
Variel Galadon's page

61 posts. Alias of Talomyr.

Full Name

Variel Galadon


Half-Elf (Taldan)


Alchemist 1







Special Abilities

Alchemy, Bombs, Brew Potion, Mutagen, Throw Anything


Chaotic Neutral (Good Tendencies)






Taldane, Elven, Draconic, Goblin, Kelish, Sylvan


Job? What's a job?

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 10
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 13
Charisma 12

About Variel Galadon



Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 165 lbs.

Variel is a nervous twitchy sort, dressed in average, non-descript clothing (all the better for shall we say...more illicit behavior).

Personality and Background:

Variel is a twitchy, scheming sort. Mostly, out of need. After failing out of the Arcanamirium, Variel's parents did not welcome him home, and opted to turn him out into the world on his own. While out on his own Variel, fell in with a bit of rough crowd, running con games, theft, drugs. It was in the drug trade Variel picked up his interest in alchemy. After seeing a number of his "friends" fall prey to street violence, imprisonment, or in some cases worse, Variel swore to turn over a new leaf and live his life on the straight and least mostly.

XP: 0/2,000


Leather Armor, Light Crossbow, 20 bolts, Dagger, Traveler's Outfit, Sickle, Backpack, Flint and Steel, Waterskin, 50ft Silk Rope, 2 x Sunrods, 2 x Flask of Acid, Flask of Oil, Thieves' Tools

Weight Carried: 40 lbs. (medium load)

5gp 8sp 10cp

Combat Statistics:


AC: 14 (Touch 12, Flat-Footed 12) Initiative: +2

Move: 30 ft. (20 ft. due to load)

HP: 8

BAB: +0 CMB: +0 CMD: 12

Attack Options:
Bomb +2 (1d6+4 + 5 Splash; 40 ft range; crit x2)
Acid +2 (1d6+4 + 5 Splash; 40 ft range; crit x2)
Light Crossbow +2 (1d8; 80 ft range; crit 19-20/x2)
Dagger +0 meele/+2 thrown (1d4; 10 ft range; crit 19-20/x2)
Sickle +0 (1d6; crit x2)

Saving Throws
Fortitude: +2 Reflex: +4 Will: +1 (Additional +1 to each vs. arcane spells; +2 vs. enchantment spells/effects)



Acrobatics +2
Appraise +4
Bluff +1
Climb +0
Craft(Alchemy) +8 (+9 for crafting alchemical items)
Craft(Untrained) +4
Diplomacy +1
Disguise +1
Escape Artist +2
Fly +2
Heal +1
Intimidate +1
Perception +7
Perform(Untrained) +1
Ride +2
Sense Motive +1
Stealth +6
Survival +5
Swim +0
Disable Device +6
Knowledge(Arcana) +8
Sleight of Hand +6
Spellcraft +8
Use Magic Device +5

Race Abilities:

Low Light Vision: See twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light
Adaptability: Skill Focus(Stealth)
Elf Blood: Treated as both human and elf for racial effects
Elven Immunities: Immune to magical sleep, +2 racial bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Keen Senses: +2 racial bonus to Perception skill checks
Multitalented:Pick two favored classes; Alchemist and Rogue
Languages: Begin the game speaking Common (Taldane) and Elven, plus any languages gained for high intelligence.

Class Abilities:

Alchemy: May use Craft (Alchemy) to identify potions as if using detect magic. May create bombs, mutagens, and extracts. When using Craft (Alchemy) to create an alchemical item, an alchemist may add his level to the roll.

Bombs: Use volitile chemical and infusing them with a bit of their own magical reserves, an alchemist can create a bomb. The bomb is a fire based splash weapon that does 1d6 + INT modifier damage on a direct hit target. The bomb will also do 5 splash damage (Reflex DC 14 to avoid). Usable 5 times per day

Brew Potion: As the item creation feat.

Mutagen: Alchemists may create a mutagen that confers a +4 alchemical bonus to STR, DEX, or CON, a +2 bonus to Natural Armor, and a -2 penalty to INT, WIS, or CHA.

Throw Anything: As the feat, plus an alchemist adds his INT modifier to damage done by splash weapons. This is already included in the bomb class feature.


Accelerated Drinker (Basic, Combat): May drink a potion, extract, or mutagen as a move action as opposed to a standard action, provided the item is in the character's hand at the begining of the round.

Failed Apprentice (Regional, Taldor): Variel was sent to the Arcanamirium to be an apprentice wizard, unfortunately he had no real talent for magic. That did not stop him from learning a few things about arcane magic and how to avoid it. As a result he has a +1 trait bonus to save versus arcane spells.


Splash Weapon Mastery: When throwing a splash weapon, you act as if you had the Far Shot Feat. When you hit with a splash weapon, select one additional square adjacent to the splash area; creatures within this area also take splash damage. When you miss with a splash weapon you may adjust the miss direction on the grid by +/- 1. This feat counts as Far Shot for the purpose of qualifying for other feats, but only in regard to splash weapons.

Skill Focus (Stealth): +3 bonus on Stealth skill checks.

Formulae Typically Prepared:


1st Level (2/day; DC 15): Reduce Person, Shield

Formulae Known:


1st Level: Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self, Expeditious Retreat, Reduce Person, Shield, True Strike

Mutagen Typically Prepared:


Spider's Swiftness: +4 Alchemical bonus to Dexterity, +2 Bonus to Natural Armor, -2 Penalty to Wisdom