About Tove RagnulfBackstory:
Tove Ragnulf was born in the Land of the Linnorm Kings, but she knows nothing of her birth father and mother. She was found abandoned to exposure as a baby. Her rescuers, Ulfen of the Raven Clan, considered abandoning her to her fate, but Freyja, the clan shaman, said the signs and portents had marked the child. Freyja and her wife Gunhild took the child in as their own. As Tove grew and her orcish ancestry became more pronounced, she was shunned at best and faced with open hostility at worst by the members of the clan outside her adoptive mothers. While the clan normally raised the children more or less communally, she was driven into isolation, eventually rarely spending time with anyone other than her mothers. She learned bits of their shamanistic practices, but she had no talent for them. She loved stories and storytelling most of all. All of the clan’s stories involved great warriors, and she dreamed to find her own name amongst those ranks. The young son of the Jarl, a vibrant boy named Rangvald who was around Tove’s age, was willing to look past the prejudices of his fellows. He always had big schemes and even bigger dreams, and he saw a valuable potential ally in Tove. He did genuinely like her as a person, but it is hard to say whether he would have ever put in the effort for someone he did not think could be useful to him. Rangvald treated her as the sister he never had, and his faith in her inspired endless loyalty. She was his servant and his will, and that was enough for her. When he succeeded his father as clan leader, Rangvald married a woman named Hertha to secure an alliance between their clans. Their relationship was cordial and friendly, but neither of them was particularly much interested in the other. Rangvald wanted glory, even transcendence, and spent his every waking moment trying to find ways improve his prestige and renown, going off on ill-defined “quests” at the haziest clue of some powerful artifact or some-such. Hertha was a warrior at heart, and she increasingly found herself stuck at home managing the affairs of the village. Someone had to, after all. Rangvald trusted Tove more than anyone, even Hertha, so he would always have Tove stay behind and take the responsibility of making decisions in his interest. All that time together brought Tove and Hertha closer and closer until, in a moment of excitement, Hertha kissed Tove. It was all over after that. Their affair burned hot and deep, the kind of all-encompassing love that makes everything else insignificant. They were open to each other, comfortable with each other in ways that few people can hope to achieve. Tove would have died for Rangvald, but she wanted to live for Hertha. With how hot their love burned, it was only a matter of time before someone found out, and Rangvald found out in the worst possible way: walking in on the lovers in a moment of passion. Rangvald did not see love; he only saw betrayal. He could not set aside his wife without causing significant difficulties for his own political aspirations, but he could do something about the ungrateful orc woman who returned his benevolence with deceit. He banished Tove from the clan, refusing her a chance to defend herself either in word or combat. She accepted the judgment without complaint, believing that she owed Rangvald at least that much. The shame was nothing compared to the despair at being separated from the woman she loved. She asked Hertha if she would come with her, but she knew the answer before she finished asking the question. Too many people depended on Hertha’s position for her to just abandon everything. She told Tove to live, and that if Rangvald ever dies, they can be together again. That was three years ago. Tove has traveled across Avistan looking for work as a poet and a warrior. More people have need of the latter, sadly, but she does not mind too much. Her songs are sadder, but her blades are as sharp as ever. She holds out hope that she may one day see Hertha again and also that she may one day redeem her honor, perhaps by serving another worthy lord or lady.
