Gadak Simiryin

Urizen's Proxy's page

9 posts. Alias of Studpuffin.


The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
Mothman wrote:

Hello FAWTLies!

Hope that everyone is having a good new year so far.


On a different front, I just found this in passing. Can you really ask for more in a woman?

I can think of just one thing. :P

Treppa wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Treppa wrote:
lynora wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Uck. Sorry Lyn. Knowing does help though, even if its not what you wanted, at least now YOU will get some help from schools and Dr.s. I hope things calm down soon. And hopefully the bickering is just a result of stress and sadness about the kidlet. *hugs* for you and yours.

Yeah, we resolved the stupid argument at dinner. We were both wound a bit too tight. Obviously it was a stressful day. And thanks for the hugs.

Also thanks to Ogre and Treppa for hugs. It's appreciated.

Glad to hear things were resolved. Sucks to go to bed angry.
Soooooooo want to edit the above... but won't for my life depends on it.
Urizen's proxy would do it.

Is that a dare?

Urizen wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
houstonderek wrote:

Hey, I'm courting a hot gamer chick! It cuts into my computer time!!!


Then get her to start posting here! ;)
Baby steps, man, baby steps. I'll get her on here soon enough :)
Once she's accepting of bukkake, hentai tentacles and BTTH, that is.

*gags a little*

Urizen wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:

How come Treppa's ghost post appears ahead of Solnes post that wasn't there? How come I watched her make the ghost post after I posted, yet she still appears above Solnes?

WTF is going on!? It's the twilight zone!

Treppa's above Solnes and you're on the bottom of the pile?

I fail to see your dilemma.

I just went down so hard on that particular page...

Urizen wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
So Urizen just called me an evil bastard on FB. Does that mean I did something good or bad? I'm just confused now.
That's high praise from Urizen.
But if I cry and Jeremy feels ashamed, will that at least score me a Tiamat or one of four Orcuses that wasn't violated?

It's too easy to change Orcuses to Orifaces that it wasn't even worth it...

Instead, I'm gonna go with Urizen scored with Tiamat? DAYUM BOY!

Still Nekkid

Urizen wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
FAWTLYon 5? Why didn't anyone else think of that! Clearly, this is a good Babylon 5 reference... or a Waffle House reference. I'm not sure which at this point.

FAWTLhouse Five is so much more sophistimikated.

Maybe we should blitz this one into oblivion. Have we even blitzed this thread?

No mining, cawing, or blitzing when I'm trying to catch up. I will find you. It will not be pretty. And it will involve lots of genticles.


Urizen wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Edited for grammar. And now I am off to bed. Night All.

Reminds me of a comment over the weekend:

Can you tell me which day your party is?

You do not end the sentence with a preposition.

I'm sorry. Can you tell me which day your party is, bïtch?

Hi-oh! HA HA HA!

Eric Swanson wrote:
Urizen wrote:

I hereby nominate Studpuffin to speak on my behalf as proxy when I am subdued for whatever RL dishes out at me to monopolize my time.


That's what she said!

Edit: What, too soon?