UncleO's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


If anyone has an Alpha key i'd love to have one. Thank You.

from your responses, looks like ill be starting with the add-on deck. Thanks guys

Gunslinger679 wrote:

And to try to answer your question correctly - I believe if you start with deck 2 then you will skip the character add-on pack.

Ok that was my line of thought. Im interested in the add-on but dont want to wait till Nov. to get deck 2 if that is next in the subscription. Or maybe ill start with deck 2 and visit my FLGS and buy the add-on from them. Enough rambling from me thanks for the answers guys.

Oh Ok, was not aware that the add-on box was part of the subscription. Thought it was different for some reason.

I'm looking for advice, should i start my subscription with the character add-on or with the 2nd adventure deck?

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