Underfoot and Mister Binnacle's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Bob miller-camp.

Dark Archive 4/5


1. Slime in room 7. Are we hitting all equipment (backpacks, clothing, holy symbols, spell pouches and ect.) with this or just armor when it gets put on the PCs?

2. room 8. what do we do mechanically to turn a critter into an undead thrall? I suppose the Big Bad uses his command word and lets the critters cook till they have no more levels, but what then?

3. Is it safe to assume that his command word to summon move a marked critter to the circle is a standard action?

4. Does an undead thrall still have to make the strength check to leave the circle?

Dark Archive 4/5

This may be an odd question to start this topic, but what makes the tomb in mission seven a "rare form of Osirion Burial"? What details make it different than other Osirion tombs aside from its location?

Dark Archive 4/5

As a GM in PFS, which trumps which if there is a discrepancy? I ask because of the trick with the sorcerers robe, laughing touch and hideous laughter trick discussed in the "So I think "they" got me" thread. Chris kept things moving fine, but it got me to looking at the sources and I found that in the PRD hideous laughter has

"... The subject can take no actions while laughing... On the creature's next turn, it may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect. This is a full round action..."

the laughing bit from Laughing touch limits you to a move action for the save so you cant save then. but in the up to date PDF the full round action part is stated differently.

"On the creature’s next turn, it may attempt a new saving throw
to end the effect. If successful, the effect ends and the creature is
treated as if it spent a full-round action on its turn."

So no actual full round action is used. You just make a save and that's your turn. the laughing touch is useless at this point.

A long winded example I know, and I am not sure how common these discrepancies are. the question remains however. Is there an official trump, or is it just up to judgment? Also as a GM I can have both the PDF and the PRD at the table but the players are limited to books and memory. If what they have at the table conflicts with what I have at the table what is a good way to handle that if its called out.

Dark Archive

I'm having trouble finding out if a dragon is able to use the reach it has available for its bite to use its breath weapon. It would make perfect sense if it could but then again rules don't always agree with me.

Dark Archive

"...Instead of attempting to break or reverse the grapple, you can take any action that doesn't require two hands to perform, such as cast a spell or make an attack or full attack with a light or one-handed weapon against any creature within your reach..."

So, for the full attack can i use multiple natural attacks or does "a light or one handed weapon..." mean a single weapon?

Critter with a bite and two claws. You would assume since you cant do anything that requires two arms you couldn't use 2 claws. The question is could critter in question while grappled both bite and use one claw for its full attack?

Dark Archive

"When making a full-attack action with a ranged weapon..."

Does this mean the whole full attack is made only with a single ranged weapon, multiple ranged weapons or can the full attack be mixed with melee?

For example, can a gunslinger with rapid shot and two weapon fighting do this?
enemy 10 ft away
GS: fire shot one
GS: fire shot two with rapid shot(using a multi barreled gun or quickdraw)
GS: 5 foot step in
GS: off hand attack with melee

this would likely only be a lower level stunt and might not really be all that effective but its a fun image.

Dark Archive

I've run "We Be Goblins" twice now for two very different results.
The first party did excellent for having to fight the entire boat of enemies at once and even used the wasp trap against the doggies. They brought the heads of all their enemies back to use in an explosive fireworks show for much goblin drooling.
The second party didn't wake Vorka up. This was a good thing since they didn't work well together. After beating Cuddles up in the boat's kitchen Reta started eating meat from the room. She looks up and sees that it's goblin meat. Reta keeps eating anyways and gets the stink eye from the other goblins. Later, once the epic battle with Vorka and Lord Longtongue got taken to the upper deck, Vorka put all of the PCs in the negative. Well, all but Reta, who got the last laugh. Vorka tries to use her last effort at 0HP to take Reta with her but fails. Then falls from the top of the broken mast and dies. Reta's priorities at this point were not quite typical of the Licktoad tribe. Step one: eat Vorka. Ironic no? Step two: eat the other PCs. Yes, Reta also ate her downed party. Then she brought back the head of Vorka with the fireworks as the lone survivor and became the hero of the Licktoad tribe.
Vorka mark II.