Duergar Slaver

Ultimategallo's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 4 wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Hi, I had the option of "use store credit" on, but there hav pased 3 shipmens and my credit is intact

Hi, some news on the suscription ground? Should I preorder it better, I really want thad pdf like in the pathfinder suscription.

Any news on Starfinder Suscription? Shuld I pre order it or wait for a suscription?

Today is monday! haha

I just got Damiel, and it make me want the 7 characters I don´t have more, Amiri is going to be the Bigest stone of the crown thad are the iconic characters minis

Hi, How can I see what items are on my Sidecart, I buy some items and put them in my sidecart whit my suscription, but when i refresh teha page (several times to confirm) the items were still in my shopping cart so I buy them again, but prefered to make and order and not to the sidecart, and I want to confir I dont buy them doble.

This is one of the 6 Iconic characters thad I don´t have, I hope this become habaileable (and I get get the chance to get one) I don´t like much for the pre-painted minis, but the Iconics have his charm, is sad thad they sold so fast.

P.D. This is the only store thad ships to my country too)

This needs a PDF like the other suscriptions.

The disappointment is bigger because is an iconic character (and is smaller than the begginers box figures, thogueter looks awful)

I get this box whit my subscription, this box is amazing, the books are amazing to watch, but if you are no nub is not new stuff, but even if you have years playing the mat and the paws are amazing assets (I need more pawn bases, you plain to sell them separately? y want more), AMAZING WORK, I have two or three friends to maybe start to play thanks to this box.