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Character: Martina, 5th level sorceror.
Cause of death: Lightning bolt and a bad reflex save.
Circumstances: Advancing cautiously into the sanctum of Tharizdun (Vecna) the Diamond Blades were carefully avoiding the hands grasping wildly at them from the pillars when a ray of fire scorched past the rogue's shoulder. Chanting in a mystic language, a figure could dimly be seen brandishing a roll of parchement at the party before a mass of sticky strands obscured the their view. Last one into the sanctum, Martina could only hear her compatriots shouts as they struggled to free themselves. She lit a second torch and handed it to her unseen servant and began to burn her way into the webs. A few feet in, the web lit up with a flash of blue light and she heard a racking gurgle from Aethelwulf. Another pace and she saw her druid friend Enys almost dead on his feet surge back into the fight with a howl that deepened into the roar of an angry bear. Swiftly, she tugged a bottle from her belt and poured the contents over the bear's wounds. It snuffled in thanks before renewing its efforts to free itself.
Martina was turning back to the task of burning the webs away to free the rest of her group when the room lit up blue for a second time...

[ooc - I really thought I had a TPK on my hands. The first lightning bolt didn't do much. On the second one I rolled 28 on 6d6, frazzled the sorceror and dropped the fighter to -9! The rogue made her save and took no damage, but she was damn close. Then the shapeshifted druid took a magic missile and almost went down, only to be droped to -1 by a lucky stab fom an acolyte's dagger. A second magic missile downed the druid animal companion wolf, who got coup-de-graced by the acolyte. Fortunately the rogue managed to get a potion down the fighter's neck before his next action, and the druid stabilised on his own, but Martina was well beyond help.]