Ezra of Pelor wrote: And when we go west, back near Zaoldyeck Keep, we can see if there's any evidence of this "winter." Maybe even see if it could be a result of The Azure Prince trying to create his own personal Frozen Hell here. (We can rule out, I think, a portal to a Circle of Hell cuz he wants to avoid his old Boss.) That reminds me of an old legend concerning the strange glacier in the Jotuns where the Azure Prince is said to dwell. I heard it from one of the elder priests at the House of Radiance during our investigation of the devil cult.
According to the legend, for thousands of years, the frost giants worshipped a primal deity they called Thrym. Thrym was like a frost giant in form, though much larger in stature. Then, a few hundred years ago, a twisted and bestial demon lord known as Kostch'che challenged Thrym for the worship of the frost giants, and in a titanic battle fought in the Jotuns, Kostch'che crushed Thrym's skull with his great maul and became the new god of the Frost Giants.
Thrym's corpse remained where it fell in the mountains, and as his flesh was stripped away by beasts, time, and the elements, his icy heart was exposed within the ribcage. Though Thrym's head had been crushed and he lived no more, yet his cold heart continued to slowly beat, bleeding an eternal river of icy water. Ice began to form over the dead god's bones, and continued to expand until it had formed the glacier. Though the sun's warmth continually melts the ice, the heart of Thrym continually produces more ice. This is the source of the Javan River, or so the legend says.
Some bards and sages have suggested that the heart of Thrym is an artifact capable of bringing about a Fimbulwinter -- an endless winter that spreads throughout the lands until all of Oerth is a frozen wasteland -- if certain ancient rituals are performed.
Still dreaming of the lich's lore, Grymalkin? Still so athirst for power that you would consider selling your soul for it? It seems to me we are all growing quite powerful enough without the Wizard's aid. And some of us I fear might outgrow our breeches before long.
Let us return to Castle Zaoldyeck and see if Killua's half-brother has arrived there. Who knows what state we might find the barony in? The castle might even be under siege as we speak.
I found myself on a broad and dusty road that wended its way among an endless vista of green hills. Where the road crested a distant hill, I saw him standing there, waiting for me. Without delay, I ran to join him, bounding over hill and vale.
As I drew closer, he smiled and raised his right hand in a gesture that I understood to mean both greeting and halt. I halted, and he spoke, saying, "Your legs have not yet grown long enough to keep pace with me, young pilgrim. Your traveling companions yet have need of your healing and wisdom. Return, therefore, to Oerth, with my blessing."
All seemed to fade like a dream then, and I awoke lying on the altar of his temple in Istivin, surrounded by my companions and my fellow clergy. I have returned to Oerth, imbued with fresh vigor from having met my god! I will not rest until I have repaid my debt.
As much as the idea of roaming the farmlands around the city appeals to me, I fear what we might find besides devil-weed should our investigation bear fruit. Do not forget how formidable and hostile the farmers were at the first devil-weed farm we discovered!
Interviewing the friends and relations of missing persons sounds considerably less risky to me. Let us start there, Grymalkyn, and if we find nothing useful, let us ride out to the nearby farms and see what can be seen.
Hail, Fharlagn, Roamer of Worlds! Hear the petition of your humble messenger. Guide our feet onto the path that leads to our quarry, and grant us vigor in our pursuit (and if necessary, our flight), when we have arrived at our destination. Let it be so, in your divine name!
Samhain Aqualung Tull wrote: And where oh where, praytell mr Trekkerts, shall we sleep at night? I fer one needs a comfy place ta lay me head cuz that'sn when I gets me whispers from Pelor and Mayaheine and Lydia and Ehlonna and all of thems.
Ye sound like a some travelling nomad whats always looking for the horizon.
Mayaheine says she wants me to sleep in a bed so she can finds me.
There is no bed more suited to a healthy rest than the green grass under the stars, Samhain. Wasn't that where we found you sleeping at our first meeting?

Ezra of Pelor wrote: So, I will go with Marvin and, er.... who else, to "look into" making Underworld contacts and get on the trail of these Devils ... a melee guy would be nice but who should it be?
