Trevor Croft's page

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Here's a comparison chart of a couple of VTs: le&id=124&Itemid=93

It's old, but I think MapTool and BRPG are the only ones that have had any significant change since it was created.

It's in the process of being updated for this year's FUMcon, which you might all check out if you are interested in learning about the different VT options.

In short FUMcon is where the VT and digital content creators demo their products with demos and one-shot games. mp;id=119&Itemid=91

Thanks for the link lilith !

Interesting, the home page suggests that it started development a couple months after MT did, in 2005, wonder why I hadn't heard of it yet.

Tinkered around a bit. Has some interesting features. Couldn't figure out how to get the line of sight stuff and shadow wall working though.

Hey guys, Trevor from RPTools here! I'm the primary developer of MapTool, thanks for the interest :)

Some context, MapTool started out as simply a battlemat replacement, which is why it is more map centric than character centric.

The past year or so of development has changed the direction to adding more character centric features. Unfortunately, as Azhrei mentioned, the documentation isn't keeping up, and there is a great need for polish. Fortunately as we near 1.3 completion we're working on both of those elements.

I'd be happy to field any questions here or offline that anyone has about specific features, clarifications, or issues. We also have a very, very (somewhat rabidly) active and friendly forum, feel free to drop by and ask questions there too.

To answer the question about the CharacterTool and Maptool, currently the various tools do not interact with each other, unfortunately.

We're finishing out the 1.3 build and will begin 1.4 shortly which will focus heavily on fleshing out the non-map related features and simplifying the interface. We welcome any and all feedback, in fact most of the development is community driven.