Txn Templar Star Voter Season 6 |
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Ok I found my notes:
Mending Needle
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 11th
Slot -; Price 14,850 gp; Weight - lbs.
This magic item appears as an overly large mithril sewing needle with a length that is usually between 4 to 6 inches. The needle’s enchantment has the means to fully mend a destroyed, damaged or broken item. The needle can perform this function three times a day.
To operate place the needle in or on the damaged item in question with damaged parts next to the equipment – if applicable. Speak the command word and the magic from the needle will restore the item to its previous condition. However if a magic item is destroyed - the item itself, such as a magic weapon, will be restored to its master work quality, but the magic bonuses will not return.
If the owner wishes to restore a magic item with its original benefits, they need to put the needle in or on the item and speak the command word three times. This will activate the needle to repair the item and its magical properties, but will also destroy the needle.
The mending will not work on magic items that need a wish or miracle spell for repair.
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, mending, Make Whole; Cost 7,425 gp