Halfling Slinger

Vash "The Swift" Val'vraxem's page

1 post. Alias of Thecooldudenextdoor.

About Vash "The Swift" Val'vraxem

the Vash look, just add goatee!

Vash was born in a city where while Halflings were accepted, they were always thought of as lesser, weaker, and childlike. Vash grew up being looked down upon and pitied and whenever he got angry, or tried to fight he was simply laughed at and called adorable. When he turned 16, he had had enough, he bought a blade from the blacksmith, quite a beauty it was as well, with money he had saved up for years and taught himself how to use it very effectively. He learned to use larger races mass and strength against them, using his agility and wits to not only outsmart them and out maneuver them, but to sometimes confound them so that they walked away believe anything he told them! Even after entering a tourney in the city not far from his town, and winning he was, along with the rest of his race, still considered lesser, the larger races putting his win off as no one else had wanted to harm the little fellow. The people from the city gave Vash the nickname “the swift” due to his uncanny speed and agility, surpassing even that of his fellows, though it has since devolved into “Switfy” or “sir Swifty” to Vash’s chagrin. Eventually Vash grew a magnificent beard and mustache so that he would never be mistaken for a human child again. He set out to a life of adventure for several reasons, to hone his skills, to become a great hero one day, and to see the world, and hopefully escape from the condescending pity that was rampant in his home country. He would return with enough tales and fame under his hat to prove the value of the halfing, and would make sure to rub it in everyone’s face.

While perhaps a bit bitter at first about his predicament, as he aged Vash began to understand that, while what the other races did was wrong, they didn’t particularly do it out of spite, but out of caring, usually. While he still works to change that view point, and will gladly show out any of the larger races, most of the spite he had is gone, and he is quite amiable with most, especially those of the larger races that see his worth and consider him an equal, or better!

Vash Has an appetite for thrills and adventure that put off even most of the others of his race, while he is a terribly superstitious man, and is often given shivers at the mention of ghosts, he does his best to hide this under his mask of courage and bravado. In other words, he is a small scardycat when it comes to the ghostly supernatural, but would rather be locked in a room filled with ghosts and spooks than let someone know. HOWEVER, he will often attempt to divert any ideas of going looking for ghosts until it seems they are inescapable and will then follow along as if it was his idea to begin with.

Vash is in sandpoint as a simple traveler. He is up north looking for a way to make a name for himself and have a thrill doing it. He heard about the festival from a nearby town and decided that he may find some good food there. Even though he is more brash and outspoken than others of his kind, he still shares the love of food and a good story. He is looking for a way to make a name for himself and have some fun, maybe some good food too.

Male Halfling swashbuckler (Inspired blade) 1
N Medium Humanoid (halfling)
Init +4; Senses Perception +8
AC: 20, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 dex, +1shield,+0 NA,+0 Magic+1size)
hp: 12 {+1d10,+2Con}
Fort: +3, {+0Base,+2Con+1race}
Ref: +7, {+2Base,+4Dex+1race }
Will: +3,{+0Base,+2Wis+1race }
CMD: 15
Speed: 30 ft.
Base Atk: +1
Melee:+6{+1Base,+4 Dex+1 size}
Ranged:+6{+1Base,+4Dex+1 size}

Rapier: +7
Damage: 1d4+4

shortbow: +6
Damage: 1d6

Str: 08 , Dex: 18, Con: 14, Int: 14, Wis: 14, Cha: 12

Traits: fencer,
Drawbacks: N/A
Alt. Race Traits: Practicality, fleet of foot
Feats: swashbucklers finesse, weapon focus Rapier(class), fencing grace

Skills 9/lvl
Acrobatics: 1 +8
Perception: 1 +8
Diplomacy: 1 +6
Bluff: 1 +6
Appraise: 1 +7
Know. Local: 1 +6
Sleight of hand: 1 +8
Stealth: 1 +12
Sense Motive: 1 +8
ACP -0

*ACP applies to these skills
Non-Standard Skill Bonuses

Languages Common, dwarven, halfling, Orc, goblin

Special Abilities:




Arms and Armor: Rapier, buckler, studded leather

Misc: Backpack, belt pouch, 100ft silk rope, 2 waterskins, 10 rations, flint and steel, grappling hook, sunrod (3),
Magical items:
Magical Consumables:

Carrying Capacity
Light 0-33 lb. Medium 34-67 lb. Heavy 68-100 lb.
Current Load Carried 0 lb.

Money 3 GP 29 SP 0 CP