Clockwork Spy

V-Ger's page

2 posts. Alias of Randarak.



Malachi Silverclaw wrote:
TheAlicornSage wrote:
Simon Legrande wrote:
I think people who believe that life can't possibly have not been created by a higher power are extraordinarily bizarre. But I don't begrudge anyone their beliefs.

I agree. I believe in a higher power because of certain experiences of mine (which I will not detail here), but it is certainly believable to me that life exists somewhere from pure chance.

Besides, that greater power had to come from somewhere, it didn't just pop into existence for no reason.

I also find it very strange that the people who believe that there must be a Creator on the grounds that evolution without one is too unlikely....

...are completely happy to have the Creator not be created itself, but leave its existence unquestioned.

If you're comfortable with the idea that the Creator didn't need to be created, then it's even easier to be comfortable with the idea that life evolved without a Creator, because life started so simply but a Creator capable of creating, well, everything, must be infinitely more complex, and how much more unlikely is something like a Creator to spontaneously appear?

If you think that the Creator was itself created (by another Creator), where did the first Creator come from?

This post is not intended to insult Creationists, just sincerely trying to understand the logic behind the idea that life/the universe spontaneously appearing is too unlikely to be possible, while the Creator idea is not held up to the same criteria.

The carbon units suppress the Creator...