
Vaudevillian's page

2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I hope the game gets opengl support. This way it would be much easier to port to linux.

You can have it both ways.

Premium Goblinworks server $5-$10 a month:
Newest content premium service. Access to the newest content. Tech support. Premium world.

Licensed player run server (server owner pays $25-$35 a month).
Server runs on donations usually. Access to new content shortly after premium gets it. Tech support. Server owner built world. Access to development tools. The ability to make custom items as well.

Free server owner run servers.
Half the world, half the content. No tech support. No extra items. Half a year behind the development of the premium servers. still can rely on donations.


Their should also be a way for the community to add custom content to the game. If the content is that good, it could be added to the premium servers.