
VedicDragon's page

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Had a supplemental thought that may help this a bit when it comes to build modularity / versatility. Perhaps my proposed desires may be addressed by this fix below. Replace instances of these abilities with the phrase "Bonus Gadget Feat" for the corresponding levels. (I believe 6th, 10th, 14th and 18th). Extra Function and Extra Artifice Pool should also have the [Gadget] identifier. I've rewritten Extra Upgrade below. The following feats also encompass the powers left out from 3.1 to more recent builds, as well as to some extent the ones that have replaced them. (You may even wish to have them add an ancillary benefit of +1 Artifice pool point considering many of them now have an activation cost not unlike Gunslinger Deed feats). So for clarity's sake, the old name of these class powers in in parenthesis next to the Feat name.

Budget Construction (Cheap Inventions) [Gadget]:
Prerequisite: Artifice Pool, one other Gadget Feat
The engineers understanding of real-world application through expands extensive work and jury rigging with his constructs. Thus he only needs to pay 1⁄2 as much to create items with their inventor special ability (1⁄4 the price of mundane items or potions, and 1/8 the price of wondrous items). Whenever he does this, he must spend 1 point from his artifice pool

Inventor Extraordinaire (Inventor) [Gadget]
Prerequisite: Artifice Pool, 4th Level
An engineer brings a new meaning to “jury-rigging” by throwing together some spare parts. As a full-round action, the engineer can create any non-magical item worth 10 gp per class level or less by piecing together spare parts and chemicals. To do this, he must immediately spend gp equal to 1⁄2 the price of the item created to represent the materials needed. He must also make a disable device check with a DC equal to the crafting DC required to make the item. If he fails the check, the item is destroyed and he does not gain its use.

Items invented this way are unstable and do not last long. After a number of rounds equal to the engineer’s level, the item crumbles and is destroyed. Weapons created in this way (including alchemical thrown items) are weak and poorly-made and are immediately destroyed if the user rolls a 1 on an attack roll with the weapon.

There is no price limit on wondrous items, but he cannot create a wondrous item with a caster level higher than his class level. In addition, an invented wondrous item cannot have a spell level higher than his intelligence score -10. He still pays 1 ⁄ 4 the price of a wondrous item upon inventing it. He must also spend 1 artifice point per spell level of the item when creating the item, and the disable device DC is equivalent to the spellcraft DC required to create the item (including the +5 to the DC for not possessing the required spell).

Homebrewer Extraordinaire (Inventor - Potion Creation) [Gadget]
Prerequisite: Artifice Pool, 4th Level
The engineer has dabbled in enough chemistry to pick up potion-craft. Perhaps this is enhanced by his love of a cool pint after a hard day in the lab. As a full-round action, he brews potions by imparting some of his quasi-magical energy into the scrap and chemicals as he concocts and ferments them (this is instead a supernatural ability). To do this, he must immediately spend gp equal to 1⁄2 the price of the item created to represent the materials needed. He must also make a disable device check with a DC equal to the crafting DC required to make the potion. If he fails the check, the brew is destroyed and he does not gain its use. There is no price limit on invented 'brews but he cannot create a potion with a caster level higher than his class level. In addition, an invented potion cannot have a spell level higher than his intelligence score -10. He pays 1⁄2 the price of the potion in materials before brewing it. He must also spend 1 artifice point per spell level of the potion when creating it, and roll a disable device check equivalent to the spellcraft DC required to brew it (including the +5 to the DC for not possessing the required spell). Potions invented this way are unstable and do not last long. After a number of rounds equal to the engineer’s level, the draft goes unstable and may become unpredictably explosive of toxic.

Speedy Construction (Quick Inventing) [Gadget]
Prerequisite: Artifice Pool, Gadgeteer/Magical Talent
Engineer may create an item with the Inventor ability as a standard action instead of a full-round action. If making Gadgets on the pre-existing list, it only takes a half hour. This requires two Artifice Pool Points

Modify Automaton [Gadget]
Prerequisite: Artifice Pool, Automaton Class Feature
Benefit: The engineer can modify his automaton’s upgrades. By taking a full day to work on the automaton, he can re-assign a number of upgrades equal to half his intelligence modifier. This requires spending an equal number of Artifice Pool Points.

Additional Clockwork Companion [Gadget] (per the Druid feat Additional Animal Companion)
Prerequisite: Cha 13, Automaton class feature
Benefit: You gain an additional clockwork companion. Your effective engineer level for the purposes of the second companion is your normal level -3.

Möbius Tool [Gadget]
Prerequisite: Artifice Pool, Omnitool
Benefit: You may add ONE power from the Tek-Warrior's Möbius Weapon list to your OmniTool. This feat may not be taken more than once. Conversely, Tek-Warriors who take this may add ONE Function from the list for use with (and through) their Möbius Weapon.

Extra Upgrade [Gadget]
Prerequisite: Artifice Pool, Automaton/Singularity class feature
Benefit: You may add ONE additional upgrade to your Automaton, or yourself. If you are applying this to yourself, this requires you to permanently dedicate 2 Artifice Pool points. You may reclaim them if you wish to destroy/undo said upgrade. It will take one week until they are fully recovered.
Uses for your Automaton stack. Uses for yourself do not.

