
Tristan27's page

28 posts (37 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

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There are no directions for creating an online campaign. No info on how to add players, how to add characters, how to start it up, etc...

I 'stumbled' upon a thread that said to simply create a post and the site will prompt you for something. So, basically, I can create a thread. That's it. I can't recall a worse website with regards to directions and user-friendliness.

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What is this? A game of 12-year-olds?

1) Preemptive DM & Skill checks and running from room to room? and... Searching dead bodies before helping the guy bury them?

There are consequences to such things. Suppose that man burying the bodies is "greatly offended" at their behavior and tells anyone who hears it after they leave. As a result, the 15th level Ranger-Warden (or local lord) of the area confronts these "looters" and the rest of the town refuses anything to them. Can't buy anything, can't sell anything, can't get a place to stay, etc... And let's say the info spreads to many towns. Nothing lower than despicable grave-robbers.

As I recall, Detect Magic requires one to stare at something for a while to begin to figure out more than simple auras. A few rounds of staring would be odd. as would walking around "perceiving" everything. You have to walk around getting a closer look at things to perceive specific things (like secret doors and wall carvings). You just can't perceive everything from the doorway and it may take a long time. Maybe the tavern has some higher-level patrons who see right through their scheme. How many of them would like to be scoped out? Screw that! Ever consider that the NPC's make their Spellcraft check to ID a spell being cast?

2) Sorcerer taking too long.

Play out the combat in close to real time. Say, "The Orc is charging you with a battle axe and you have about 6 seconds to react." Otherwise, in RP'ing situations, the story moves forward. "That frozen, blank look you have is unnerving the other tavern patrons." Or, have an NPC's question him while he is looking up something. The NPC reacts appropriately and the PC's reputation suffers. While he's deciding what to use, the others take care of business and leave the building (leaving him behind). YOU can keep track of his spells. You know what level he is.

3) Google?

No wonder why he takes so long. I am with the others, no googling at the table. Or, just make the diseases your own variety and change it ever so slightly. Call it something new the townsfolk came up with. That'll likely piss the person off, but so be it. I'd be careful of such gamers because such perfectionists don't want to be wrong and are prone to eventual cheating and fudging rolls. (had one back in college.)

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Dorn Of Citadel Adbar wrote:

The whole WOW factor. It's called Role-playing, not lets see how powerful I can get no matter what. With the MMO's that's all it's about and its bleeding over into the core games.

+1 ...... the WOW factor.

-They complain some classes just aren't 'powerful' enough.
-They make call some characters 'Tanks'.
-They're always trying to 'fix' the rogue because he isn't as effective in combat.
-They use cover words like 'optimize'.
-They pick obscure alternative classes that have nothing to do with the campaign because it further 'optimizes' them.
-The base classes they play always have 2 or 3 alt-class names listed before it.
-They play characters with class names like "Vivisectionist alchemist".

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GeneticDrift wrote:

Key, Skeleton
Source Adventurer's Armory

Many door locks have a similar design and thus can be unlocked by a similar key. A skeleton key may be tried on any standard door lock that uses a key, even if you don’t have the Disable Device skill. You use the key’s Disable Device bonus of +10 rather than your own total; you cannot take 10 when using a skeleton key. The key only gets one roll for any particular lock. If the roll fails, the key is unable to open or close that lock. Inferior skeleton keys may only have a +5 bonus.

1) This supports the part where things aren't automatically given. Even this key gives bonuses to Disable Device just like Invisibility only gives bonuses to Stealth checks.

2)A moderate Craft Locks skill might allow the person to "create" a general key and then use it in this way. If it does not work, then use the power again to make another key and try again. It is basically a temporary create wondrous item power.

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Stynkk wrote:
Mojorat wrote:
Why doesn't the overrun replace the attack from charge like with bull rush? Nothing in the wording is any different.

I thought you would have kept up with this because you've participated in the thread for so long, and all I seem to post is about the differences. The wording is very different. But, I digress - here are the references from RAW:

PRD wrote:

Bull Rush:

You can make a bull rush as a standard action or as part of a charge, in place of the melee attack.

As a standard action, taken during your move or as part of a charge, you can attempt to overrun your target, moving through its square.
[says nothing about replacing the melee attack from a charge]

If then, it says nothing about replacing attacks, we should still be entitled to an attack.

With the above, you are not Overruning a foe that is obstructing your path, you are simply charging your primary target. There is no obstruction.

With Charge Through
1. Declare Charge against an obstructed target
2. Overrun obstructing creature
3. If successful, Arrive at target.
4. Choose to Overrun (y/n)
5. Choose to Attack or Bull Rush

I stand corrected. It looks like you do charge, overrun, and then get your charge attack or Bull Rush. Overrun moves you through the target. Beat the CMD by 5 and you knock it prone.