Naming a child Stavian Stavian would indicate very cruel parents...
The Cohort is a NPC, so as GM it is part of your domain. You could give control of the cohort to another player to reduce your workload, but you shouldn't hand it to the player in question since in the end he would play two characters and might upset the party-balance by hogging the spotlight.
wraithstrike wrote: If a GM told me he wanted my character sheet I would just make a copy and take it home. The GM might need a copy to plan adventures around, but it is still my character. A player of mine tends to loose his character sheats, his dog slobbers over them and other stuff has already happened, so I keep a digital copy to print a new sheat from time to time.
Check how the text is written in the original.
Quote: I'd think entering into a contract with a demon was an evil act myself. Me, too. A Paladin would have fallen now. Lawful Good characters would be considered for an alignment shift towards Lawful Neutral at least. And since it is a demon - a usually Chaotic Evil being - why should the creature keep its word?!
To be honest I am not quite sure what you mean with "the translations are really weird in some parts and many things were translated badly, with old-fashioned language and odd terms". Pathfinder hat its roots in D&D and uses a lot of the same terms. The translation uses the etablished german terminology. I know that many players would like to get the books in german at the same time when the english version is published, but usually we can't start that early and of course we need time for translating, editoring, layouting, checking etc. A hardcover uses a lot of ressources next to the monthly Adventure Path and the other monthly product.
Ulrich-A.Schmidt / German Translationteam |