Alexander Augunas wrote:
Sorry to hear that! Glad that it was resolved. Looking forward to the post! The pieces you have shown so far are fantastic, and I did like alot of the old art so this is good to hear. Can't wait for the final product, my current occultist has been a blast, and I've introduced alot of occultist enemys in other games I have run.
I have been using pact magic in my games since day one, currently I am playing 3 occultism at various levels, thank you for the awesome books! They have become staples in my games. I really cannot wait to see the final product and have my wallet ready for the kickstarter. Keep up the great work you guys, you not only nailed the binder flavor wise but mechanically you made a awesomely unique and powerful class without being to broken (well, compared to the spellcasters..:p)
Yeah valet was one I was seriously considering, hellknight would actually let me use quicken while wearing mithral studded leather/mithral kikko (If I go hellknight 8) so I do want it around the time I get those and spell critical. I dot like those feat suggestions though, Iron will is a big consideration considering my eldritch knight levels dont give will (why...) Exhausting critical was one I was thinking of as well.
I've already talked to my GM about fluff, prereqs, multiple PRCs and the like and I have already made a cool backstory for this character. My reason for eldritch knight is I play in a persistant world and often times I dont know who or what im going to be grouped. I really dont think if played correctly Ill even be behind a fighter after level 8 or so and this campaign is going into the higher levels so im fine with having a weaker early game (which I dont think is that weak tbh, im an 18 strength 3/4 bab guy with some spellcasting, not the worst). Armor wise the plan is to were mithral kikko at 3 with arcane armor training, then switch to mithral fullplate at 10 when I have 3 hellknight levels. After I get spell critical Im going for mithral studded leather (GM is fine with it) which with the innate 5% spell failure reduction from hellknight means I wont have to deal with spell failure. Hellknight 8 would allow me to have mithral kikko armor again as it does go down to 10% spell failure chance. My main question for this was is the Collegiate Arcanist benefits worth it over hellknight 8. And any feat suggestions, I want this guy to be a arcane buffer, with some side skills, and focus on polymorph type spells for most of his offense.
Well I'm hitting 16 bab which was my goal, my dm banned aasimar so sorcerer is unappealing since I can't enter ek early. The main thing I'm wondering is whether the 4 magaambyan arcane st levels are worth it over hellknight. 1 bab and 2 feats for some spontaneous spells and 1 min prep for open spells lots seems worth it in addition to adding 4 druid spells to my list (heal is awesome) 16 bab and 18 level wizard spells. So how are the feats? Any must haves I missed? Does it seem solid?
So I had a fun Idea for my next character. Eldritch knight, I know people like the magus but I want more of a utility caster who can fight. I like super versatile characters. Basic Idea: (In order)
16 BAB, 18th level wizard casting
The reason for magaambyan arcanist is the couple of neat perks and getting heal for a gish seems cool. For feats I was thinking:
do you think its worth it? or should I just stick with hellknight. My dm says we may go mythic later but thats not something I can rely on.
Blessed hammer doesn't seem that great since I will be wild shaped from 6+ pretty much all the time. Also another reason I am not concerned with the armor slow is the oread +1 natural armor, allowing me to get away with lighter armor and a shield. I considered dwarfs but I had an awesome idea for a more plant like oread offshoot race that my gm okay'd (fluff only). Also my gm has changed his mind on dinosaurs (took much convincing on my part) So I can use the original archetype I wanted to use: Saurian Shaman So my stats currently are:
Current feat progression:
I want to summon starting at level 5 since its powerful with saurians bonuses. In addition to this I would still like to be secondary melee threat, the plan is to play a large creature with reach, striking from behind my summons/ animal companion/ Fighter with my reach and throwing out control spells from slightly behind the front line. I like the improved share spells feat since in later levels I can throw out quickened buffs for me and my animal companion in 1 round. So how does this look? any other suggestions? Spinosaurus, then allosaurus at level 7
so What feats should I prioritize then? something like:
and what feats are good for my companion? (Changing to a big cat)
I prefer the animal companions, though I am probably just going to go with a cat. Im just wondering what should be my focus if im going a more hybrid style, should I have higher wis or strength? Should I use more feats for casting or fighting. I assume casting since its more powerful, maybe with just power attack, planar wildshape and powerful shape.
Yeah I wrote this when I was tired, should not of put the feats in order, it was just a couple to eventually take. He'll be using the air elemental in later levels for perfect fly and the whirlwind special attack to deliver slams while casting spells. I think I should swap out power attack and other feats to get augment summoning earlier (7 or so), since power attack cant be taken at 1 as a druid anyway. Crocodile can since its 2 hit dice at level 1 (+1bab)
So I am trying to plan out feats for my druid. 20 Point buy, no dinosaurs, Human (I am considering oread as well)
Crocodile (Might just go cat, but I like the crocodile)
Any thoughts? anything to improve? I am trying to be pretty optimized as we are facing challenging encounters.
Well a couple builds i have been brainstorming: Green knight style build-Wisdom based, dips infilitrator/sacred huntsman inquisitor with trickery domain to qualify for nature warden, half-orc for endurance and take levels in horizon walker: Dragoon Fighter 1/beast rider Cavalier 3/inquistor 2(trickery)/horizon walker 3 (astral for the sweet dimension door)Mammoth Rider 1/Nature Warden 10 hes got dimension door, makes a great face, some inquisitor casting, and a good companion/mount, take 1 level of dragoon fighter over cavalier for heavy armor (beast rider) and the 2 feats Another build is a modified battle herald:
Good saves, dex based wields a rapier and banner in offhand. I would go something with a SLA so arcane duelist bards free arcane strike doesnt go to waste.
Hello! I recently wanted to start pathfinder society as im trying to get back into table top RPG's. I have this character concept that I built a story around how he came to be, the idea is hes a Half-Orc Ranger at level 1 and 2 aspect of the beast and rending claws, takes 3 levels of sorceror Gold Dragon/Orc bloodlines, then starts levels in dragon disciple. He'll use natural weapons and spells to take out enemys eventually using dragon forms, will having a strong breath weapon and fire damage bonus. at level 3 he is:
Feats: Aspect of the beast, Rending claws, not sure on 3rd feat.
This is what im thinking of now, though im not sure were to go after this any help is appreciated. If anyone is interested heres his backstory: (sorry for any spelling errors)