Sword of Glory

ValStorm's page

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Two separate things I have had break up two different games.

1. D&D and Real World Physics DO NOT MIX!! I ran a group through a theives stronghold and they fell into a trap that had a mithiral gate. They eventually escaped and defeated the rogues, but decided to come back for the gate. The players used the density and found the value of the gate iteslf would have been 100,000+ gp. Their math was right but I, as the DM, was not willing to let them exploit the flawed rules on the subject, because according to their math, a mithiral shirt would have cost about 30,000 gp. Players were mad enough to walk away from the game.

2. Too many DM's, not enough players. This group I was in had 8 players with 6 of them taking turns as DM. One was stingy with the gold. One was stingy with the XP. Two were very inexperienced. One wanted to focus on role-play. I was the rules lawyer. Needless to say, there was eventually to much conflict and not enough fun and we went our sepatate ways.

I would like to point out the fact that although every high powered mage on the planet can make multipe clones of themselves with magic but the goddess of magic herself could not safeguard a portion of her own essence. The 4e Realms has all the plot holes of an Enterprise episode.

Lilith wrote:
hmarcbower wrote:
In case you couldn't guess, this is where any of my home campaigns set in the Realms begin to seriously diverge from the "published" Realms.
Yeah, I blew up Evermeet in mine...;)

The Evermoors fell to a Black Dragon and his Half Dragon/Half Giant Army in my game. Guess What? Not a single Chosen of Mystra showed Up!!

First: Tumble check to get under table (Easy)
Second: Attack table leg (roll to hit AC 5)
Third: Damage (This is where it would probably fail, 1d3 + str vs. hardness and hp of wooden table strong enought to hold up 2 armored men)
Fourth: Tumble or dex checks for men on table to land on their feet.

I can only add:

DragonLance Legends Vol 1-3

And thanks... I was looking for new books to read!

I have always enjoyed playing clerics. The basic four are still the best. Don't get me wrong, some of the new classes are great (ex. sorceror, scout, swashbuckler), but most of them are marginal or just terrible(shukenja, marshal, samurai, healer).

What do people think the cost of this item would be to make?

Gloves: Permanent spell Ki Arrow
Function: When the wearer of these gloves holds an arrow in hand it turns the arrow to a ki arrow as per the spell.

You can throw Ki arrows at your standard rate of fire if you have the feat quick draw