Justic Ironbriar

Variel The Mad's page

9 posts. Alias of Davi The Eccentric.


Male Elf Alchemist 3
Orthos wrote:


Tathviel's shop is small, simple, and orderly. A single-room hut, perhaps enough for four or five people standing maximum before people start knocking elbows, with a bench and three shelves - potions on the left, alchemical items and supplies on the right, scrolls and magical trinkets in the back. Beyond the door a single curtain is all that cuts off viewing straight into the room. Daeronon Tathviel himself is a rather young-looking elf who is obviously not a native to these frozen lands: his skin is far too tanned, his hair far too dark, and he's bundled up in almost twice the necessary cold-weather clothing. A large lantern rests on the floor next to him behind the bench, as if he's using it as a small heater. At the time you enter he's closely studying a petri dish with some green flakes in it, an artificer's monacle pressed deeply into his left eye, and takes a few moments to look up and notice you after your arrival.

"Oh... good day saer, how can I assist you?" The absentminded-looking elf either forgets or does not consider it necessary to remove the magnifier from his eye.

"Oh, I have no need of assistance. I simply wished to meet the other practitioner of the fine art of alchemy in this town. I'm Variel, by the way. So, what is the going rate for basic alchemical supplies in these parts?", he says as he attempts to get a better look at the petri dish.

Male Elf Alchemist 3

Variel will generally keep stumbling awkwardly through the conversation and will soon excuse himself to head over to the alchemy shop.

Male Elf Alchemist 3

"A pleasure to meet both of you." The elf moves to shake Ren and Gunnar's hands. "I'm Variel, traveling alchemist. You probably saw my wagon by the stables. This is Sindri, my traveling companion and priest of Shelyn."

"You said you were a sorcerer, correct? That's, uh, interesting."

Male Elf Alchemist 3

Yeah, I'm going to visit the alchemist. Sounds good to me, anyway.

An elf wearing a bandoleer full of vials of strange liquids enters the common room and makes his way to the smiling man. "Morning, Sindri. What are they serving for breakfast?"

Male Elf Alchemist 3

Alright, I'm kinda-sorta done with my equipment. Any money left after that will just be gold, in any case.

Male Elf Alchemist 3

Done with my questions. I'll have equipment done by the end of the week.

Male Elf Alchemist 3

Permission to buy some sort of snow-capable carriage? I ask because an ice sled-wagon from Frostburn costs the same as a regular wagon, so I figure an ice sled-carriage would cost the same as a regular carriage. If nothing else no one else in the party would have to pay for a horse and I'll have somewhere to store my alchemy supplies.

Also, HP rolls: 2d8 + 2 ⇒ (3, 5) + 2 = 10

Male Elf Alchemist 3

Alright. Assuming we don't use a higher level, my sheet's done except for equipment. Background questions coming soon.

So, anyone have any ideas on what to spend twenty-some points on for a decent electricity-controller?