Durkon Thundershield

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Organized Play Member. 85 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Silver Crusade

The artist and blogger Stefan Poag has posted a 399(!) page draft of the Mines of Khunmar over on his Aldeboran blog at blogspot. The post can be found at: http://aldeboran.blogspot.com/2014/03/mines-of-khunmar-draft-march-2014.htm l The Mines are a megadungeon that he has been working on for many years. Although incomplete, the draft is incredible and illustrated with his work throughout. Several caveats:

1) While he's working to make it fully S&W compatible, there are portions of the draft that are not fully compatible with S&W yet. But if you're familiar with old school rulesets, converting those parts should not be much of a challenge.

2) The draft will only be up for a limited time. He posted it on 3/29/14. So grab it while you can.

3) Levels 9 and 10 are incomplete and fragmentary. Still, what's in the draft is more than enough to occupy most parties for numerous play sessions and months of play time.

Many thanks to Stefan for making this available to the community, its an incredible locale that has an awesome oldschool vibe.


Silver Crusade

Post your thoughts and impressions of Second Darkness #5. How are Treerazor and the rest of the bestiary's monsters? The main and side adventures? The gazetteer of the Tanglebriar? Please hide anything spoilerish with a spoiler tag.

Silver Crusade

For those of you who are lucky enough to have downloaded or received this, please post your impressions of the adventure here. Keep anything spoilerish behind a spoiler tag please.

I was impressed with Leati's The Champion's Belt for the Age of Worms AP, so I'm curious to see how he developed this one. Also, how are the Kazavon and Harrow Deck of Many Things articles?

Silver Crusade

For those of you lucky enough to download or get this in the mail, what are your Impressions of the mod? I'm curious to see how the adventure path transitions from an urban to a wilderness setting.

Given the great job that Kortes did with Entombed with the Pharoahs, how does the mod handle the party and its pursuing groups (Red mantis?, Grey Maidens?). Please hide anything spoilerish with a spoiler tag.

Silver Crusade

Woohoo! A new Dungeon adventure by Nicholas Logue. You can find it at
http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/duad/20080509. Although set in Eberron's Stormreach, with a little bit of conversion, you could use it in many a ruined city/urban setting.

The adventure has an action/gore vibe to it. I was especially fond of

The roof/pillar chase with Talon. It reminded me of the craziness of the dock chase in Mad God's Key--well done sir.

Wizards got the author description wrong though--Mr. Logue is definitely no longer a 1st level unemployed ;)

Good Lord Nic, do you never stop? Paizo Ap, Pathfinder Society, Sinister Adventures, side projects and now this. Wow.

Silver Crusade

EN Publishing, which has been putting out its War of the Burning Sky adventure path over the past 15 months is looking for side adventures for their AP. Perhaps taking a page from the RPG Superstar contest, they have decided to hold a writing competition for side quests.

You can find the announcement and contest rules at http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?p=4125547#post4125547.

Quick summary--if it gets published it gets paid, deadline date is 4.30.08, and the minimum (no maximum) entry length is 2000 words (make sure you read all the rules first if interested).

I'd be curious to see if any of the Cabbages and other Superstar finalists from these boards give it a go.

Silver Crusade

Check out the cool module by Stephen Greer that Wizards just posted on their website today (2/11/08). You need to be registered with Wizards/Gleemax to get it, and you can download it from http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/duad/20080211.

While I'm not likely to have pc's high enough to play it for some time, should they survive to 18th level, I'd love to give it a shot.

An adventure with Acererak the Lich (not yet a Demilich--see the adventure) set on the negative plane with a tower ripped from Moil that is a giant artifact? I have to dm this--way to go Mr. Greer ;).

Silver Crusade

Paizo did an excellent job with Rise of the Runelords and I am quite pleased with it. I'd love to continue subscribing, but I have more 3.5 adventure paths than I know what to do with.

Please cancel my Pathfinder Subscription.

Silver Crusade

Many thanks to Mr. Vaughan, Jacobs, and the rest of the Paizo crew for this memorable Cthulhuesque adventure.

While there's quite a bit of stuff in Xin-Shalast that an inventive dm can work off of and flesh out, it feels at times as if fluff and further description was cut to shrink the city part of the module to publication size.

Are there any further pieces information available on the Hypogeum, the Artisan District, or Temple Row or the rest of the city? If not, no problem, perhaps I read a bit too much into the module description's "
its secrets and treasures and dangers can provide for many more sessions of excitement after Karzoug is defeated."

Silver Crusade

For those of you lucky enough to have gotten the pdf or physical copy of this, please post your impressions here. Try and keep it spoiler lite if you could (or use spoiler tags).

I liked Gallery of Evil and his various adventures in Dungeon, so I'm curious to see how Mr. Greer's contribution to Pathfinder turned out.