TurnProphet's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


SuperParkourio wrote:

I wish I knew sooner that there was an official thread to post such questions in. Anyway...

Players and GMs are supposed to use the remaster rules where possible. Does this include remastered monster stat blocks?

There's a great thread here on this topic with a bunch of very experienced GMs and VOs weighing in on the issue that you might want to look at.

Are druids supposed to have the "cantrip expansion" feat like every other spellcasting class in the game does?

Seeing that the feat got reprinted in every book with new caster classes makes me wonder if this was a typo/error in the CRB?

Is there a reason druids are the only spellcasting class in the game that doesn't get access to the "cantrip expansion" feat?

Taking the druid archetype hoping to focus on cantrips only to realize several levels later that you are forever stuck taking 2 per day is really rough :(

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So, are we going to hear from the other candidates? Or is this just an endorsement using the guise of an NPC's name? I hear VCs are telling their players how to vote, too. This is why we can't have nice things.

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AA3 leaked to 4chan briefly figured id lend a hand¿

Natural weapons (and natural attacks), such as acid spit, bite,
claw, or slam, don’t require ammunition and can’t be disarmed
or sundered.

In addition, a player character with this ability as a racial
trait is always considered armed. They can deal 1d3 lethal
damage (of the listed type, or bludgeoning if no type is
specified) with unarmed strikes, and the attack doesn’t have
the archaic special property. They also gain a unique Weapon
Specialization with their natural weapons at 3rd level,
allowing them to add 1-1/2 × their character level to their
damage rolls for their natural weapons (instead of just adding
their character level, as usual).
