ValStorm |
![Sword of Glory](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/GoL05SwordofGlory.jpg)
Two separate things I have had break up two different games.
1. D&D and Real World Physics DO NOT MIX!! I ran a group through a theives stronghold and they fell into a trap that had a mithiral gate. They eventually escaped and defeated the rogues, but decided to come back for the gate. The players used the density and found the value of the gate iteslf would have been 100,000+ gp. Their math was right but I, as the DM, was not willing to let them exploit the flawed rules on the subject, because according to their math, a mithiral shirt would have cost about 30,000 gp. Players were mad enough to walk away from the game.
2. Too many DM's, not enough players. This group I was in had 8 players with 6 of them taking turns as DM. One was stingy with the gold. One was stingy with the XP. Two were very inexperienced. One wanted to focus on role-play. I was the rules lawyer. Needless to say, there was eventually to much conflict and not enough fun and we went our sepatate ways.