UnarmedTwoWeaponFighter's page

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Cato Novus wrote:
Jal Dorak wrote:
Inara Red Cloak wrote:

Adding on to the same thought process... Why don't you look into the Monster Manual and get the Multiattack feat.

Add that with Roundabout Kick in the complete Warrior (I think that's where it is). And improved crital on one of your limbs.

Tasty Damage!

Technically, unarmed strike counts as a light weapon, not a natural attack, and so Multiattack and Improved Natural Weapon do not improve it.
Yeah, Unarmed is kinda funky, 'cause its one of those things that counts as a manufactured weapon in some cases, a natural weapon in others, and then both in yet others(namely as the target of spells like Magic Weapon and Magic Fang).

Yeah, No. Unarmed is funky no doubt but it's a natural weapon in terms of feats I do believe. Because you can headbutt as a off-hand attack. Right?