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I've seen plenty of resources and contests expanding the horizons of "Pact Magic" as listed in the Tome of Magic.

I was wondering if anyone has seen Trunename Magic and Namers similarly expanded, and in either case, am announcing my intention to do so.

I will be adding a connection to the "Dark Speech" and "Words of Creation" feats, as in my India Game, speaking the words in the oldest tongue is how Brahma the Creator manifested all matter.

Hence, I need to up the powers of "Naming" or at least the applications, while keeping it "in balance" with other factors in normal play.

Any suggestions?

I know I will be combining resources from sigils and related feats from Illumians and adding such resources as the elements of the Dracolexi prestige class.

The Exchange

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This may seem out of left field, but I have decided to dust off an old concept and have assembled a group to finally explore something long overdue.

As a gamer of Indian descent I have been extremely frustrated by the half-hazard treatment fantasy india and the Hindu religion/mythos has been treated with. Descriptions of Shiva as Chaotic Evil from a myopic western standpoint or grossly inaccurate interpretation of the pantheistic monotheism that is Hinduism, my own religion
do not help either.

What efforts that I -have- seen have been truly disappointing. It seems that the only attempts that have been made vary from downright insulting and offensive to overly-squeamish from not wanting to be categorized as the former. I mean, there is a huge difference from lampooning an existing religion and making a "Vedic Fantasy Setting" devoid of gods! (Cough Mahasharpa cough).

So finally I decided it was put-up or shut-up time. Which is to say, "If you don't like it, make a better one!"

So that is what I am doing.

I have scouted out the barren and undescribed subcontinent to the south of Kara-Tur in Aber Toril with the "Himaslya Mountain Range" as the general geographic location. A Campaign specific-barrier keeping external elements out will be a premise, thus explaining why previous influences do not effectively permeate nor discover this rich,
vibrant setting which will thus, due to anonymity have developed on its own .. until now.

For resources I am combining the web publication "Sahasra: Land of 1000 Cities" with the Arabian offering "Tales of the Caliphate Nights" and the Mahasharpa web enhancement for Oriental Adventures.

In addition I will be splicing in various elements such as Mindshadows from Green Ronin. As each of these generally depict only a handful of city-states at a time, this campaign will provide the whole picture of a Vedic Fantasy India Premise, essentially layering these attempts and rewriting them from a practicing Hindu's perspective.

The general premise will be a non-arcane setting devoid of all Arcane magic, with Incarnum, Psionics and Divine as well as Pact Magic and Naming filling the Occult Niches that Arcane Magic would otherwise take.

The Only base classes allowable will be Monk, Ranger, Thief and Priest.

Warriors will be replaced with Tome of Battle classes, and all six base psionic classes will be allowed.

The emphasis will be multiclassing and combining power sources to survive.

This posting is more of a place-holder as everything is still in development and I am looking to have a well-written, drawn-out thesis as a setting premise.

The campaign will be run in two parts, a "Prequel" with characters rising the ladder of power rapidly and going off to a then-inscrutable plot-laden destiny.

After this, the campaign will begin a 'second season' two-three generations later, with the settled descendants of the original party being brought together by threads of destiny.
Arcane magic, if introduced/allowed to enter the setting from outside of it, will be an immense source of power and conflict as a corruptive element a la Mask of the Red Death or World of Warcraft d20.

Let me know any reactions, this post will be quoted from the original but modified to better encompass my premise as my notes are streamlined and put into coherent form.

Category 1: Base Combat
Standard Classes & Variants
Hexblade (Replace with Divine Magic until Arcane Magic invades Setting)

Tome of Battle

Category 2: Arcane And Sneak Replacements
Tome of Magic

Sneaks (In Addition to Rogue)
Swashbuckler (switch to Scimitar, "Corsair")
Ninja ("Thuggee")

Category 3: Psionics
Expanded Psionic Handbook
Psychic Warrior

Complete Psionic
Divine Mind

Category 4: Incarnum & Divine
Magic of the Incarnum

Various Divine (In Addition to Priest)
Mystic / Healer (fuse the two classes from Dragonlance & WoW d20)

Acceptable Races for Sahasra
Category 1: Standard & Variants
Dwarf (as Korobokoru "Vamannan")
Frehmin - Kalashtar (Eberron) with the Frehmin template (Secrets of Pact Magic)

Category 2: Spirit Folk / Fae
Banyan (Bamboo)

Category 3: Beastfolk
Vanara (Monkey-kin)
Balou (Bear-folk)
Jatayu (Vulture-folk)
Chooah (Ratfolk-Nezumi)

The Exchange

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HoL, Human Occupied Landfill, the Spoof RPG published through White Wolf, with a book that was originally written on cocktail napkins.

And its only supplement "BUTTery HOLsomeness ... With the "real" character creation rules.

Evil, diabolical fun in a Sci Fi universe mocking and parodying most of the various genre's "Sacred Cows", and generally just perverse comedy.

Organizations like the Church & Munch, a fusion of McDonalds & The Catholic Church run the Universe.

Characters have skills like "Charge Headlong into Eternal Damnation Cause You Think You Can Win" and "That Psycho Bruce Lee Sh!t".

Another Great one on a serious Sci Fi RPG note was Fading Suns. Great System, great setting, very dystopian.