
Torc Crusni's page

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Full Name

Torc Crusni


Human (Shoanti)


Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager, Urban Barbarian)








Chaotic Neutral




Common, Shoanti

Strength 18
Dexterity 14
Constitution 16
Intelligence 7
Wisdom 13
Charisma 7

About Torc Crusni

Init: +2 (+2 Dex); Special Senses: None
AC: 15, 12 touch, 13 flat-footed (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
HP: 15
Fort: 5 (2 base, +3 Con)
Reflex: 2 (0 Base, +2 Dex)
Will: 1 (0 base, +1 Wis)
Defensive Abilities: Armor Expert (-1 Armor Check - Trait), Crowd Control (+1 to hit and AC if 2+ enemies adjacent)
Speed: 30
Melee: Earth Breaker +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Str) - +6 when adjacent to 2+ enemies (+1 Class) - Not Raging
Melee Touch: +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Str) - +6 when adjacent to 2+ enemies (+1 Class) - Not Raging
Ranged Touch: +3 (+1 BAB, +2 Dex) - +4 when adjacent to 2+ enemies (+1 Class) - Not Raging
Bonus Damage: Power Attack
Space: 5 ft
Reach: 5 ft
BAB: +1 (+1 Barbarian)
CMB: +6 (+1 BAB, +4 Str, +1 Trait)
CMD: 17/15 Fl (+1 BAB, +4 Str, +2 Dex) - 18 when adjacent to 2+ enemies (+1 Class)

Feats: Intimidating Prowess, Power Attack

Traits: Armor Expert, Bred for War (Shoanti)

Skills: Total Points 3 (5 Barbarian, -2 Int)
Acrobatics: +6 (+1 Rank, +3 Class, +2 Dex)
Perception: +5 (+1 Rank, +3 Class, +1 Wis)
Survival: +2 (+1 Rank, +1 Wis)

Equipment: 70 lb/300 lb, 73 gp
Backpack (2 lb, 2 gp)
Bedroll (5 lb, 1 sp)
Blanket (1 lb, 5 sp)
Trail Rations x10 (1 lb, 5 gp)
Cold Weather Outfit (0 lb, 0 gp)
Waterskin (4 lb, 1 gp)
Grappling Hook (4 lb, 1 gp)
Rope (10 lb, 1 gp)
Flint and Steel (0 lb, 1 gp)
Studded Leather (20 lb, 25 gp)
Earth Breaker (14 lb, 40 gp)

Special Abilities:
+2 to Ability Score (Str)
Bonus Feat

Torc is your typical member of the Sklar-Quah bred for nothing more than war. He was trained among the barbarians of the Quah, but his training was under one of the more controlled barbarians of the Quah. He was taught to tap into his inner anger to garner strength, but to not let it control him. The training he was subjected to was hard and even cruel at times. He was specifically brought to anger in many different ways, but restrained from being able to act on it. The end goal of this was to force Torc to learn to channel the frustration into a precise strike as opposed to an explosive whirlwind.

The intent behind the training was to mold Torc into a specialized warrior. His instructor did not look down on the typical barbarians of the Quah, just understood that there were plenty of raging maniacs to go around. Torc would be turned into a specific tool for the job, and in this case, it was to counter those who wield magic. Torc never really grew to hate spell casters, there was no specific animosity against them, it was just who he was trained to fight. It has worked well for him in the past when raiding with his tribe, but he has since left his homeland intent on truly testing his mettle. Because he is so specialized, he seeks out groups of adventurers who are out to seek fame and fortune. He doesn’t particularly care about either fame or fortune, but treasure seekers often get themselves into all kinds of trouble. It often results in groups forming that contain many specializations, and as far as he concerned that’s just good battle tactics. No better way to learn than to face those who may be stronger than you, and no better way to succeed than you bring the right tool for the job at hand.