
Vellis's page

Organized Play Member. 24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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HWalsh wrote:
Vellis wrote:

But as energy weapons, they also hit more often, and can lead to more PC deaths from sustained damage. You said so yourself they're your go to.

The numbers aren't even the point I was trying to make though, it's more a matter of world building. Plasma weapons are strong because they target EAC and can sever limbs. They're cool because they're freaking lightsabers. Strong and cool weapons aren't generally used by your average mook. In fact, your average trash mob is generally using low end equipment compared to the PCs. All of the early, unnamed NPCs in Dead Suns are using Laser Pistols and Clubs, not Laser Rifles and Long Swords. Foot soldiers carrying Plasma Swords isn't something that I would expect to be common until very late in a campaign.

Furthermore, losing a limb is a narratively significant event. All wounding weapons are flashy, narratively exciting weapons. If every encounter carried that risk because every trash pack in your campaign contains wounding weapons, that event and those weapons lose a lot of impact. Ignoring the numbers all together, it just seems like an odd choice in terms of world building to make wounding weapons as common as you're suggesting.

You can't use the intro levels of an intro module to justify these things.

You're talking about level 1-3. That really isn't a good level to make judgement calls. If, and I say if, I find down the road that the devs took a different direction than seems likely based on all of my past experience with Paizo products then I'll amend the guide.

If that isn't acceptable to you, I don't know what else to tell you. If you think you can do a better job than I have done, then please, by all means, write your own guide. I am sure the community could stand to have multiple views.

I'm not using the intro levels of an intro module to justify these things. If I'd never even seen Dead Suns, I'd say the same thing due to past experiences in other RPGs. Common mooks just don't use special weapons, they don't even commonly carry +1 weapons until well into the mid game of a campaign in Pathfinder. Those flashy, effective weapons with on hit effects are generally reserved for named NPCs and not mooks. That's not a Dead Suns specific thing, that's just normal campaign building.

We seem to disagree on just how to categorize Plasma Weapons and the like. I think they're a special kind of equipment and will be treated as such, you think they're just a common item that any old NPC will use. That's fine, no harm no foul.

I apologize if I came across as hostile, that certainly wasn't my intent. I think the content of your guide is excellent, I simply disagree with the assertions you've made about wounding weapons in this thread. I don't expect this conversation would have any impact at all on your guide, since I don't expect a Solar Weapon Solarian to be using a 2-handed Advanced Weapon any time soon =p

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Babbling Bazzar wrote:

Check out this thread about the furious weapon enchant. Near the end they talk about the bane enchantments too. It might require a house ruling from your gm though: s

Impervious Body is okay, but it isn't great. I would recommend looking at Mythic Shield Focus. Your fists and shield only crit on nat 20s and even with Improved Crit, that gets you 19-20/x3 for 1 normal feat and 1 mythic feat, and another normal and a mythic feat for automatic confirms on non-mythic creatures and a passive +4 bonus to your confirmation rolls.

Another feat chain to look at is the Dodge/Mobility feat chains for things like Spring Attack.

I was going more for a tanky based brawler and just be the shield for my group but it looks like you are going for more damage and relying on the guardian path to keep you alive.

So far, I am at mythic tier 2 and level 7 in my current campaign and my gm has been scaling up encounters to be CR +2 for us to keep regular encounters somewhat difficult. The mythic fights have almost been deadly and we have a pretty solid group. I don't know how your gm is going to handle it, but just a warning, mythic is a huge power surge and if your gm doesn't know how to handle it, your group is going to start rolling through encounters with ease until the mythic fights.

Thanks for the feedback. So am I correctly understanding that a +5 Bane Weapon would be able to beat DR/epic then? I'll probably drop Impervious Body and fight almost exclusively with the shield if that's the case. Heck, I could probably drop the human Martial Versatility feats to free up a few more feat spots for that matter.

The crit line is a little expensive, but you've also gotta keep in mind how it works with Pummeling Style. I only need one of my 3-7 rolls to crit for the entire attack to crit. If you're making 6 attacks with a 10% chance to crit, then the odds of NOT critting are .9^6 or roughly 53%.

I do think I'll drop mythic critical focus though if it's the mythic fights that have been putting you in danger. I thought about Mythic Shield Focus, but I'm not sure on it. My touch AC is already going to be very high since I'm planning to drop absolutely everything into Dex. Maybe pick up Mythic Iron Will for more mind insurance in its place. Same deal with Mobility/Spring Attack, my Dex/Acrobatics should be enough to keep me safe from AoOs.

As for our group, our Sorc is playing largely buffing and utility so far, the Oracle is new so I'm not entirely sure what his play style is going to be. Our Rogue is our main damage source, with my former sword and board ranger being supplemental. I see my Brawler being in a similar role, where I get in front of the big things and keep them there to set up flanks for the Rogue, while doing enough damage to make sure they consider me enough of a threat to not try and walk off to smash the Rogue. Though Retributive Reach + Pin Down + Cage Enemy should be more than enough to keep monsters from getting away once I'm in range.

We're level 6 and mythic 1. Our GM bumped the last encounter against a solo Nebasu up to CR+2 by adding four gargoyles, and it resulted in my Ranger dying from level drain, so it sounds like we're not quite as effective as you guys =p

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.