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TwilightKing's page

36 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Heathansson wrote:

I wish you was my dungeonmaster.

I could see going that direction if I ever ran the thing. When I saw the whirlpool final battle in POTCaribbean III, I said to myself that that would be a good thing for STAP.

This scene inspired me. I may try to do something different for the final battle with ol' baboon brains.

Instead of having the final battle in Wat Dagon, I thought about having Demogorgon in the water (somehow breaking out of Wat Dagon), with the heroes launching attacks from the Sea Wyvern. We shall see ;)

Ace Haven wrote:
A very stream-lined elf. If the rest of the races follow this approach, I'll be impressed.

That's exactly what I was thinking. I have not been impressed or even excited about ANY change/addition/mechanic of 4E thus far, but I will admit, after reading the Elf, thinking, hmm..that's not so bad at all.

Time to post one that happened back in June.
PC name: Shianna Norah, Aventi Cleric of Aventurnus, Lvl 2
Adventure: There Is No Honor
Location: Beneath Parrot Island
Catalyst: The Ravenous Dead!

In the final confrontation with the Huecuva and two Ravenous Zombies, the party of six fought valiently. Alas, poor Shianna was grappled and was eventually torn to bloody pieces before her companions eyes as they tried heroically to save her. Alas, the dice were against them, and by the time the zombie had dies its second death, Shianna was zombie food.

i'll ask too. it can't hurt!
dptaylo -at- gmail -dot- com

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doppelganger wrote:

I thought the love potion prank as described in the first episode was multiple love potions poured into a water reservoir. That story seemed to mutate as the AP progressed.

I thought it was just a prank. But knowing what we know of Vanthus now, it is entirely possible that this 'prank' was actually an attempt uh, 'seduce' Lavinia. She probably does see it as no more than a childish prank.

But Vanthus's little plan backfired when they got caught and separated. No wonder he sank into further depravity in his exile. The object of his lust was now completely and utterly unattainable. Until a certain Demon's involvement, that is.

Erik Mona wrote:
Karistynia is a bit difficult to pronounce, which is seldom a wise design choice. That said, I like several of the names in this entry quite a lot: "Autumnal Lord" and "Twilight Council" are strong names.

Agreed. When a name is a stumbling block, I find it difficult to read the rest.

However I did also like Autmnal Lord, Twilight Council and Great Umbral Swamp.

I will be coming back to this one to give it another read.

James Keegan wrote:
Vomit Guy wrote:

I am currently reading Splooooorrrtch by Will Upchuck

** spoiler omitted **

After his work on Ralph!, I'm a bit sceptical about a sequel. The first book had such a definitive ending and it just seems like a play for more money.

But Splooooorrrtch just sounds like it will have a lot more volume than Ralph!, more meat if you will. A hefty chunk of a book.

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:

Presumably this basically just grants you a burrow speed. Should follow all the rules pertaining to creatures with a burrow speed.

In fact I would have issues if the item covered what happened if you stop or made rules for getting lost. Thats basically adding a personal addendum to the SRD and I feel that this would set a bad precedent. We don't get to actually make the rules of the game along with our item, IMO.

Yeah, I pretty much figured that if a creature has a burrow speed, then while burrowing it should be able to breathe normally while tunneling and not get disoriented. And thusly, the wearer of the item would get the same benefits as well while the item is being used.

Glad you like it, Jeremy!

Reading now:
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever: Book 1: Lord Foul's Bane.

And preparing to read the 4th book in the Necroscope series.

Erik Mona wrote:
Or "Gigli."

Well..I was going to lunch soon..not anymore. Thanks Erik. :P

I like this item a lot. One of my favorites of the top 32.

It is a good idea, but I am beginning to feel like it is less a writing exercise than a chance to jump up a flail your arms about "Woohoo!! Look at me! I can write too!" and take the attention off of the contestants and their creations.

It's like watching American Idol (or similar) and having someone in the audience trying to prove thay can sing as well.

I have a feeling this is what is going on with so much attention being put on the items that didn't make it, rather than the items that did. At least, that is my perception.

Not trying to step on any toes (it IS a good idea), but let's find a good way to execute it without taking away from the contest.

GrinningBuddha wrote:

Gloves of the Badger

The wearer is able to tunnel through earth, but does not create a tunnel. I'm a bit confused there. I assume this means the burrowing is only useful to the person wearing the gloves then? That person cannot lead a party through the ground? Do the gloves allow someone to breathe underground as well? How do the gloves affect creatures like earth elementals? I'm left with more questions than answers. :)

I based the burrowing off of the description for Burrow in the SRD.

