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Is this one getting a pocket edition?
Tourqeglare wrote: Aaron Shanks wrote: Tourqeglare wrote: Why, I wonder, is the pocket release so far from the initial release? It is an intentional change. All Pocket Editions will now release 90 days after the hardcover, which is more in line with the publishing industry. Interesting! I've never heard of this? We first announced it in our Remaster Blog: "Will the new Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster books have Pocket Editions? Yes. Pocket editions of the new books will appear roughly three months following the hardcover releases."
Aaron Shanks wrote: Tourqeglare wrote: Why, I wonder, is the pocket release so far from the initial release? It is an intentional change. All Pocket Editions will now release 90 days after the hardcover, which is more in line with the publishing industry. Interesting! I've never heard of this?
Tourqeglare wrote: Why, I wonder, is the pocket release so far from the initial release? It is an intentional change. All Pocket Editions will now release 90 days after the hardcover, which is more in line with the publishing industry.
Why, I wonder, is the pocket release so far from the initial release?
We first announced it in our Remaster Blog:
Yes. Pocket editions of the new books will appear roughly three months following the hardcover releases."
Gotcha! Thanks!
Tourqeglare wrote: Are the Starfinder books looking to go into pocket editions too? They made the core rule book into a pocket edition.
Are the Starfinder books looking to go into pocket editions too?