
Vellis's page

Organized Play Member. 24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Hi, a little over a week ago I sent an email to about my Starfinder CRB displaying the issue where the pages are coming lose from the binding. I included photos with the email, but haven't heard back from customer service yet. Is there any way I can check the status of my ticket? Thanks for your time.

See topic. Character is a front line, tank/dps Fighter hybrid who will be partied with a hard hitting Rogue, Summoning focused Sorceror, and Shaman. I only have room for one of them in my planned build, has anyone played a Marshall and used both? Which did you find you used more often/was more useful? Thanks for any advice.

Hey folks, after the unceremonious death of my ranger in our Wrath of the Righteous campaign, I'm replacing him with a Shield Champion. Our party is a Sorceror, Oracle, and Rogue, so I'm the front line guy who needs to be able to take a hit. Here's what I have so far, I'm coming in at level 6 so the feat order doesn't matter up until then:

Stats (Roll 4d6)
Str: 13
Dex: 21
Con: 16
Int: 10
Wis: 14
Cha: 8

1: Unarmed Strike, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Focus
2: Dodge, Two-Weapon Fighting
3: Combat Expertise
5: Weapon Finesse, Combat Reflexes
7: Martial Versatility(Weapon Focus), Weapon Focus(Close Weapons)
8: Greater Shield Focus, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Pummeling Style
9: Improved Critical (Unarmed Strike)
11: Shield Master, Shield Slam, Pin Down
13: Pummeling Charge
14: Critical Focus
15: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Spec (Unarmed Strike)
17: Iron Will, Martial Mastery
19: Greater Weapon Focus (Close Weapons)
20: Greater Weapon Spec (Close Weapons)

Guardian Path Abilities
1: Retributive Reach
2: Adamantine Mind
3: Impervious Body
4: Ever Ready
5: Legendary Light Shield (Legendary Fortification, Upgradable, Powerful)
6: Irrepressible Soul
7: Supreme Tracker
8: Sacrificial Shield/Cage Enemy
9: Legendary Shield (Rejuvenating, Unstoppable Strike, Unyielding/Powerful)
10: Impassable/Legendary Shield (Returning, Perfect Surge, Everlasting/Powerful)

Mythic Feats
1: Weapon Finesse
2: Mythic Paragon
3: Improved Unarmed Strike
4: Improved Critical
5: Critical Focus

Little explanation. I'm leaning hard on Weapon Finesse and Mythic Weapon Finesse so that I can dump everything in Dex to beef up my AC and damage at the same time, since Unarmed Strikes and Light Shields are both in the light weapon group. Pummeling style and the crit improving feats are self explanatory as my main damage source, and the Human Versatility feats will allow all my Fighter feats to apply to both Unarmed Strikes and Light Shields (as part of the close weapon group). Our Sorc is going heavy into crafting, so I'll have no trouble getting Stoneskin Gloves to let me skip getting the Mythic Titan Strike feat. I plan to use Martial Flexibility to pick up feats for Combat Maneuvers as needed, Shield throwing feats to attack into or out of melee as needed, and for Iron Will/Improved Iron Will when enchantments are a problem.

Things I'm looking for feedback on.

1) I was thinking hard about doing a heavy Trip/AoO build due to Retributive Reach and Ever Ready. With Improved Trip, Greater Trip, Vicious Stomp, and Ki Throw I could get two AoO on any creature that tries to approach me without reach, but since it's a demon heavy campaign we're going to be fighting lots of flying and huge monsters as the game goes on, so I went with the Fighter Focus/Spec feats instead. Good idea, bad idea?

2) In the same vein, I was also looking at the Snake Style feat chain, due to the last feat giving me AoOs and free attacks when I'm missed (which I intend to happen often). However, the feats leading into it are of very mediocre use, so I'm not sold on that idea. Also related, do I meet the requirements of having my hands free to pick up Counterpunch if I'm using a light shield? This feat line is also iffy because if monsters are getting creamed every time they try and hit me, they'll be more likely to go after our squishy Rogue instead.

3) For my Guardian path abilities, the universal monster rules state:

A few very powerful monsters are vulnerable only to epic weapons—that is, magic weapons with at least a +6 enhancement bonus. Such creatures’ natural weapons are also treated as epic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Does this apply to PCs as well if I pick up Impervious Body? Meaning my fists beat all damage reduction as a +6 weapon?

4) I'm on the fence between going Sacrificial Shield with a Major Artifact shield to let me negate one hit every round for sure, or going with Cage Enemy/Impassable to give me more control (Seems a little redundant with the Fighter feat Pin Down?). I wouldn't mind working in Armor Master (Light) so that I can wear Elven Chain without a Dex max for more AC either.

5) Is Mythic Critical Focus a good idea? It will let my Pummeling Style auto confirm against non-mythic creatures, but it won't help me at all against mythic monsters. Might be better off picking up something that will help in the hard fights. Maybe Mythic Iron Will for more mind insurance?

Any other feedback I'm missing would be awesome. Thanks for taking the time to read my novel :)

Fairly straight forward question. Adamantine Mind says that if the caster fails their will saving throw in response to my successful save, they're stunned for one round. Since the stun happens during their turn, does that mean they're stunned until the end of their next turn or the beginning of their next turn?