About Valan, lone druidStats:
Valan Male Human Druid 1 Medium Humanoid (uncivilized) Init +1; Perception +2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
LW (fatigued; -1 to all rolls) = 6 (DC 20 Endurance to ignore)
AC: 14 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 12
Fort +5, Ref +1, Intu +4, Will +0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Melee: mwk Quarterstaff +2 (1d6+1 x3)
BAB +0
Languages Known: Common, Druidic
Skills: Diplomacy (1) +4, Handle Animal (1) +4, Heal (1) +6, Survival (1) +6, Knowledge: Lore (1) +3 Special Abilities:
Spontanous Rejuvenation: All allies within 30 feet of you (including yourself) gain fast healing for 3 rounds. The fast healing amount is equal to the spell's level. The fast healing granted by this class feature doesn't stack with itself or with fast healing from other sources. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Bonus spells:
Backpack 2 lbs. - 2 gp
Total: 41 1/2 lbs.
Personal Guard Dog Gordis:
Gordis is not an animal companion, just a trained dog
Medium Animal
Tricks known: Come, Defend, Fetch, Heel, Stay, Track Appearance:
Valan is a man of 5 feet 8 inches hight of age 20. He wears thick rugged clotharmor and a warm cloak, all in earthy colors. On his back is an apparently ancient leather backpack that is held together with lots of patches and in his hands is a simple oaken staff, ornated with elven symbols.
He has a rather powerful build, with broad shoulders and stout arms and legs. Valan's face belongs to a man that looks older than he is thanks to living in the forest for all his life. His hair is of a dark brown color and shoulder-length and his beard apparently wasn't shaved for a few days. His face nevertheless looks sympathic and by elvish standards quite handsome. A few feet behind Valan, a big gray-brown dog is following him. The dog is apprently a crossbreed and a significant part of his ancestry seems to be of wolf origin. The dog doesn't look aggressive though, rather friendly. Background
When Valan was a little child of merely two years, he was journeying with his mother through the lands of Northern Estren. The carriage they were riding in was attacked by bandits while passing through a dark forest and during the attack his mother and all three mercenaries guarding it were killed.
Valan himself was spared by the attackers and left to his own, found later by the old Druid Kantar who was alarmed by the screams and noises. The remains of the carriage and the belongings of his mother were few, but from the style of her torn fur coat and some leftover books Kantar was able to deduce that the little boy was of northwind origin. He wasn't able to learn his name or anything else about his life, so he took him and raised him like his own son, giving him the name Valan. The only thing remaining from his old life was a signet ring (with an emblem featuring two crossed swords over a strange knot-like symbol), whose origin is unknown to Valan. Kantar raised the boy in the forest, teaching him all he needed to know about the green faith and nature, and how to be a keeper of the wild.
In his journeys he came upon Fenrift Keep and decided to join the military force for a while to help protect the surrounding wilds but also the innocents in the surrounding settlements. Spell notes to myself:
Bonded Staff removes material components below 5 gp Concentration Dc reduction for spells without material components: -4 Concentration Dc reduction for spells wit a focus but no material components: -2 Concentration Dc reduction for spells without somatic components: -4 Concentradion DCs for various spells Cantrips: 6 (V,S or V,F) except for
1st level: 6 (V,S or V,F) except for
APG = Advanced Player's Guide; UM = Ultimate Magic; UC = Ultimate Combat |