages is fun, but all over Golarion? Now that's the big leagues. Like the saying goes: If you can prank someone here, you can prank someone everywhere.
2. Do you have a name and surname that is not ripped straight out of existing Earth mythology or popular culture?
I find this insulting to my name. I do not have a surname because "Nature does not care for titles." so my parents say.
3. Which nation did you grow up in? How did this nation influence you?
I can't remember. I grew up in a forest. My parents are druids.
4. What do you look like? What are your wearing? How does this vary when you’re stalking through forests, sewers, deserts or in glittering cities?
I was once in a crowd escaping a prank. The guy clearly saw me, but couldn't tell me apart from the other commoners. Just looks like a normal village girl
5. What do you love? (Treasure and experience doesn’t count)
A good prank! Also, what do you mean by experience? *stare*To tell the truth, I really seriously need to play up the pranking aspect.
6. What do you hate? (Unclear and irritating darkness level rules don’t count)
Killjoys, and owchies. Oh and getting my hands dirty (as in actually having to hurt something.)
7. Which other Pathfinders (PCs) do you rely on for teamwork, survival and butt-kicking? Do you have a bro? a mentor? a father figure? maybe a rival?
They usually rely on me to make them champions over the misfortunate. Pacifist Buff/Debuff Witch FTW!
8. How does your race influence your views? Are you a stereotype of a certain race? How are you different from most humans/elves/gnomes/orcs/tengu?
I wouldn't know what it's like to be one of those haughty elves, strange gnomes, or those smelly orcs. I'm just me. Why should my race make a difference? Are you one of those Aasimar supremists? *glare*
9. What are you afraid of? Do you have any phobias or worries?
My adorable little lizard "Compy" dying. Sometimes, I worry if my parents are ok with my decisions. Such a dangerous world...
10. What is your most treasured possession?
It's a secret :P Wouldn't want you scrying to take it away. It's mine, ya hear me? Mine!

Well thank you for the interview... Although I'm not sure why you came to Varisia of all places to do it. I'm kind of busy trying to figure out how to turn my little dinosaur into a super bad*$# dragon! *cough*Improved Familiar: Faerie Dragon as soon as I get the boon.*cough*

*slips an icecube down your shirt on your way.*

Dark Archive

Rynjin wrote:
"Dogmeat". I love Dogmeat. *Sniff* What a loyal dog.

If you're talking about the dog from Fallout 3... *sniffle* I loved that dog so much I cheated on Fallout 3 ONLY to make him unkillable. I couldn't bear the thought of not having that dog.

I named my adorable little compsognathus Compy :)

Dark Archive

Darnit... I'm banned from the Golden Serpent... stupid shmupid people not being okay with spells. I want to do some nasty prank on her...

Dark Archive

What kind of crap show did I just come to? Seriously, I thought I was in Cheliax, not the caves. *rage leaves*

Dark Archive

Muahahahaha! Verelle the Victorious!

Dark Archive

Norowareta Nagagorjo wrote:

"From the way you all talk about your missionss, it would sseem the infernal beastss are already in charge of your nation. I think I shall continue to sserve my native Tian continent through the Lantern Lodge, to earn the honor needed to return home, and leave you all to your devilss."

Hey, pal, don't lump me in with them. Demons and Devils are meh. I actually am liking those teachings of Sivanah. The Lantern King wasn't so bad either.

Dark Archive

As a fellow, yet less powerful witch, I must inquire: What do you think of causing people to trip over themselves in utter misfortune? (Me, I find it funny and life-saving... Like very life-saving.)

Dark Archive

Marduk Beastblood wrote:

For a moment Marduk considers tearing the tiny devil's wings off, but opts to instead return a fearsome snarl of his own.

"Andoran?!", the beastly orc roars in indignation. "I'd sooner be caught with my nose in one of those spellbooks weakling wizards are so fond of."

Hey now, let's not say things we can't take back or will regret later. Sorry you can't alter reality, but insulting those that can won't help you either. Go saying that to the wrong guy or gal, and they'll have you slain, and then raised as an undead in 12 seconds.

She's actually a Witch, but eh, very close.

Dark Archive

Passing By, she looks upon the establishment.

Ehhh... So hard to find somewhere decent to eat...

Keeps walking. Darnit where was that place that serves little dinosaur meat. Compy only deserves the best.

Dark Archive

Yeah, I'm not at all interested in the "after parties" or "pleasures." Frankly, I just do it because I know somewhere somehow: I'm ruining someone's day... I hope.

Dark Archive

Eric Brittain wrote:
@Verelle, Venture Officers always post as themselves and can not post as any of our aliases on PFS boards.

Oh. That's sucks, but I guess I understand... Should I just delete this then?

Dark Archive

Meh, I follow the laws to the best of my abilities. Rather hard. Following laws means not misfortuning those that wronged me ;( Eh screw it, it's not like I kill people.

Seriously, I play my Witch as a pacifist. She just doesn't enjoy fighting.