The more comments I get on this, the more I see I could have done with it! I want to kick myself for not spending more time on it (I wasted too much time on other ideas that didn't make it), but what's done is done. This portion of the contest was extremely educational. Although I've been playing (A)D&D for almost 25 years, I never once created a Wondrous Item worth mentioning. This contest has been an exercise in creativity and understanding of mechanics and game balance. It has been a while since I felt really good about creating an RPG element (be it item, monster, adventure, etc).

Well...I lost.

I am dissappointed, but I also clearly see why. I must try harder the next time.

Congrats to those who won!! Those are truly some great items!

Midrealm DM wrote:

Honestly I think they are nice, but overcosted as it.
I would add some stonecunning type abilities (similar to the Belt of Dwarvenkind).
Finally the wearer needs some way to navigate while burrowing, perhaps gaining tremorsense while burrowing or something.

Yeah, I struggled with price with several items (is it too much? is it too little?). I took a chance. I did think about tremorsense, alas the deadline was looming. :(

Thanks for the feedback!

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Well, here is mine.

Gloves of the Badger

These gloves are most often made of supple, black leather. The fingertips are made from a hardened material and have the appearance of tiny claws. Although the gloves seem to have claws, they are not usable as a weapon.

When donned, the gloves bestow upon the wearer a burrowing speed of 10 feet per round. The wearer is then able to tunnel through any kind of earth such as sand, dirt or clay but not rock or stone. The act of burrowing does not create a tunnel, and the wearer cannot charge or run while within the earth. Both hands must be free to in order to burrow, and both gloves must be worn in order to benefit from the effect.

Faint Transmutation; CL 3; Craft Wondrous Item, Soften Earth & Stone; Price 12,000gp

To be quite honest, I am not a master of magic items (i'm more of a monster masher ;) )

So feel free to shower me with praise, or stone me with ridicule.

Clark Peterson wrote:
That's right. Never. Being the demon prince of undead pretty much means I'm up late. After all, I've got a harem of succubii to least until 4E comes out and they make them devils (curse you!)

But..shouldn't the harem be entertaining you? ;)

BTW..I lurk more than I post, and just want to say thanks to you, erik, and wolf for judging this beast of a contest! I am counting the hours until the 32 are revealed, and this accursed night job is just making it worse! :)

Clark Peterson wrote:
I was just finalizing the contest instructions for Round Two.

This man...he never sleeps!!

Well, after tearing my hair out since the start of the contest and creating things only to destroy them, I finally settled upon something and I think it will work. This was a lot tougher than I thought! I'm more of a monster maker. ;)

Good luck all!

I'm with option B: Sticking with 3.5


option D: Other. I also play HARP from ICE. Neither I, nor my players, are anywhere near ready to convert to 4E. If it comes down to choosing an edition, we'll toss it for HARP or Rolemaster.

Scott & Le Janke wrote:
Azhrei wrote:
Jib wrote:
We can add our own "mature content"!
Wooooooooooooooooooooooooo I'm invisible!
LoL! look he's invisible!

I see!!! ;)

Azzy wrote:
Azzy wrote:
Actually, go here for more vB Code. Just note that the Paizo boards don't accept all of the listed codes, unfortunately.
It would probably be helpful if I actually gave the URL for "here."

ty ty!!!! :D

King o' Cthulhu wrote:
Just read through City of Broken Idols and when I got to section 44 I was very interested. I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas about a Kopru city and what would be in the city.

Check the Stormwrack web enchancement from WOTC. It has a ruined Kopru city.

<a href=>http://www.wi</a>

EDIT: How to make hyperlinks here?

DMaple wrote:

It's hard to find stuff in the SRD about it because it's to do with awarding XP and the SRD specifically avoids mentioning how XP is awarded.

Absolutely. I will check as well. No matter the perceived 'argument', it is relevant to my interests. I just wanted to get the actual situation from darthloser. Seems to be working now. ;)

D&D: Serious Business

Fiendish Dire Weasel wrote:

Before this totally degenerates into a flame war...

Just to clarify, that is NOT my intention, nor will I allow myself to engage in one. Should it get hot, I will withdraw. ;)

Darthloser wrote:

One more thing, what does full of fail mean? I 'believe' thats not good english.

Fail is fail. Do not even begin to judge my English when your posts are full of errors.

