Dwarf Fighter

Vandil's page

11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Nalkur wrote:
Alt5 is my vote - no "white" shadow or serif's on the font's to hide the wonderful background artwork. Text is maintaining readability.

I have to agree, but I'm not sure if this will look the best after being printed.

Mykull wrote:

My wife and I play with friends of ours. But that's not enough for an addict like me, so I DM a game with just my wife as a player. She plays an elf rogue/sorcerer. We've played this campaign for 8 years irl and its been almost 60 years in game.

-Thanks for your input, I myself will be playing with just my wife. I just wanted to make sure it would be worth while before i put in the time to make a campaign(Forgotten Realms). She is a new player and I did not want her to dislike the game before she gets a chance to experience the greatness off D&D.

My current group only plays around once every month or two, I myself am a D&D addict. I was wondering if it is possible to play with 1 player and a DM. The DM will have a character also, but it will be treated more like a NPC so it does not give away to much information.

Now has anyone ever done this? If so what are your results.

I have to agree, I am not a fan of the Rangers favored enemy or favored terrain. For 18 years I have only played in the forgotten realms campaign setting and I recently started playing with a new group.
They use there own world based off of "Arklash" which I believe was a table top game similar to warhammer?
The character I have been playing is a "Wolfen" Ranger and im currently lvl 4. So far I have yet to fight 1 of my favored enemies and we are always switching terrain from dungeons to city and that skill has almost become useless also.
I would have to say your better off choosing a Fighter or another melee class unless your playing a campaign that you know your going to mainly be fighting "orcs" or "giants". Also im really disappointed with track, now everyone gets this feature and yet making the ranger more useless.

I do not see how the Paladin is to overpowered considering you can only use smite evil 1 time a day.
Most cases your going to be fighting 20+ monsters before you leave your questing area or whatever.
Unless you play in one of those groups were your in the middle of the UnderDark and your party says "ok were resting for 24 hours" 2 seconds later DM goes ok your rested.
Yeah if you play that way, then a Paladin will be over powered because his smite evil will always be charged but also so wont wizards and other classes that need 24 hours to rest to regain there "ownage" skills.

First how do you plan on multi-classing your bard/rogue.. like going 8rogue/4bard? Also what are you plans for your character? Do you see yourself mainly getting close to a flanked enemy and causing massive rogue dmg and maybe do some minor bard healing/buffing. Or do you see yourself mainly doing the role of the bard and using your rogue skills(trap sense, sleigh of hand etc.) to help out the party.

Dilvish the Danged wrote:

In my opinion, short spear is a second rate weapon for a fighter, and full spear or long spear are both two handed. If you want to do spear and shield type fighter, the trident does more damage, & can be braced vs. charge. A trident is fairly spear- like.

If you would rather it be a true single-pointed spear, I would suggest selling you're DM on a new weapon that would be a 'heavy spear' or a 'hoplite spear', that has all the same game characteristics as a trident.

Yes I agree with the trident over the spear, with my ranger I went with a trident.

1) From lvl 6 to 10

2) Because from lvl 1 to 6 the classes are all very close(meaning cant tell a lvl 2 fighter from a lvl 2 ranger), casters have yet to be worthwhile. From lvl 6 to 10 I find you can get the most out of the classes and actaully have some decent skills and feats, also its easy to DM those lvls because after lvl 10 it becomes harder to match monsters to the players.

3) any Forgotten Realm Campaign

Ok, I was not sure if you took weapon finesse feat or maybe used throwing weapons or ranged weapons you might be able to match a str fighter. So basically its best to make a str fighter then? Or do you feel that having a high dex fighter and using feats to reduce dmg might make you as useful?

Im currently making a new fighter, back when I played second edition it always seemed that the Str fighter would own the dex fighter? Now with all the changes since second edition is it possible to be a damage dealing fighter with high dex and low str? Please explain how to do this and what feats, etc you should use.

Studpuffin wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
It may not count for encumbrance, but removing your clothing will make you invisible...
I can see that your charisma must be 18.

-I just tried that and everyone started screaming