Tsotate's page

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Gisher wrote:
To be fair, the Newtonian perspective is very unintuitive. It seems that Chuck Mount is arguing for the Aristotelian worldview which held sway for about two millennia. Newton's laws weren't obvious to Aristotle or to any of the many geniuses who lived between his time and Newton's. One of the most difficult parts of teaching physics is convincing students that their intuitions about how the world works are largely wrong.

And then we get to do it all over again when they hit relativity and quantum mechanics and we have to explain that their now-trained intuition (which matches classical mechanics) is only accurate at low speeds and large scales.

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Mangenorn wrote:
He's not going to do that because he's passing himself off as a god, so won't serve another, but, with another level, and enough villainy in service to a demon lord, he could, by RAW, become a Balor with 20 levels of Wizard, which sounds a bit gamebreaking.

Also needlessly complex, since 20th level wizards can just choose to be immortal anyway.

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I'd leave, because fumble rules are a hard no for me.

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"Look guys, this is a good solution, but I'd really prefer not to run a mass combat. Please come up with a plan that involves me running stuff for your characters instead."

No need to come up with cruel ways to sabotage their plans, just talk to them like adults.