Lamatar Bayden

TwilightKing's page

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doppelganger wrote:

I thought the love potion prank as described in the first episode was multiple love potions poured into a water reservoir. That story seemed to mutate as the AP progressed.

I thought it was just a prank. But knowing what we know of Vanthus now, it is entirely possible that this 'prank' was actually an attempt uh, 'seduce' Lavinia. She probably does see it as no more than a childish prank.

But Vanthus's little plan backfired when they got caught and separated. No wonder he sank into further depravity in his exile. The object of his lust was now completely and utterly unattainable. Until a certain Demon's involvement, that is.

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Well, here is mine.

Gloves of the Badger

These gloves are most often made of supple, black leather. The fingertips are made from a hardened material and have the appearance of tiny claws. Although the gloves seem to have claws, they are not usable as a weapon.

When donned, the gloves bestow upon the wearer a burrowing speed of 10 feet per round. The wearer is then able to tunnel through any kind of earth such as sand, dirt or clay but not rock or stone. The act of burrowing does not create a tunnel, and the wearer cannot charge or run while within the earth. Both hands must be free to in order to burrow, and both gloves must be worn in order to benefit from the effect.

Faint Transmutation; CL 3; Craft Wondrous Item, Soften Earth & Stone; Price 12,000gp

To be quite honest, I am not a master of magic items (i'm more of a monster masher ;) )

So feel free to shower me with praise, or stone me with ridicule.