
Toric Arthendain's page

8 posts (13 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


I'd like to cancel my three subscriptions (Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Tales and Pathfinder RPG) effective immediately.

James Santagate

Got mine in Colorado today. I believe it shipped last Thursday, the 29th of July. My shipping is set for the slowest and cheapest.

My question wasn't so much about the "Full" portion of the "Full Base Attack Bonus" as it was about whether you got your related ability modifier included in your full base attack bonus. I understand that the sorcerer with the draconic bloodline and claws gets two attacks at no two-weapon penalties. I just wanted to make sure full base attack bonus meant base attack derived from class plus appropriate ability modifier and not just base attack derived from class.

In a previous thread I had asked if anyone had foreshadowed Skinsaw Murders in the middle of Burnt Offerings. Many people commented that they ran some side quests between those adventures.

My question is, if I run a couple of side quests, won't the PCs level at a rate higher than is called for in the adventure path? If I run something in Sandpoint or something not directly related to the path, won't the players then start to level faster than the pace the adventure path sets?

I figure you could probably run some really short side quests that don't pour out any more than small chunks of experience points but any adventures that last for more than a session or two would award too much experience.

I'm very interested in how this has worked for some of you.

Nice map! My group is almost finished with Burnt Offerings so they have a little while before they will be starting Hook Mountain but the map will come in handy when they do.

Thanks for sharing!

All good ideas, Jodah. However what I meant to ask, but didn't do so very clearly, was if I should start to drop some foreshadowing of the Skinsaw Murders? I understand that there is no way my group of 4 3rd level PCs is ready for Skinsaw yet but I was wondering if other DMs had started to drop some hints for what was to come? Not necessarily even something that the PCs would act on, just sort of "background noise" at this point. Something like Hemlock informing the PCs of a murder or maybe them even overhearing some rumors of murders in a tavern. I was just wondering if anyone else had done something like that in their own games.

As for some side quests between Burnt Offerings and Skinsaw Murders, I'm all for that.

Howdy everyone,

I'm currently running RotR for my group. My players are still working their way through Burnt Offerings after five sessions averaging four hours each. They have already cleared out the Catacombs of Wrath and currently have reached Thistletop. They have wandered through the bramble tunnels trying to get a feel for the place and have just discovered the stocade wall across the bridge. Right after that, they were surprised by Gogmurt and Tangletooth. After a fierce battle with most of the party entangled by Gogmurt, they managed to kill Tangletooth but not before the party Ranger was killed. Gogmurt was then driven off after his hit points were reduced to 17. The three remaining PCs then returned to Sandpoint to heal, re-provision and recruit new help. Gogmurt will be waiting for them when they return.

Thanks for bearing with me though that description. My question is since they are back in Sandpoint, should I start to seed the beginnings of the Skinsaw Murders while they are there?

My group consists of a Varisian Ranger, an elven Rogue, a dwarven Cleric and a half-elven Paladin. A fifth player will be joining us this Friday for our third session and I beleive he is making some sort of arcane caster. All four of the original PCs just attained 2nd level after our second session.