UristmcRoleplayer's page

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So, I might be missing something, but I’m not sure: if, in Dreams of the Yellow King, the players managed to get information from Abdul Alhazred about the location of the Necronomicon in Katheer, why should the players bother to stop and try to investigate Mun’s Lab, again? Since the assumption is that Lowls is always a few days to a week ahead, they could be that maybe he’s still in Cassomir preparing for the voyage, but it seems somewhat unlikely from a player persective that he would stop and lounge around. At that point, they could reasonably surmise that they could cut Lowls off at Katheer if they find him quickly enough, and that they’re wasting time trying to find breadcrumbs in Cassomir. Am I missing some clue that should be pointing them in that direction?