About Tynan KaddrenTynan Kaddren "Tye"
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b]Languages [/b]Common, Draconic, Shadowtongue, Thassilonian, Undercommon, Varisian
Gear Dagger, Dagger, Double walking stick wakizashi, Quarterstaff, Blue book (Magnimar), Darklight lantern, Hollowed pommel (2 @ 0 lbs), Noble's outfit, Scroll of Blend, Scroll of Disguise Self, Shadowcloy flask (2), Signet ring, Wrist sheath, spring loaded (1 @ 1 lbs), Wrist sheath, spring loaded (1 @ 1 lbs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ Wizard (Shadowcaster) Spells Prepared (CL 1, +0 melee touch, +2 ranged touch, Concentration +4):
Blinding Darkness (1 rds) (7/day) (Sp) - 0/7
Special Abilities:
+1 Illusion (shadow) or [darkness] Spells in Spellbook Add one spell from the wizard spell list to wizard's spellbook. The spell must be at or below the highest level he can cast and be of the illusion (shadow) subschool or have the darkness descriptor.
Tynan’s, (or as she likes to be called, Tye), story begins at the Viperwall, on the eastern shores of Ember Lake in central Varisia. Born to a Chelaxian father and Varisian mother, or at least that is what it was supposed to be. Deep in the catacombs of the Viperwall fortress strange things have been known to happen. And that is such a case. It is said that when a human is born in the shadow world the child becomes touched by the darkness on the world. The exact circumstances of Tye’s birth are a complete mystery, her parents never returned from that realm of shadows, but Tye did return and servants to the Kaddren family of Magnimar brought the infant child home to Magnimar to be raised in the family. Unfortunately the unusualness of Tye’s appearance and her unique abilities did not sit well with the new matriarch of the family. Tye was cared for by the servants of the house never afforded the luxuries of the family proper. As a result Tye never even realized her true heritage that she was the baby sister of Zimandi Kaddren. But there was one who knew the truth. A warrior by the name of Dorin Kaddren, he was there the night Tye was born, He was the one that escorted the infant home and it was he that protected her from her sister’s wrath. Time went on and one can only protect a child for so long. Zimandi had made a deal with the Creepers of the Underbridge. Selling Tye into the child slave market. As time went on Tye worked among the child slaves her spirit broken and her heritage forgotten. Eventually her number came up and she was to be sent to the White Eyes of the sewers. The White Eyes quickly realized that Tye was not one of the regular children sent to them. And fearing the wrath of the shadow realms the White Eyes gave Tye to a man by the name of Ozuno, (a Tien man and a part of the Brothers of the Seven.) Ozuno trained Tye in the arts of shadow magic and began to groom her to be an assassin for the Brothers. Tye learned her magic well and excelled at it. Her natural talent for shadow magic was extraordinary. She learned the secrets of the ancient Thassilonians and mastered the art of self-alteration. Tye was well on her way to become a skilled wizard and assassin but something deep inside her stirred; she knew evil was not in her heart. She needed out. She Used her skills to escape and returned to the family home, but before she could reach the Alabaster District she met with Dorin. Dorin informed her she could not return home Zimandi would have her killed on sight. As a gift, Dorin gave Tye her father’s heirloom walking cane and her mothers’s signet ring. The only things that are left to identify Tye as a Kaddren. Ty was left to her own devices in the Underbridge, using her magic to make a living hoping something better comes along.
Acid Splash Wizard 0
Arcane Mark Wizard 0
Bleed Wizard 0
Daze Wizard 0
Detect Magic Wizard 0
Detect Poison Wizard 0
Disrupt Undead Wizard 0
Flare Wizard 0
Ghost Sound Wizard 0
Haunted Fey Aspect Wizard 0
Light Wizard 0
Mage Hand Wizard 0
Mending Wizard 0
Message Wizard 0
Open/Close Wizard 0
Penumbra Wizard 0
Prestidigitation Wizard 0
Ray of Frost Wizard 0
Read Magic Wizard 0
Resistance Wizard 0
Scoop Wizard 0
Scrivener's Chant Wizard 0
Sotto Voce Wizard 0
Spark Wizard 0
Touch of Fatigue Wizard 0
Blend Wizard 1
Color Spray Wizard 1
Magic Missile Wizard 1
Shadow Weapon Wizard 1
Shield Wizard 1
Vanish Wizard 1
Disguise Self Wizard 1
Illusion of Calm Wizard 1
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