We can convince ...Samhain ...Aqualung ...Tull cuz he can Detect Evil and also can Sense folks' Motives pretty well -- problem being that then the group would be a bit lopsided -- unless Killua wanted to come, too. Hmmm, maybe he could pretend to be dumb muscle or something (just like our Pally).
And we can leave Trekkert and Grymalkin to research stuff "upstairs" to try and find any patterns or "unusual" recent events in Istivan's paperwork (reported criminal activity, one NPC buying lots of land in wierd places, new churches or organizations springing up, that kind of stuff). How does that seem? It makes tons more sense that Killua would be with the "upstairs" team cuz he's actually a titled noble in Sterich and would better know what he's looking at. But then the "downstairs" team would be lopsided, personel-wise. Any thoughts?...
. . . . Regarding finding a home base: how should we approach looking? The thing I really want out of a homebase is anonymity -- I don't want anyone to know it's us. Not Cpt O'Suggil or Myran of Pelor or anyone. Who can best pose as a nondescript someone-else to rent a room? Or is it a "room" we're looking for? What are we looking for...?
This seems like a sound plan. Grymalkin and I will discreetly look into goings on "upstairs", while the rest of you look into goings on "downstairs". As for a home base, perhaps we need no home base? Our company is our home base. If we stay in one place, enemies will find us sooner or later, but if we roam the open countryside, as the Rovers of the Barrens, or the Wolf Nomads do, we shall ever be a stride ahead of our enemies.
Learning more about the wizard? Or more about his spellbook, Grymalkin?
Fharlanghn, Eternal Traveler of Time and Space, grant that the spirit of our fallen comrade, Harabi, journey swiftly to the peace of Bytopia. We give thanks that we could share in part of his journey, and he in part of ours.

Grymalkyn Magus wrote: Samhain Aqualung Tull wrote: SAMHAIN
'Ey mates -- lookin' forward ta workin' wi' everyone stills -- but I gotta shout its from the mountain tops 'hat once Lydia hears abouts a imps and a lemures and 'e hounds of 'e hells down 'ere in Storiches, she's a gonna be tickling me ta go an' kills the li'le bloody bastids, i'nt she, now?
An' you knows she's a gonna be hearin' this, now dunna ya, mate?
Now dunna gets me wrongin -- I'm a thirsty for that Vecna boye, too -- but devilses is devilses is devilses as me mate Pelor always say.
An' Lydia, 'hat purty ol gal an' her purty white locks an' the way she goes a whisperin' in me ear a' night is enough ta make me get me ole sword straight up a' 'he sound a killin' some devilses.
'Hat Lydia, she'll make a Paladin out a ya, 'hat's fer surein! By Boccob's Blessed Book, you reek of cheap spirits, man! My suggestion is that we first discover where the Vecnite's trail leads to, and then we can go slay your "devilses". Narrator: Trekkert regards Grymalkyn with a long, scrutinizing gaze before speaking.
Trekkert: The tracks are set in frozen ground, Grymalkyn. I can find them again. I think Samhain is right. The devils are the greater evil, and I believe they pose a more immediate threat to Sterich. We should go back to the farm and deal with them as they deserve.
Ezra of Pelor wrote: Hey Trekkert, you ready to go find that Cleric of Vecna?
I am.
I have to personally thank him for "encouraging" me to become Ezra.
Think he'll be surprised to see me after our last encounter? ;)
Fear not, Ezra. The tracks of wain and skeletal hooves are frozen into the cold ground, and with Fharlanghn's blessing, I will follow them to wherever they may lead.
My only fear is that they will lead us to even greater evils. He is wise in lore, but I fear that the mage might be foolish in his ambition. For now, he has proven a valuable member of our company, but let us be vigilant. The pursuit of power often leads to its abuse.
Fharlaghn, Eternal Traveler, I give thanks to you for preserving my life where others have fallen to one peril or another. I give thanks to you for leading me to stalwart companions to share in my travels, the better to deal with the many dangers that stalk this land of Sterich. Grant strength and fortitude to my companions and myself, and grant that I may not lead them to doom, or fail them in a time of need. I, Trekkert, am your humble messenger for all time.