
Trevor MacAlistair's page

22 posts. Alias of feytharn.

Full Name

Trevor MacAlistair






about 6'



About Trevor MacAlistair

Basic Data


Trevor MacAllistair, Player: feytharn
Age 24

Virtue: Charity
Vice: Wrath

Size 5
Speed 13
Initiative Mod. 4
Defense 3
Armor (0)
Health 9
Willpower 4



Intelligence 2
Wits 3
Resolve 3

Strength 5
Dexterity 3
Stamina 4

Presence 3
Manipulation 2
Composure 1



- Status:Military 2
- Fighting Style: Boxing 5
- Danger Sense (2)
- Language: Spanish 2
- Striking Looks (2)
- Direction Sense (1)



- Computers 1
- Investigation 1
- Medicine 2

Physical (-1)
- Athletics 1
- Brawl 4 (Boxing)
- Drive 1
- Firearms 5 (Autofire)
- Larceny 1
- Stealth 2 (Camourflage)
- Survival 2
- Weaponry 3

Social (-1)
- Expression 2
- Intimidation 3
- Persuation 1
- Streetwise 1



- Trevor was born and raised in Portsmouth, Hampshire. He remembers little of his mother who died when he was three years old. His father sonn after that began to drink and started to physically punish his boy with some regularity
- Trevor would have had a bright academic future, hadn't it been for his short temper and inability to really connect to his cotudents. He regularly clashed wit bullies, whether they were students or teachers, an collected quite a number of suspensions. When he broke a teachers nose while defending another student, he was permanently suspedet before he could finish college.
- He became a petty criminal, stealing, bulliing, trafficing minor drugs, always depressed because he felt his future rin through his hands. He left home after beating his drunk father nearly to a bloody pulp when he tried to hit him once more.
- He finally got his s!*~ together enough to enter the armed forces. His career wasn't particularly bright, but his skills and ambition made him pass the tests for the renowned S.A.S.



- Trevor is basically a good guy trying to help and defend other - sadly he basically uses brute force to do so. He has a bit of a short fuse, although disciplination in the military and several bad experiences have tempered him a bit.
- Trevor isn't a very good subordinate, but as long as his leader/commander does not violate his own personal view of being the good guy, he does follow, and he learned to grind his teeth and wait for the right time to settle arguments rather then to clash wit his superiors - at least most of the time.
- Trevor has (due to his past) a weak spot for the downtrodden and the kind of petty criminals who is just trying to survive against the odds.
- Trevor is far more clever then the average joe, but he isn't very educated - still he is willing and able to learn, if he is given the chance.
- Although he is good looking and has an undeniable presence, his social skills are underdeveloped and hinder him in the little social life he might have. More often then not he ends up trying to intimidate people who try to belittle him.



(items are used as standard armament by S.A.S.):
- Camourflage (1)
- Bulletproof Vest (2)
- Helmet (2)
- Night Vision Binoculars (3)

- M16 Assault Rifle (3)
+ Grenade Launcher M203 (2)
+ Laser Sight (2)
- Sig Saur P228 9mm (2)
- Combat Knive (1)

- Advanced Survival Kit (2)