Important NPCs:
Hertha (see backstory for more): The love of Tove’s life. They have not seen each other for three years, but the feelings remain as strong as ever. She is a practical woman and knows the burden of her station well, but circumstances could conspire to bring her to The Stolen Lands. Should they meet again, Tove would not so easily let her go this time. Rangvald (see backstory for more): Tove’s once-friend and brother in all but blood, he banished Tove for the betrayal of carrying on an affair with his wife. While the clan was still based in the Land of the Linnorm Kings the last Tove heard, it would not be out of character for him to uproot his whole clan and travel across Avistan if he thought that glory and grand fate awaited him. How he might react at seeing Tove is anyone’s guess. Jamandi Aldori: Tove has recently settled into doing jobs for the noble Jamandi, who has marked Tove as one of her favorite mercenaries. Tove appreciates that she can count on Jamandi to not ask her to do anything she wouldn’t do and she pays reliably and well. Jamandi appreciates that Tove has the brawn to pull off work that requires muscle but also the thoughtfulness to go beyond being a simple blunt instrument. And of course, Tove is reliable and thorough. Klymene Adrasteia: the closest that Tove has come to a true friend since her banishment, Klymene is a fellow mercenary who has fought alongside Tove many times. Notoriously hot-tempered and violent, she has a soft-spot for Tove and often flirts with her. Klymene grew up as an orphan in The Stolen Lands, so this thoughtful romantic woman from far off intrigues her. They have not had the misfortune to be on opposite sides of a battle yet, but if that should occur, neither has any plans to kill the other. They do hope to get a fun battle out of it, though. Jacobi Wellifordscireson: a recruiter and headhunter from the bard college in Pitax who overheard one of Tove’s performances and has made it his mission to convince her to join the college. She steadfastly refuses him every time, but he remains quietly persistent. That he is absolutely smitten with her clearly has nothing to do with his tenacity. Even if Tove’s heart was not already spoken for, she does not have any interest in men. Stat Block:
Tove Ragnulf
Half-orc Skald (battle scion)/2 NG Medium humanoid Init +1 Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +3, -2 to avoid being surprised -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +1 dex) HP 23 Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +3 Conditional Modifiers +2 will vs charm, +4 vs sonic, bardic performance, language-dependent, -2 reflex to avoid traps or hazards -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft Melee MW Cold Iron Greatsword +8 (2d6+7/19-20), Cold Iron Dagger +7 (1d4+5/19-20), Cold Iron Morningstar +7 (1d8+5/x2), Cold Iron Boarding Axe +7 (1d6+5/x3) Ranged Pilum +3 (1d6+5/x2), Cold Iron Dagger +3 (1d4+5/x19-20) Special Attacks Raging Song 8 rds/day (Inspired Rage +2 str/+2 con, +1 will) Skald Spells Known (CL 2nd; concentration +5): 1st(3/day)--Charm Person, Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self Cantrips--Summon Instrument, Prestidigitation, Mending, Read Magic, Ghost Sound -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 20, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 9, Cha 117 Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 17 Feats Skald’s Vigor Endurance(b) Alternate Racial Trait(s) Shaman’s Apprentice Sacred Tattoo Traits Brigand Empty Heart, Full Heart Talented Drawback Sentimental Skills (armor check penalty -3) Acrobatics +5 (+2 in armor) (1 a rank) Appraise +0 Bluff +11 (versatile performance) Climb +5 (+2 in armor) Diplomacy +8 (2 a ranks) Disguise +3 Escape Artist +1 (-2 in armor) Fly +1 (-2 in armor) Heal -1 Intimidate +9 (2 a ranks) Knowledge (arcana) +0 Knowledge (dungeoneering) +0 Knowledge (engineering) +0 Knowledge (geography) +5 (1 b ranks) Knowledge (history) +5 (1 b rank) Knowledge (local) +1 Knowledge (nature) +0 Knowledge (nobility) +5 (1 b rank) Knowledge (planes) +0 Knowledge (religion) +0 Linguistics +5 (1 b ranks) Perception +3 (+1 to avoid being surprised) Perform (sing) +11 (2 a ranks) Ride +1 (-2 in armor) Sense Motive +11 (versatile performance) Spellcraft +4 (1 a rank) Stealth +1 (-2 in armor) Survival -1 Swim +5 (+2 in armor) Languages Taldane (common), Skald, Orcish, Hallit SQ Courtly Presence (+1), Versatile Performance (perform[sing]), Well-versed Gear Mwk Breastplate, MW Cold Iron Greatsword with Weapon Cord, Cold Iron Dagger, Cold Iron Boarding Axe, Cold Iron Morningstar, Spell component pouch x2, Backpack (masterwork), Pilum x4, Book of War Prayers, Tome of Epics, Furs, Cold Weather Outfit, Explorer’s Outfit, Smoked Goggles, Earplugs, Trail Rations x10, Bandolier, Waterskin, Crowbar, Iron Holy Symbol (Naderi), Journal, Ink, Inkpen, Portable Ram, Silk Rope (100 ft), Scroll Case x5, Whetstone, Whistle, 12 gp 9 sp 5 cp Potions/Oils:
Cure Light Wounds x3 Starting Purchases:
1100 -350 mwk breastplate -400 mwk cold iron greatsword -50 mwk backpack -12 cold iron boarding axe -4 cold iron dagger -16 cold iron morningstar -20 pilum x4 -50 book of war prayers -50 tome of epics -10 spell component pouch x2 138 gp -20 furs+cold weather outfit -0 explorers outfit (free starting clothes) -10 smoked goggles -0.03 earplugs -5 trail rations x10 -0.5 bandolier -1 waterskin -2 crowbar -5 holy symbol iron (Naderi) -10 journal -8 ink -0.1 inkpen -10 portable ram -20 silk rope (100 ft) -5 scroll case x5 -0.1 weapon cord -0.02 whetstone -0.8 whistle 50.45 -37.5 clw x3 12.95 |