Skeeter, I can understand where FGG and its personnel are coming from. You folks have access (or at least Bill does) to the sales data, we don't. So going with what sells the best makes sense.
As much as I would like to see it, I doubt that I will see anything like Tsar released for Pathfinder ever again--the financial risk is too much (although a great proposition for a megaadventure from a well known author and Kickstarter funding it might not be out of the question). But there's a niche in PFRP that you folks have done a great job of filling--the arc campaign that spans several levels.
I like Paizo's modules a lot, but at times they seem like cotton candy--impressive appearance and maps and good writing, but the 32 page length means when you are done you don't always feel that you accomplished something epic. The APs are great as well, but they require a long term commitment from lvl 1 to 12+. That sweet spot adventure where one can take an existing party of levels 5-8 and do something epic/heroic (GDQ Series and Red Hand of Doom being prime examples) is a niche that some of FGG's products fill very well.
I hope FGG keeps putting products out that fill that niche and mining the back catalog for gems. For all the requests I've seem for conversions of Abysthor and other old NG modules, I know they are in there.