You started this thread with absolutes. You have since dissolved into beliefs. If you're going to argue the point, quit changing your view on the subject, especially if you're going to lob definitions from

If you want serious answers to your question, fine. You'll get them. But don't expect much help when you attack other peoples stances on rules, or how they post.

Darthloser wrote:
Kobold Lord wrote:

In any case, the savage template cannot be added to zombies at all, and IS NOT on any zombies. So essentially, the problem is not that you got screwed over, but rather that you read too much into some offhand comment by the DM. Perhaps he meant "savage" as a descriptor for the zombies' behavior, rather than specifically "Savage" referring to the template.

You didn't get screwed out of anything. Period. Even if the DM 'owes' xp based on fractional CR, that didn't happen.

As has been discussed I mistook savage zombies for ravenous zombies but same difference. Which I 'believe' to be the same +1 CR. So my 'argument' still stands.

The Ravenous description does not add +1 CR to the zombie. Your argument is full of fail.

Darthloser wrote:
TwilightKing wrote:
In fact, if I were DM, i'd penalize the character for accessing metagame information and using it as leverage.
The DM told us. So by your statement players are not allowed an opinion or can disagree with adventure writers. I'm sorry but that stinks of dictatorship and we all know what happened to certain famous dictators.

I ALWAYS encourage my players to discuss matters with me, out of the game, if they have a disagreement or a problem with the way I run things. Sometimes they like my rulings, sometimes not, but we discuss the matter and come to fair rulings as best we can, and in most cases, they understand that information that is "DM Only" is the province of the DM and they leave it as such.

Ok, so you know their savage zombies. So that gives you the right as a player to go digging through source material to find out how much your "kills" are worth?

I will not respond to your other petty comments.

Darthloser wrote:
The savage template has +1 CR to creature/npc so if it was added to a zombie wouldn't that make it a CR1 + a half and hence 450 xp for 1st to 4th level characters. The reason I ask this cause I really do believe this to be the case is our DM just gave us 1CR for savage zombie's. I believe he was wrong to do so. Any thoughts?

and how do you know their savage zombies? and if they were, what's a player doing using metagame information to try to knuckle the DM into giving them points?

In fact, if I were DM, i'd penalize the character for accessing metagame information and using it as leverage.

Cintra Bristol wrote:

Have any of you seen the animated movie "The Last Unicorn"? There's a skeleton they need to bribe their way past, and he's a dead drunkard guard. They end up bribing him with cheap wine - the skeleton grabs it greedily, and "drinks" it right into his mouth and pouring out all over the floor, all the while making lip-smacking sounds of enjoyment.

Ever since that movie, I have no problem letting a skeleton drink a potion.

Didn't they give him an empty bottle? And he said something like, "I don't need to taste it..I remember!" then he "drank" the wine.

This is relevant to my interests as well...

I play STAP via Play by post, and I certainly do not want to infringe Paizo by scanning or typing up the bits from Dragon. Mostly I'm interested in the Ecology of the Isle of Dread and the map of the island. These would make for great player aids, but I am limited to presenting them in electronic format...

I took at as it was written.

When all flesh was eaten, the cannibals turned on themselves, and Krund was the last to survive, until he tried to eat himself.

I figure that they retained their fleshy appearances for the 200 years as part of the curse. They eat (the crabs and anyone who comes in) but are never satisfied. They do not fully rot, so they cannot truly die. Even skeletons would turn to dust after centuries.

So the "zombie" appearance is part of the curse, IMHO.

Thanks guys!! That's what I thought, but wasn't quite sure.

Ok, I don't know anything about ships and such. I know the Wyvern is a caravel, but what kind of ship is the Nixie?

It seems quite a bit larger than the caravel in stormwrack and the Wyvern's map.

Any help is appreciated! :D

Stebehil wrote:
Well, if I dare say so, but I like carborundum´s version the most, because I think white on red is better readable than black on red, and the other one has a black background. But the skull is perhaps a little too detailed, I like TwilightKings version better in that regard. (White or rather silver on black or red happens to be correct from a heraldic PoV, btw.)

When I was making it, the white didn't look right for some reason. But I have redone it, and it looks better:

Stebehil wrote:

BTW, according to wikipedia, pirates flew a red flag when they wanted to say: "No quarter, no captives". So you all know what to make from the Crimson Fleets Jolly Roger...


When I read the flag's description, that was my first thought! ;)

Here's one I made, based off the Jolly Roger that was previously posted: